
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

The bibliography is ordered chronologically within four general categories. I have included more or less all my academic work, broadly defined. Thus, the list includes some popular and even polemical articles and books that deal with topics on which I have also done research. I have also included a few writings that deal with other topics if they are cited in my personal retrospective in Chap. 1. I have omitted all other such writings, such as the history of the local school band (where my children once played) and my introduction to a Norwegian volume of Donald Duck comics. To save space, I have replaced my own name with my initials, NPG.

1 Books and Guest-Edited Special Journal Issues and Symposia in English

NPG; Leine, Odvar; Holm, Hans-Henrik; Høivik, Tord; Klausen, Arne Martin; Rudeng, Erik; Wiberg, Håkan (Eds.), 1980: Johan Galtung. A Bibliography of His Scholarly and Popular Writings 195180 (Oslo: PRIO).

Wilkes, Owen; NPG, 1987: Loran-C and Omega. A Study of the Military Importance of Radio Navigation Aids (Oslo & Oxford: Norwegian University Press & Oxford University Press).

NPG; Njølstad, Olav (Eds.), 1990: Arms Races—Technological and Political Dynamics (London: SAGE).

NPG (guest Ed.), 1992a: “Defence Spending after the Cold War”, in: Cooperation and Conflict. Special Issue 27,4: 323–441.

NPG; Bjerkholt, Olav; Cappelen, Ådne, 1994: The Wages of Peace. Disarmament in a Small Industrialized Economy (London: SAGE).

NPG; Risse-Kappen, Thomas (Eds.), 1995: “Democracy and Peace”, in: European Journal of International Relations. Special Issue 1,4: 405–574.

NPG; Bjerkholt, Olav; Cappelen, Ådne; Smith, Ron P.; Dunne, J. Paul (Eds.), 1996: The Peace Dividend. In: Contributions to Economic Analysis (Amsterdam: North-Holland).

NPG; Brock, Lothar; Homer-Dixon, Thomas; Perelet, Renat; Vlachos, Evan (Eds.), 1997: Conflict and the Environment. NATO ASI Series 2, Environment 33 (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic).

NPG; Lindgren, Göran; Mouhleb, Naima; Smit, Sjoerd; de Soysa, Indra (Eds.), 2000: Making Peace Pay: A Bibliography on Disarmament and Conversion (Claremont, CA: Regina).

Diehl, Paul; NPG (Eds.), 2001: Environmental Conflict (Boulder, CO: Westview).

Schneider, Gerald; Barbieri, Katherine; NPG (Eds.), 2003: Globalization and Armed Conflict (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield).

Nordås, Ragnhild; NPG (guest Eds.), 2007: “Climate Change and Conflict”, in: Political Geography, 26,6: 627–735.

NPG; Schneider, Gerald; Carey, Sabine (guest Eds.), 2010: “Exploring the Past, Anticipating the Future. Presidential Symposium”, in: International Studies Review, 12,1: 1–104.

NPG; Schneider, Gerald (guest Eds.), 2010: “A Capitalist Peace?”, in: International Interactions, 36,2: 107–213. Revised and expanded version as Schneider, Gerald; NPG (Eds.), 2013: Assessing the Capitalist Peace (London: Routledge).

Schneider, Gerald; NPG; Carey, Sabine (guest Eds.), 2011: “Prediction and Forecasting”, in: Conflict Management and Peace Science, 28,1: 5–85.

Bernauer, Thomas; NPG (guest Eds.), 2012: “Events Data in the Study of Conflict”, in: International Interactions, 38,4: 375–569.

NPG (guest Ed.), 2012a: “Climate Change and Conflict”, in: Journal of Peace Research, 49,1: 1–267.

NPG (guest Ed.), 2012b: “Open Access in International Relations”, in: International Studies Perspectives, 13,3: 211–234.

NPG; Pinker, Steven; Thayer, Bradley A.; Levy, Jack S.; Thompson, William R., 2013: “The Forum: The Decline of War”, in: International Studies Review, 15,3: 396–419.

2 Books in Nordic Languages

NPG (Ed.), 1965a: Kamp uten våpen [Struggle without Arms] (Oslo: Pax). Revised Swedish edition, 1971: Kamp utan vapen (Stockholm: Prisma).

NPG, 1970a: Norge i verdenssamfunnet: En statistisk håndbok [Norway in the World Community: A Statistical Handbook] (Oslo: Pax). Revised edition, 1988.

NPG; Lodgaard, Sverre, 1970: Krigsstaten Norge [Norway—A Warfare State] (Oslo: Pax).

NPG; Østerud, Øyvind; Elster, Jon (Eds.), 1974: De utro tjenere. Embetsverket i EF-kampen [Unfaithful Servants. The Civil Service in the Common Market Struggle] (Oslo: Pax).

NPG; Hellevik, Ottar, 1977: Kampen om EF [The Common Market Struggle] (Oslo: Pax).

NPG; Lodgaard, Sverre; Wilkes, Owen; Botnen, Ingvar, 1978: Norge i atomstrategien [Norway in the Nuclear Strategy] (Oslo: Pax).

Wilkes, Owen; NPG, 1981: Onkel Sams kaniner. Teknisk etterretning i Norge [Uncle Sam’s Rabbits. Technical Intelligence in Norway] (Oslo: Pax).

Botnen, Ingvar; NPG; Høivik, Tord, 1983: Fakta om krig og fred [Facts about War and Peace] (Oslo: Pax). Also as volume 7 of Pax Leksikon.

NPG; Møller, Bjørn; Wiberg, Håkan; Wæver, Ole, 1990: Svaner på vildveje? Nordens sikkerhed mellem supermagtsflåder og europæisk opbrud [Lost Swans? Nordic Security between Superpower Fleets and a European Departure] (Copenhagen: Vindrose).

NPG; Enckell, Pehr; Burchard, Jørgen (Eds.), 1994: Det vitenskapelige tidsskrift [The Scientific Journal] (Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers).

NPG (Ed.), 1998: Det nye sikkerhetsbildet. Mot en demokratisk og fredelig verden [The New Security Picture. Toward a Democratic and Peaceful World] (Trondheim: Tapir).

3 Articles

NPG, 1964: “Krigens statistikk [The Statistics of War]”, in: Pax, 3,9: 174.

NPG, 1965b: “Ikkevoldsforsvar som strategisk avverge [Nonviolent Defense as a Strategic Deterrent]”, in: Pax, 4,1: 16–19, 32. Reprinted in: Koritzinsky, Theo (Ed.), 1967: Alternativerfem års fredsdebatt (Oslo: Pax): 123–133; and in: Bakke, Tormod; Nilsen, Tom (Eds.), 1987: Ikkevoldteori og praksis (Oslo: Folkereisning mot krig): 136–143.

NPG, 1967: “Trends in World Airline Patterns”, in: Journal of Peace Research, 4,4: 366–408. Slightly revised version with Galtung, Johan, 1980: “International Air Communication: A Study in World Structure”, in: Galtung, Johan (Ed.): Essays in Peace Research, Peace and World Structure (Copenhagen: Ejlers): 152–204.

NPG, 1968a: “Hvem blir studentopprørere – og hvorfor? [Who Become Student Rebels—and Why?]”, in: Pax, 7,6/7: 179–185.

NPG, 1968b: “Pentagon, pressgrupper og politikk [Pentagon, Pressure Groups, and Politics]”, in: Pax, 7(1): 6–11.

NPG, 1968c: “Some Comments on Nonviolent Defense Research”, in: Mohn, Reinhard (Ed.): Civilian Defense (Bielefeld: Bertelsmann Universitätsverlag): 155–164.

NPG, 1969a: “Hawaii og legenden om paradiset [Hawaii and the Myth of Paradise]”, in: Samtiden, 78,8: 472–479.

NPG, 1969b: “The International Airline Network: A Test of the Zipf and Stouffer Hypotheses”, in: Papers, Peace Research Society (International), 11: 123–153.

NPG, 1970b: “Rank and Interaction: A General Theory with Some Applications to the International System”, Proceedings of the IPRA Conference, IPRA Studies in Peace Research (Assen: van Gorcum): 1–21.

Høivik, Tord; NPG, 1970: “Structural Parameters of Graphs: A Theoretical Investigation”, in: Quality and Quantity, 4,1: 193–209. Reprinted in: Blalock, Hubert M. (Ed.), 1975: Quantitative Sociology (New York: Academic Press): 203–224.

NPG, 1971: “Interaction Patterns in the Middle East”, in: Cooperation and Conflict, 6,1: 15–30. Finnish Translation: Lähi-Idän vuorovaikutusknviot. In: Vesa, Unto (Ed.), 1971: Sodat, kriisit ja rauhantuutkimus (Tampere: TAPRI): 77–104.

NPG; Hartmann, Åke; Naustdalslid, Jon, 1971: “Mardøla-aksjonen [The Mardøla Demonstration]”, in: Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, 12,3: 177–210.

NPG; Høivik, Tord, 1971: “Simulating Structural Parameters of Graphs: First Results”, in: Quality and Quantity, 5,1: 224–227.

NPG, 1972: “Generaler og fotfolk i utakt [Generals and Rank and File Out of Step]”, in: Internasjonal Politikk, 26,4B Supplement: 795–804.

NPG; Hellevik, Ottar, 1973: “The Common Market Decision in Norway: A Clash between Direct and Indirect Democracy”, in: Scandinavian Political Studies, 8: 227–235.

NPG, 1974a: “Salary Equalization in a Research Institute”, in: Scandinavian Forest Economics, 3–4: 29–31.

NPG, 1974b: “Time Differences and International Interaction”, in: Cooperation and Conflict, 9,2: 35–51. Reprinted as Chap. 3 of this volume.

NPG; Høivik, Tord; Hellevik, Ottar, 1974: “Noen enkle modeller for valg og folkeavstemninger [Some Simple Models for Elections and Referenda]”, in: Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, 15,3: 233–268.

Galtung, Johan; NPG, 1975: “Norge i verdenssamfunnet [Norway in the World Community]”, in: Ramsøy, Natalie R.; Vaa, Mariken (Eds.): Det Norske Samfunn, 2nd edn, vol II (Oslo: Gyldendal): 742–811.

NPG, 1975: “Slow is Beautiful. The Stratification of Personal Mobility with Special Reference to International Aviation”, in: Acta Sociologica, 18,1: 76–94.

NPG; Singer, J. David, 1975: “Distance and International War, 1816–1965”, Proceedings of the IPRA Conference, IPRA Studies in Peace Research (Oslo: International Peace Research Association): 481–506.

Hellevik, Ottar; NPG; Ringdal, Kristen, 1975: “The Common Market Issue in Norway: A Conflict Between Center and Periphery”, in: Journal of Peace Research, 12,1: 37–53.

NPG, 1976: “Hvordan og hvorfor Norge fikk Loran C [How and Why Norway got Loran-C]”, in: Internasjonal Politikk, 34,4: 823–841.

NPG, 1977: “Towards a Multilateral Aviation Treaty”, in: Journal of Peace Research, 14,3: 239–259.

NPG; Lodgaard, Sverre, 1977: “Norway—The Not so Reluctant Ally”, in: Cooperation and Conflict, 12,4: 209–219. Originally published in Finnish in Ulkopolitiikka.

NPG; Høivik, Tord, 1978: “Best Interaction Models”, in: Quality and Quantity, 12,4: 299–329. Reprinted in: Alker, Hayward (Ed.), 1979: Mathematical Approaches to International Organizations (Bucharest: Romanian Academy of Social and Political Sciences): 65–91.

Wilkes, Owen; NPG, 1978: “Optical Satellite Tracking: University Participation in Preparations for Space Warfare”, in: Journal of Peace Research, 15,3: 205–225.

NPG, 1979: “Loran C og Polaris: Hvem visste hva og når fikk de vite det? [Loran-C and Polaris: Who Knew What and When Were They Informed?]”, in: Internasjonal Politikk, 37,3: 405–420.

NPG, 1980: “A Salary System for Peace Research Institutes? Some PRIO Experiences”, in: International Peace Research Newsletter, 18,2: 12–23.

NPG, 1980: “The Structure of Galtungism”, in: Gleditsch, Nils Petter et al. (Eds.): Johan Galtung. A Bibliography of His Scholarly and Popular Writings 19511980 (Oslo: PRIO): 64–81.

Wilkes, Owen; NPG, 1981: “Research on Intelligence or Intelligence as Research”, in: Jahn, Egbert; Sakamoto, Yoshikazu (Eds.): Elements of World Instability: Armaments, Communication, Food, International Division of Labour. Proceedings of the IPRA Eight General Conference (Frankfurt am Main: Campus): 283–300. Abbreviated version in: Holm, Hans-Henrik; Rudeng, Erik (Eds.), 1980: Social Science for What? Festschrift for Johan Galtung (Oslo: Norwegian University Press): 170–181.

NPG; Bjerkholt, Olav; Cappelen, Ådne, 1983: “Conversion: Global, National, and Local Effects. A Case Study of Norway”, in: Cooperation and Conflict, 18,3: 179–195. German version in: Wulf, Herbert (Ed.), 1983: Abrüstung und Unterentwicklung. Berichte von Experten der Vereinten Nationen (Reinbek: Rowohlt): 255–278. Slightly revised version as Conversion Effects: A Case Study of Norway. In: Dumas, Lloyd; Thee, Marek (Eds.), 1989: Making Peace Possible: The Promise of Economic Conversion (London: Pergamon): 231–249.

NPG; Bjerkholt, Olav; Cappelen, Ådne; Moum, Knut, 1983: “The Economic Effects of Conversion: A Case Study of Norway”, in: Tuomi, Helena; Väyrynen, Raimo (Eds.): Militarization and Arms Production (London & New York: Croom Helm & St. Martin’s): 225–258.

Cappelen, Ådne; NPG; Bjerkholt, Olav, 1984: “Military Spending and Economic Growth in the OECD Countries”, in: Journal of Peace Research, 21,4: 361–373. Reprinted in: Hartley, Keith; Sandler, Todd (Eds.), 2002: The Economics of Defence. International Library of Critical Writings in Economics (Cheltenham: Elgar): 460–472.

NPG; Høgetveit, Einar, 1984: “Freedom of Information and National Security. A Comparative Study of Norway and United States”, in: Journal of Peace Research, 21,1: 17–45.

NPG, 1985: “Arne Treholt – et politisk offer? [Arne Treholt—A Political Victim?]”, in: Ny Tid, 27 June: 7.

NPG, 1986a: “Fredsforskning og politikk [Peace Research and Politics]”, in: Politica, 18,3: 252–262.

NPG, 1986b: “The Strategic Significance of the Nordic Countries”, in: Current Research on Peace and Violence, 9,1–2: 28–42. Abbreviated version as (1985) “Europe’s Northern Region between the Superpowers”, in: Bulletin of Peace Proposals, 16,4: 399–411. Revised version in Danish in: NPG; Møller, Bjørn; Wiberg, Håkan; Wæver, Ole, 1990: Svaner på vildveje. Nordens sikkerhed mellem supermagtsflåder og europæisk opbrud (Copenhagen: Vindrose): 28–56.

Sørdahl, Roger; NPG, 1986: “Kilder til sikkerhetspolitisk etterkrigshistorie [Sources to the History of Post-war Security Policy]”, in: Historisk tidsskrift, 65,3: 273–317.

Skomsvold, Rolf; NPG; Cappelen, Ådne; Bjerkholt, Olav, 1987: “Regionaløkonomiske konsekvenser av nedrustning i Norge [Regional Economic Consequences of Disarmament in Norway]”, in: Sosiologi idag, 17,3–4: 113–130.

Wilkes, Owen; NPG, 1987: “NAROL—An Early Attack Assessment System”, in: Intelligence and National Security, 2,2: 331–335.

NPG, 1988a: “Etableringen av et internasjonalt tidsskrift: Journal of Peace Research [The Establishment of an International Journal: Journal of Peace Research]”, in: Lundberg, Elizabeth (Ed.): Internationell vetenskaplig publicering i Norden (Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers): 69–94.

NPG, 1988b: “Hemmelighold: Den britiske modellen [Secrecy: The British Model]”, in: Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift, 4,2: 173–193.

NPG; Bjerkholt, Olav; Cappelen, Ådne, 1988: “Military R&D and Economic Growth in Industrialized Market Economies”, in: Wallensteen, Peter (Ed.): Peace Research: Achievements and Challenges (Boulder, CO & London: Westview): 198–215.

NPG, 1989a: “Focus on: Journal of Peace Research”, in: Journal of Peace Research, 26,1: 1–5.

NPG, 1989b: “Massemediene og sikkerhetspolitikken [The Mass Media and Security Policy]”, in: Thomsen, Nils (Ed.): Pressens Årbog (Copenhagen & Fredrikstad: Reitzel & Institutt for Journalistikk, for Pressehistorisk Selskab): 37–46.

NPG, 1989c: “Oppbyggingen av et konsulentsystem for et samfunnsvitenskapelig tidsskrift [Building a Referee System for a Social Science Journal]”, in: NOP-nytt, 15,4: 27–49.

NPG, 1990a: “The Development of Peace Research: An Editor’s Perspective”, in: Nobel, Jaap W. (Ed.): The Coming of Age of Peace Research (Groningen: Styx): 79–87.

NPG, 1990b: “Research on Arms Races”, in: NPG; Njølstad, Olav (Eds.): Arms RacesTechnological and Political Dynamics (London: SAGE): 1–14.

NPG, 1990c: “The Rise and Decline of the New Peace Movement”, in: Kodama, Katsuya et al. (Eds.): Towards a Comparative Analysis of Peace Movements (Aldershot & Brookfield, VT: Dartmouth & Gower): 73–88.

NPG; Wolland, Steingrim, 1991: “Norway”, in: D’Souza, Frances et al. (Eds.): Information Freedom and Censorship. World Report 1991 (London: Library Association): 287–291.

Cappelen, Ådne; NPG; Bjerkholt, Olav, 1992: “Guns, Butter, and Growth: The Case of Norway”, in: Chan, Steve; Mintz, Alex (Eds.): Defense, Welfare, and Growth (London & New York: Routledge): 61–80.

NPG, 1992b: “Defense without Threat? The Future of Norwegian Military Spending”, in: Cooperation and Conflict, 27,4: 397–413.

NPG, 1992c: “Democracy and Peace”, in: Journal of Peace Research, 29,4: 369–376. Reprinted as Chap. 4 of this volume. Revised version (1993) as “Democracy and Peace: Good News for Human Rights Advocates”, in: Gomien, Donna (Ed.): Broadening the Frontiers of Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Asbjørn Eide (Oslo & Oxford: Scandinavian University Press & Oxford University Press): 283–306.

NPG; Wiberg, Håkan; Smith, Dan, 1992: “The Nordic Countries: Peace Dividend or Security Dilemma”, in: Cooperation and Conflict, 27,4: 323–347.

NPG, 1993: “The Most-Cited Articles in JPR”, in: Journal of Peace Research, 30,4: 445–449.

NPG; Agøy, Nils Ivar, 1993: “Norway: Toward Full Freedom of Choice”, in: Moskos, Charles C.; Chambers, John Whiteclay (Eds.): The New Conscientious Objection: From Sacred to Secular Resistance (New York: Oxford University Press): 114–126.

NPG, 1994a: “Conversion and the Environment”, in: Käkönen, Jyrki (Ed.): Green Security or Militarized Environment (Aldershot & Brookfield, VT: Dartmouth): 131–154.

NPG, 1994b: “Treholt-litteraturen: En studie i polarisering [The Treholt Literature: A Study in Polarization]”, in: Internasjonal Politikk, 52,2: 275–287.

NPG, 1995a: “35 Major Wars? A Brief Comment on Mueller”, in: Journal of Conflict Resolution, 39,3: 584–587.

NPG, 1995b: “Democracy and the Future of European Peace”, in: European Journal of International Relations, 1,4: 539–571. Shorter version as (1995) “Demokratie, Krieg und die Zukunft Europas”, in: Welt Trends, 10: 109–127.

NPG, 1995c: “Freedom of Information and National Security: A Comparative Perspective”, in: Nagel, Stuart S. (Ed.): Research in Law and Policy Studies, vol. 4 (Greenwich, CT & London: JAI Press): 25–43.

NPG, 1995d: “Geography, Democracy, and Peace”, in: International Interactions, 20,4: 297–323.

NPG, 1995e: “The Treholt Case—A Review of the Literature”, in: Intelligence and National Security, 10,3: 529–538. Reprinted as Chap. 5 of this volume.

Cappelen, Ådne; NPG; Bjerkholt, Olav, 1996: “The Peace Dividend in Norway: Domestic or International?”, in: NPG et al. (Eds.) The Peace Dividend. Contributions to Economic Analysis. 235 (Amsterdam: North-Holland): 275–303.

NPG, 1996a: “The APSR Hall of Fame: A Comment”, in: PS: Political Science and Politics, 29,4: 637–638.

NPG, 1996b: “Democracy and Democratization: Not Quite the State of the Art”, in: Security Dialogue, 27,3: 349–354.

NPG, 1996c: “Det nye sikkerhetsbildet: Mot en demokratisk og fredelig verden? [The New Security Picture: Towards a Democratic and Peaceful World?]”, in: Internasjonal Politikk, 54,3: 291–310. In revised form as Chap. 1 in: NPG et al. (Eds.), 1998: Det nye sikkerhetsbildet (Trondheim: Tapir): 9–28.

Ellingsen, Tanja; NPG, 1997: “Democracy and Armed Conflict in the Third World”, in: Smith, Dan; Volden, Ketil (Eds.): Causes of Conflict in the Third World (Oslo: North-South Coalition & PRIO): 69–81.

NPG, 1997: “Environmental Conflict and the Democratic Peace”, in: NPG et al. (Eds.): Conflict and the Environment (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic): 91–106.

NPG; Hegre, Håvard, 1997: “Peace and Democracy: Three Levels of Analysis”, in: Journal of Conflict Resolution, 41,2: 283–310.

NPG, 1998a: “Armed Conflict and the Environment. A Critique of the Literature”, in: Journal of Peace Research, 35,3: 381–400. Reprinted in: Diehl, Paul F. (Ed.), 2005: War, vol. III (London: Sage): 252–274; in: Mitchell, Ronald B. (Ed.), 2008: International Environmental Politics, vol. IV (London: Sage): 237–258; in: Matthew, Richard A. (Ed.), 2014: Environmental Security, vol. II: Environmental Change, National Security and the Conflict Cycle (London: Sage): 175–198; in: Stern, David I.; Jotzo, Frank; Dobes, Leo (Eds.), 2014: Climate Change and the World Economy. International Library of Critical Writings in Economics (Cheltenham: Elgar): 641–660, and as Chap. 6 of this volume. Revised and shortened version in: Diehl, Paul F.; NPG (Eds.), 2001: Environmental Conflict (Boulder, CO: Westview): 251–272.

NPG, 1998b: “Fred og demokrati [Peace and Democracy]”, in: Midgaard, Knut; Rasch, Bjørn Erik (Eds.) Demokrativilkår og virkninger (Oslo & Bergen: Fagbokforlaget): 299–316. Revised version by NPG; Håvard Hegre in the second edition (2004), 293–322.

McLaughlin, Sara; Gates, Scott; Hegre, Håvard; Gissinger, Ranveig; NPG, 1998: “Timing the Changes in Political Structures: A New Polity Database”, in: Journal of Conflict Resolution, 42,2: 231–242.

Gissinger, Ranveig; NPG, 1999: “Globalization and Conflict: Welfare, Distribution, and Political Unrest”, in: Journal of World-Systems Research, 5,2: 327–365.

NPG, 1999a: “Do Open Windows Encourage Conflict?”, in: Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 102,3: 333–349.

NPG, 1999b: “Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Information, and National Security: The Case of Norway”, in: Coliver, Sandra et al. (Eds.): Secrecy and Liberty: National Security, Freedom of Expression and Access to Information (Haag: Nijhoff): 361–388.

NPG, 1999c: “Peace and Democracy”, in: Kurtz, Lester (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict, vol. 2 (San Diego, CA: Academic Press): 643–652. Revised version in second edition (2008), 1430–1437.

Toset, Hans Petter Wollebæk; NPG; Hegre, Håvard, 2000: “Shared Rivers and Interstate Conflict”, in: Political Geography, 19,8: 971–996. Revised version as: NPG; Hegre, Håvard; Toset, Hans Petter Wollebæk, 2007: “Conflicts in Shared River Basins”, in: Grover, Velma (Ed.): Water: A Source of Conflict or Cooperation? (Enfield, NH: Science Publishers): 39–66.

Gates, Scott; Hegre, Håvard; NPG, 2001: “Democracy and Civil Conflict After the Cold War”, in: Berg-Schlosser, Dirk; Vetik, Raivo (Eds.): Perspectives on Democratic Consolidation in Central and Eastern Europe (New York: Columbia University Press, for East European Monographs): 185–194.

NPG, 2001a: “Environmental Change, Security, and Conflict”, in: Crocker, Chester; Hampson, Fen Osler; Aall, Pamela (Eds.): Turbulent Peace: The Challenges of Managing International Conflict (Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press): 53–68. Revised version in: Crocker, Chester; Hampson, Fen Osler; Aall, Pamela (Eds.), 2007: Leashing the Dogs of War: Conflict Management in a Divided World (Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press): 177–195. French version: Changements environnementaux, sécurité et conflits. In: Hallegatte, Stéphane; Ambrosi, Philippe (Eds.), 2007: “Environnement, changement climatique et sécurité. Questions scientifiques et enjeux opérationnels”, Special issue of Les Cahiers de la Sécurité, 63,4: 121–156. Spanish version: Cambio medioambiental, seguridad y conflicto. In: Sanahuja, José Antonio (Ed.), 2012: Construcción de la paz, seguridad y desarrollo. Visiones, políticas y actores (Madrid: Editorial Complutense): 99–125. Revised version: Climate Change, Environmental Stress, and Conflict. In: Crocker, Chester; Hampson, Fen Osler; Aall, Pamela (Eds.), 2015: Conflict Management and Global Governance in an Age of Awakening (Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press): 147–168.

NPG, 2001b: “Mot et utvidet sikkerhetsbegrep? [Toward an Extended Concept of Security?]”, in: Hovi, Jon; Malnes, Raino (Eds.): Normer og makt: Innføring i internasjonal politikk (Oslo: Abstrakt): 95–114.

NPG, 2001c: “Resource and Environmental Conflict: The State-of-the-Art”, in: Petzold-Bradley, Eileen; Carius, Alexander; Vincze, Arpád (Eds.): Responding to Environmental Conflicts: Implications for Theory and Practice. Nato Science Series 2. Environmental Security, 78 (Dordrecht: Kluwer): 53–66.

Hegre, Håvard; Ellingsen, Tanja; Gates, Scott; NPG, 2001: “Toward a Democratic Civil Peace? Democracy, Political Change, and Civil War, 1816–1992”, in: American Political Science Review, 95,1: 17–33. Reprinted in: Diehl, Paul F. (Ed.), 2005: War. Library of International Relations, vol. V (London: Sage): 165–193.

NPG, 2002a: “Borgerkrig – vår tids landeplage? [Civil War—The Scourge of Our Time?]”, in: Økonomisk Forum, 56,1: 4–7.

NPG, 2002b: “Double-Blind but More Transparent”, in: Journal of Peace Research, 39,3: 259–262. Reprinted as Chap. 7 of this volume.

NPG, 2002c: “Fra krig om olje til krig om vann? [From Oil Wars to Water Wars?]”, in: P2-akademiet, Book Y (Oslo: NRK Fakta): 34–45.

NPG; Sverdrup, Bjørn Otto, 2002: “Democracy and the Environment”, in: Page, Edward A.; Redclift, Michael (Eds.): Human Security and the Environment: International Comparisons (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar): 45–70.

NPG; Urdal, Henrik, 2002: “Ecoviolence? Links Between Population Growth, Environmental Scarcity, and Violent Conflict in Thomas Homer-Dixon’s Work”, in: Journal of International Affairs, 56,1: 283–302.

NPG; Wallensteen, Peter; Eriksson, Mikael; Sollenberg, Margareta; Strand, Håvard, 2002: “Armed Conflict 1946–2001: A New Dataset”, in: Journal of Peace Research, 39,5: 615–637.

Furlong, Kathryn; NPG, 2003: “The Boundary Dataset”, in: Conflict Management and Peace Science, 20,1: 93–117.

NPG, 2003a: “Arvelig belastet [The Burden of Heritage]”, in: Eek, Øystein (Ed.): Gode Gamle Katta (Oslo: Oslo katedralskole): 178–179.

NPG, 2003b: “Environmental Conflict: Neomalthusians vs. Cornucopians”, in: Brauch, Hans Günter et al. (Eds.): Security and the Environment in the Mediterranean: Conceptualising Security and Environmental Conflicts (Berlin: Springer): 477–485.

Gleditsch, Nils Petter, 2003c: “Mappa mi (My file)”, in: Dagbladet, 20 December, Expanded version as ‘Mappene våre’ [Our files]. In: Ofstad, Bjørg; Bjerkholt, Olav; Skrede, Kari; Hylland, Aanund (Eds.), 2009: Rettferd og politikk. Festskrift til Hilde Bojer (Oslo: Emilia): 351–356.

NPG; Metelits, Claire, 2003: “The Replication Debate”, in: International Studies Perspectives, 4,1: 72–79.

NPG; Metelits, Claire; Strand, Håvard, 2003: “Posting Your Data: Will You Be Scooped or Will You Be Famous?”, in: International Studies Perspectives, 4,1: 89–97.

Hegre, Håvard; Gissinger, Ranveig; NPG, 2003: “Globalization and Internal Conflict”, in: Schneider, Gerald; Barbieri, Katherine; NPG (Eds.): Globalization and Armed Conflict (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield): 251–276.

Ravlo, Hilde; NPG; Dorussen, Han, 2003: “Colonial War and the Democratic Peace”, in: Journal of Conflict Resolution, 47,4: 520–548.

Schneider, Gerald; Barbieri, Katherine; NPG, 2003: “Does Globalization Contribute to Peace? A Critical Survey of the Literature”, in: Schneider, Gerald; Barbieri, Katherine; NPG (Eds.): Globalization and Armed Conflict (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield): 3–30.

NPG, 2004: “Peace Research and International Relations in Scandinavia: From Enduring Rivalry to Stable Peace?”, in: Guzzini, Stefano; Jung, Dietrich (Eds.): Copenhagen Peace Research: Conceptual Innovation and Contemporary Security Analysis. Essays in Honour of Håkan Wiberg (London: Routledge): 15–26.

NPG; Hegre, Håvard, 2004: “En globalisert verden – økt kaos eller varig fred? [A Globalized World—Increased Chaos or Lasting Peace?]”, in: Snoen, Jan Arild (Ed.): Åpen verden. Et forsvar for globaliseringen (Oslo: Civita): 250–263.

Gilmore, Elisabeth; NPG; Lujala, Päivi; Rød, Jan Ketil, 2005: “Conflict Diamonds: A New Dataset”, in: Conflict Management and Peace Science, 22,3: 257–292.

Lacina, Bethany; NPG, 2005: “Monitoring Trends in Global Combat: A New Dataset of Battle Deaths”, in: European Journal of Population, 21,2–3: 145–166. Reprinted as Chap. 6 in: Brunborg, Helge; Tabeau, Ewa; Urdal, Henrik (Eds.). 2006: The Demography of Armed Conflict (Dordrecht: Springer): 131–151.

Lujala, Päivi; NPG; Gilmore, Elisabeth, 2005: “A Diamond Curse? Civil War and a Lootable Resource”, in: Journal of Conflict Resolution, 49,4: 538–562.

Sørli, Mirjam E.; NPG; Strand, Håvard, 2005: “Why Is There So Much Conflict in the Middle East?”, in: Journal of Conflict Resolution, 49,1: 141–165.

Buhaug, Halvard; NPG, 2006: “The Death of Distance? The Globalization of Armed Conflict”, in: Kahler, Miles; Walter, Barbara (Eds.): Territoriality and Conflict in an Era of Globalization (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 187–216.

Furlong, Kathryn; NPG; Hegre, Håvard, 2006: “Geographic Opportunity and Neomalthusian Willingness: Boundaries, Shared Rivers, and Conflict”, in: International Interactions, 32,1: 79–108.

NPG; Furlong, Kathryn; Hegre, Håvard; Lacina, Bethany; Owen, Taylor, 2006: “Conflicts over Shared Rivers: Resource Scarcity or Fuzzy Boundaries?”, in: Political Geography, 25,4: 361–382.

Lacina, Bethany; NPG; Russett, Bruce, 2006: “The Declining Risk of Death in Battle”, in: International Studies Quarterly, 50,3: 673–680.

Binningsbø, Helga Malmin; de Soysa, Indra; NPG, 2007: “Green Giant or Straw Man? Environmental Pressure and Civil Conflict, 1961–99”, in: Population and Environment, 28,6: 337–353.

NPG, 2007a: “Incentives to Publish?”, in: European Political Science, 6,2: 185–191.

NPG, 2007b: “Tellekantenes fundament [The Basis for Counting Publications]”, in: Morgenbladet, 30 March: 26.

NPG, 2007c: “Årsaker til krig [Causes of War]”, in: Hovi, Jon; Malnes, Raino (Eds.): Anarki, makt og normer. Innføring i internasjonal politikk. Second edition (Oslo: Abstrakt): 166–184. Audio version, Norsk lyd- og blindeskriftbibliotek (2007). Revised version with Halvard Buhaug (2011), 167–190.

Nordås, Ragnhild; NPG, 2007: “Climate Change and Conflict”, in: Political Geography, 26,6: 627–638.

Buhaug, Halvard; NPG; Theisen, Ole Magnus, 2008: Implications of Climate Change for Armed Conflict. Paper prepared for the Social Dimensions of Climate Change program (Washington, DC: World Bank, Social Development Department). Shorter version as Implications of climate change for armed conflict. Chapter 3 in: Mearns, Robin; Norton, Andy (Eds.), 2010: Social Dimensions of Climate Change: Equity and Vulnerability in a Warming World. New Frontiers of Social Policy (Washington, DC: World Bank): 75–101 and as Climate change and armed conflict. Chapter 9 in: Brown, Graham; Langer, Arnim (Eds.), 2012: Elgar Companion to Civil War and Fragile States (London: Edward Elgar): 125–138.

NPG, 2008a: “The Liberal Moment Fifteen Years On. Presidential address, International Studies Association”, in: International Studies Quarterly, 52,4: 691–712. Reprinted as Chap. 8 of this volume.

NPG, 2008b: “Klimaendringer og sikkerhet [Climate Change and Security]”, in: FN-magasinet, 2,1: 9–11.

NPG; Urdal, Henrik, 2008: “Om topptidsskrifter i internasjonal politikk [On Top Journals in International Relations]”, in: Internasjonal Politikk, 66,4: 699–701.

Rustad, Siri Camilla Aas; Rød, Jan Ketil; Larsen, Wenche; NPG, 2008: “Foliage and Fighting: Forest Resources and the Onset, Duration, and Location of Civil War”, in: Political Geography, 27,7: 761–782.

Urdal, Henrik; Theisen, Ole Magnus; NPG; Buhaug, Halvard, 2010: “Klimakriger? En vurdering av det faglige grunnlaget [Climate Wars? An Evaluation of the Academic Basis]”, in: Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift, 26,4: 297–320.

NPG; Hegre, Håvard; Strand, Håvard, 2009: “Democracy and Civil War”, in: Midlarsky, Manus (Ed.): Handbook of War Studies III (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press): 155–192 + refs. 301ff.

NPG; Nordås, Ragnhild, 2009: “Climate Change and Conflict: A Critical Overview”, in: Die Friedens-Warte, 84,2: 11–28. Revised version in: Hartard, Susanne; Liebert, Wolfgang (Eds.), 2015: Competition and Conflicts on Resource Use (Heidelberg: Springer): 21–38.

NPG, 2010: “Introductory Essay”, in: Young, Nigel J. (Ed.): The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace (Oxford: Oxford University Press): xxxiii–xxxvi.

NPG; Theisen, Ole Magnus, 2010: “Resources, the Environment, and Conflict”, in: Cavelty, Myriam Dunn; Mauer, Victor (Eds.): Routledge Handbook of Security Studies (London: Routledge): 221–231. Revised version, second edition (2015), in press.

Schneider, Gerald; NPG, 2010: “A Capitalist Peace?”, in: International Interactions, 36,2: 107–114. Revised version as “The Capitalist Peace: The Origins and Prospects of a Liberal Idea”, in: Schneider, Gerald; NPG (Eds.), 2013: Assessing the Capitalist Peace (London: Routledge): 1–9.

Schneider, Gerald; NPG; Carey, Sabine C., 2010: “Exploring the Past, Anticipating the Future: A Symposium”, in: International Studies Review, 12,1: 1–7.

Schneider, Gerald; Carey, Sabine C.; NPG, 2011: “Forecasting in International Relations: One Quest, Three Approaches”, in: Conflict Management and Peace Science, 28,1: 5–14.

NPG; Listhaug, Ola, 2011: “Foreword”, in: Jakobsen, Tor G. (Ed.): War. An Introduction to Theories and Research on Collective Violence (Hauppauge, NY: Nova): vii.

Bernauer, Thomas; Böhmelt, Tobias; Buhaug, Halvard; NPG; Weibust, Eivind Berg; Wischnath, Gerdis, 2012: “Intrastate Water-Related Conflict and Cooperation: A New Event-Dataset (WARRIC)”, in: International Interactions, 38,4: 529–545.

Bernauer, Thomas; NPG, 2012: “Introduction to the Special Issue on Events Data in Conflict”, in: International Interactions, 38,4: 375–381.

Brochmann, Marit; NPG, 2012: “Shared Rivers and Conflict—A Reconsideration”, in: Political Geography, 31,8: 519–527.

Brochmann, Marit; Rød, Jan Ketil; NPG, 2012: “International Borders and Conflict Revisited”, in: Conflict Management and Peace Science, 29,2: 170–194.

Cappelen, Ådne; NPG, 2012: “En fredsgevinst for Norge – eller fortsatt opprustning? [A Peace Dividend for Norway—Or Continued Rearmament?]”, in: Samfunnsøkonomen, 26,6: 26–31.

NPG, 2012c: “Aldri for sent å være pessimist? [Never Too Late To Be a Pessimist?]”, in: Larsen, Sverre Røed; Hjort-Larsen, Anne (Eds.): I strid for fred. Fredskontoret 19621972 (Oslo: Kolofon): 179–185.

NPG, 2012d: “Blir det mer krig i verden? [More War in the World?]”, in: Krøvel, Roy; Orgeret, Kristin Skare (Eds.): Historier om verden. Utvikling og miljø i globalt perspektiv (Kristiansand: IJ-forlaget): 60–61.

NPG, 2012e: “Whither the Weather? Climate Change and Conflict”, in: Journal of Peace Research, 49,1: 4–9. Reprinted as Chap. 9 of this volume.

NPG, 2012f: “Open Access in International Relations: A Symposium”, in: International Studies Perspective, 13,3: 211–215.

NPG; Urdal, Henrik, 2012: “Står barometeret på storm? Ny forskning gir lite støtte til tanken om klimakonflikter [A Storm Warning on the Barometer? New Research Provides Little Support for the Idea of Climate Conflicts]”, in: Klima, 13,1: 30–31. Norwegian version and English translation at

NPG, 2013a: “Arthur Westing: A Personal Memoir”. Preface to Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Arthur H WestingFrom Environmental to Comprehensive Security. SpringerBriefs on Pioneers in Science and Practice, 1 (Heidelberg: Springer): xi–xiii.

NPG, 2013b: “The Decline of War—The Main Issues”, in: NPG (Ed.): “The Forum: The Decline of War”, in: International Studies Review, 15,3: 397–399. Reprinted as Chap. 10 of this volume.

Lacina, Bethany Ann; NPG, 2013: “The Waning of War is Real: A Reply to Gohdes and Price”, in: Journal of Conflict Resolution, 57,6: 1109–1127.

Nordås, Ragnhild; NPG, 2013: “The IPCC, Human Security, and the Climate-Conflict Nexus”, in: Redclift, Michael; Grasso, Marco (Eds.): Handbook on Climate Change and Human Security (London: Elgar): 67–88.

Østby, Gudrun; Strand, Håvard; NPG; Nordås, Ragnhild, 2013: Gender Gap or Gender Bias in Peace Research? Publication Patterns for Journal of Peace Research, 1983–2008”, in: International Studies Perspectives, 14,4: 493–506.

Theisen, Ole Magnus; NPG; Buhaug, Halvard, 2013: “Is Climate Change a Driver of Armed Conflict?”, in: Climatic Change, 117,3: 613–625.

Buhaug, Halvard; Nordkvelle, Jonas; Bernauer, Thomas; Böhmelt, Tobias; Brzoska, Michael; Busby, Josh W.; Ciccone, Antonio; Fjelde, Hanne; Gartzke, Erik; NPG; Goldstone, Jack A.; Hegre, Håvard; Holtermann, Helge; Koubi, Vally; Link, Jasmin S.A.; Link, Peter Michael; Lujala, Päivi; O’Loughlin, John; Raleigh, Clionadh; Scheffran, Jürgen; Schilling, Janpeter; Smith, Todd G.; Theisen, Ole Magnus; Tol, Richard S.J.; Urdal, Henrik; von Uexkull, Nina, 2014: “One Effect to Rule Them All? A Comment on Climate and Conflict”, in: Climatic Change, 127,3–4: 391–397.

Bussmann, Margit; Dorussen, Han; NPG, 2014: “Against All Odds: 2013 Richardson Award to Mats Hammarström and Peter Wallensteen”, in: Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 20,2: 235–243.

NPG, 2014a: “Klimaendringer og krig. FNs klimapanels rapport spår ikke flere kriger, mener fredsforsker [Climate Change and War. The IPCC Does Not Predict More War, Peace Researcher Argues]”, in: Aftenposten, 11 April. English translation at Reprinted as Chap. 11 of this volume.

NPG, 2014b: “Overvåking under kontroll [Surveillance under Control]”, in: Berg Lene (Ed.): Gompen og andre beretninger om overvåking i Norge 194889 (Oslo: URO/KORO): 7–16. Slightly revised and updated version in Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift, 31,5: 441–451. English translation at

NPG, 2014c: “Will Climate Change Reverse the Trend Towards Peace?”, in: Schneckener, Ulrich; von Scheliha, Arnulf; Lienkamp, Andreas; Klagge, Britta (Eds.) Wettstreit um Ressourcen. Konflikte um Klima, Wasser und Boden (Berlin: Oekom): 49–60.

NPG; Nordås, Ragnhild, 2014: “Conflicting Messages? The IPCC on Conflict and Human Security”, in: Political Geography, 43(November): 82–90.

NPG; Nordkvelle, Jonas; Strand, Håvard, 2014: “Peace Research—Just the Study of War?”, in: Journal of Peace Research, 51,2: 145–158.

Urdal, Henrik; Østby, Gudrun; NPG, 2014: “Journal of Peace Research”, in: Peace Review, 26,4: 500–504.

Böhmelt, Tobias; Bernauer, Thomas; Buhaug, Halvard; NPG; Tribaldos, Theresa; Wischnath, Gerdis, 2014: “Demand, Supply, and Restraint: Determinants of Domestic Water Conflict and Cooperation”, in: Global Environmental Change, 29(November): 337–348.

NPG; Melander, Erik; Urdal, Henrik, 2015: “Introduction: Patterns of Armed Conflict Since 1945”, in: Mason, David; Mitchell, Sara McLaughlin (Eds.): What Do We Know About Civil War? (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, in press).

4 Selected Papers and Reports

NPG, 1968d: The Structure of the International Airline Network. Thesis for the degree, University of Oslo.

Wilkes, Owen; NPG, 1979: Intelligence Stations in Norway: Their Number, Location, Function, and Legality (Oslo: PRIO).

NPG (Ed.), 1981a: Dommen over Gleditsch & Wilkes. Fire kritiske innlegg [The Sentence on Gleditsch and Wilkes. Four Critical Comments] (Oslo: PRIO).

NPG (Ed.), 1981b: Forskning eller spionasje? Rapport om straffesaken i Oslo Byrett i mai 1981 [Research or Espionage? Report on the Criminal Trial at the Oslo City Court in May 1981] (Oslo: PRIO).

NPG (Ed.), 1981c: The Oslo Rabbit Trial. A Record of the ‘National Security Trial’ against Owen Wilkes and NPG in the Oslo Town Court, May 1981 (Oslo: Solidarity Campaign for Gleditsch and Wilkes).

NPG, 1982: Annen runde. Høyesteretts behandling av straffesaken mot Gleditsch og Wilkes (Oslo: PRIO). [English version: Round Two. The Norwegian Supreme Court vs Gleditsch & Wilkes, February 1982 (Oslo: PRIO).]

NPG, 2002d: The Future of Armed Conflict (Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University, Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies).

NPG; Christiansen, Lene S.; Hegre, Håvard, 2007: Democratic Jihad? Military Intervention and Democracy. Post-conflict Transitions Working Paper 15, WSPS 4242 (Washington, DC: Development Research Group, World Bank).

NPG; Nordås, Ragnhild; Salehyan, Idean, 2007: Climate Change, Migration, and Conflict. Coping with Crisis Working Paper Series (New York: International Peace Academy).

Rolseth, Amund; Theisen, Ole Magnus; NPG, 2014: “Violence Against Civilians 1900–87: Regime Type, Climate Change, and the Severity of Democide”, Paper Presented at the Biannual Conference of the International Network of Genocide Scholars, Cape Town, 4–7 December.

Strand, Håvard; Nordkvelle, Jonas; Gleditsch, Nils Petter, 2014: “Posting Your Data: Will You Remain Famous?”, Paper Presented at the 55th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, Toronto, 26–29 March.