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Our country is going through rapid technological changes and economic growth. Its sustenance will mainly depend on the innovations that must happen in all quarters of the industry and in business enterprises. Though innovation is now talked about, no systematic efforts are undertaken in the engineering colleges to develop and foster skills among interested budding engineers and transform them as inventors. In this paper, the efforts of BMS R & D center for developing and supporting innovative thinking with the first year students. The methodology consists of spreading awareness and continually encouraging innovative skills among interested students. The BMS College of Engineering is pioneering a systematic effort including both academy and industry, to build an environment that will produce young innovators. The actual implementation of the initial stage is presented in this paper. The outcome of the efforts has started to bear fruits. Incentives like student patent filings, paper presentations, awards, etc., have increased dramatically.

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Student innovators • Approaches to grow in innovative environment • Freshman innovates