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Fig. 8 |

Fig. 8

From: Gold Nanoparticles for DNA/RNA-Based Diagnostics

Fig. 8

Schematic representation of a LFA strip, (a) sample pad (sample inlet and filtering), conjugate pad (AuNP-antibody conjugates), incubation, and detection zone with test and control lines (antigen detection and functionality test) and final absorbent pad (liquid actuation); (b) sample is applied to the sample pad and the analyte binds to the AuNP-antibody conjugates and elutes with the buffer flow, and this analyte-AuNP-antibody conjugates bind to the test line (positive result). If the analyte is absent, the AuNP-antibody conjugates bind only to the control line (negative and control result) (Reprinted with permission from Gubala et al. [36]. Copyright 2011 American Chemical Society)

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