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Review of Economics of the Household - REHO Welcomes Perspectives Papers

Instructions for Perspectives submissions in Review of Economics of the Household (REHO)

Updated: May 10, 2021

The idea is to publish articles of the kind that are published in the Journal of Economic Perspectives.  The focus of such articles should be on understanding the central economic ideas of a question, what is fundamentally at issue, why the question is particularly important, what the latest advances are, and what facets remain to be examined.  We hope that PERSPECTIVES articles will be useful for every economist, regardless of their specialization.  For many, the articles will present insights and issues from a specialty outside the readers’ usual field of work.  For specialists, the articles will lead to thoughts about the questions underlying their research, which directions have been most productive, and what the key questions are.  Articles should be as complex as they need to be, but not more so.  They should be scholarly without relying too heavily on mathematical notation or mathematical insights. 

Samples of Perspectives Articles Previously Published by REHO

Child Care and Parent Labor Force Participation: A Review of the Research Literature by Taryn W. Morrissey (2016)

Food at Home Production and Consumption: Implications for Nutrition Quality and Policy by George C. Davis (2013)

PERSPECTIVE Article: The Impact of Nordic Countries’ Family Friendly Policies on Employment, Wages and Children by Nabanita Datta Gupta, Nina Smith & Mette Verner (2008)

Gender Inequality as a Barrier to Economic Growth: A Review of the Theoretical Literature by Santos, Silva and Klasen (Forthcoming, September 2021)
