
Industrial Computed Tomography

Industrial X-ray computed tomography (XCT) is a relevant area in materials science and quality control due to several inherent advantages. Most importantly, XCT is able to provide highly detailed representations of a component's internal structure. The main advantage of XCT is that the part is represented in three dimensions, which makes it easier to detect hidden, internal features (e.g. fiber reinforcements) and defects. With XCT it is possible to determine physical quantities such as porosity and density using high-resolution 3D image data. Even after decades of progress in the further development of industrial XCT systems, new products, methods and applications are constantly being developed. This collection provides an excellent overview of the latest developments and established methods


  • Johann Kastner

    University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria

  • Sascha Senck

    University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria

  • Bernhard Plank

    University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria

Articles (6 in this collection)