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Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities - Call for Papers: Advancements in interventions and supports for people with autism, intellectual, and developmental disabilities to improve access to inclusive community based settings

Guest Editors: Leslie Neely, Ph.D. (University of Texas at San Antonio) and Emily Gregori (University of Illinois Chicago), and Kayla Randall (Georgia Southern University)

Call for Papers: The Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities seeks original manuscripts for a special issue on supportive interventions that facilitate meaningful access for persons with autism, intellectual, and developmental disabilities to inclusive community based settings. Access to education, health care, employment, physical activities opportunities, and social and community contexts are five domains of social determinants of health that drive quality of life outcomes for persons with disabilities. The goal of this special issue is to highlight research focused on interventions that remediate barriers to inclusion, and ultimately lead to increased quality of life for persons with autism, intellectual, and developmental disabilities. Examples of potential research topics include interventions targeting environmental modifications that improve access and accommodation to community or medical settings (e.g., improved transportation). Also relevant are research topics including direct interventions targeting skills like employment, functional living skills, friendship and dating skills, and/or interfering behavior preventing access to inclusive settings. Articles will be prioritized for inclusion if they address social determinants of health in underrepresented settings (e.g., employment settings, community settings, healthcare settings, online social communities, etc.) or for underrepresented populations (e.g., Hispanic/Latino(a/x/e) populations).

This journal also encourages literature reviews and meta-analyses. The special issue will be co-guest edited by Drs. Leslie Neely, Emily Gregori, and Kayla Randall.

The deadline for submission will be December 1, 2023 with an aim of publishing the special issue Summer/Fall 2024.

If you have questions about the special issue, please contact Dr. Leslie Neely (
