It is my great pleasure and honor to announce that Surgical and Experimental Pathology is now ready to begin its history in the field of pathology. The journal’s focus is translational pathology and it will cover all areas from morphologic diagnosis to general and experimental pathology, through to predictive and prognostic biomarkers. Our goal is to publish relevant advances in pathology with an emphasis on the practical aspects of pathologic diagnosis and to make the interrelation between clinical, morphologic and molecular elements of the disease.

Pathology has long played a central role in the development of medicine. As such, the field has a rich history beginning with early analysis of human diseases. However, it is only in the past few centuries that pathology has truly developed into the field we recognize today. With the advent of scientific autopsies and the invention of the microscope in the nineteenth century, our perception of diseases was drastically altered and changes in pathology have continued apace ever since.

Today, technology continues to drive the field forward and pathology is now one of the most revolutionary fields in medicine. Ongoing advances in the tools at pathologists’ disposal, such as digital image processing and information technology, have led to faster and more accurate diagnoses. Our perception of disease and our approach to diagnosis have again been drastically altered through advances in the fields of molecular diagnostics and genetics. In the age of personalized medicine, pathologists, serving as the bridge between the laboratory and the patient, have the ability to radically transform lives with new molecular and genomic techniques.

Our primary aim with Surgical and Experimental Pathology is in helping the pathologist community to develop in this exciting new time in pathology’s history. We aim to support the work of pathologists in Latin America and the international community at large. Just as the knowledge of molecular alterations has altered our approach to translational pathology, we feel that familiarity with geographic differences in neoplastic disorders is also essential and would like to address these different scenarios, especially in Latin America.

As the official journal of the Brazilian Society of Pathology (BSP), Surgical and Experimental Pathology has deep roots in one of Latin America’s leading pathology associations. The society has more than 2000 members and brings together academic and surgical pathologists from throughout the country. BSP has long been actively involved in continuing education and in providing the necessary tools for Brazilian pathologists to perform at their best.

The open access model of Surgical and Experimental Pathology is particularly appealing to the Latin American market, and other developing parts of the world, for its benefits to researchers and society alike. The BSP is dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge through open access and the article processing charges for all accepted articles will graciously be covered by the society.

As a multidisciplinary journal, Surgical and Experimental Pathology considers for publication manuscripts addressing all fields of pathology and oncology. We invite you to submit your original scientific work, comprehensive reviews, as well as exceptionally documented and educative case reports. The journal’s Editorial Board is comprised of an international group of 65 experts representing the best of pathology around the world. We are proud to have had the opportunity to assemble this team, who will assure all authors a fair review with well-established scientific criteria.

We look forward to your contributions to our journal.