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Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine - How to fund your OA article in JMSM

Springer Nature has agreements with a growing number of national and regional consortia and individual institutions that cover full or partial APCs from their researchers.  You can find more information at  Other institutions also fully fund full OA publications, and maybe you have other ways to benefit from (partial) funding for APC costs related to full OA publication.  Springer Nature's free open access support service is available to provide more detailed assistance (

We automatically grant full APC waivers to papers whose corresponding authors are based in countries classified by the World Bank as low-income economies as of July 2020.  Papers whose corresponding authors are based in countries with lower-middle-income economies and with a 2019 gross domestic product (GDP) of less than 200 billion US dollars are eligible for a 50% discount (reference - World Bank 1st July 2020).  If your country is not on the list of countries where we automatically grant a waiver or discount we also have a discretionary waiver program for authors who are not from one of these countries but who are unable to cover the APC.  Please include as much documentation as possible demonstrating your budget constraints in your discretionary hardship waiver request.
