
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

Caption Fig. 1 :

“main-chain (a, b) and side-chain (c, d)” should read “side-chain (a, b) and main-chain (c, d)”

Section 3.1, last paragraph:

“c0 ≅ 1–4” should read “c0 ≅ 0.25”.

Section 4.1, paragraph below eq. (6):

[“However, for samples in the millimolar range…”]

“millimolar” should read “millimeter”.

Section 5.2.3, second last paragraph line 14:

[If the value ζ ≅ 50 nm, characteristic of the low temperature state of E70/30, is divided by 3 …]

“divided by 3” should read “divided by √3”