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Clinical Rheumatology

Journal of the International League of Associations for Rheumatology

Publishing model:

Clinical Rheumatology - Editor highlights - January 2022

Carlos Pineda Headshot SmallProf. Carlos Pineda provides his Editor-in-Chief highlights from this issue; where the article is not already Open Access, the read-only version of each article has been made available.

The issue can be found in full on SpringerLink.

Long-term effectiveness and drug survival of golimumab in patients affected by psoriatic arthritis with cutaneous involvement Chimenti, MS, Conigliaro, P, Caso, F et al.

The role of dual energy computed tomography in the differentiation of acute gout flares and acute calcium pyrophosphate crystal arthritis Kravchenko, D, Karakostas, P, Kuetting, D et al

A historical journey of searching for uricosuric drugs Jansen, TL, Tanja, G & Matthijs, J
