As we begin our eighth year of publishing, I thought an update on the journal is timely.

In 2017, the scope of the journal was expanded to the whole Asia-Pacific area and thus now welcomes submissions from Oceania as well as Asia and the Middle East.

In 2017, LTA published two important special issues: How does Context Mediate Construct and Content? A political, social and pedagogical analysis of English language testing in Asia, edited by Liying Cheng and Antony Kunnan, and The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) for English Language Assessment in China, edited by Yan Jin and Guoxing Yu. We are currently finalizing Language Assessment Literacy edited by Hassan Mohebbi and Christine Coombe. We welcome proposals for future special issues; please contact myself, Jin Yan or Marius Jung (

Reviewers are a bedrock of academia, yet recognition of their work remains almost unknown. To help remedy this, a new section has been added to Language Testing in Asia homepage which lists reviewer’s names. Also I applaud the new Publons website of which many of the main academic publishers (including SpringerNature) are partners.

The journal is attracting increasing numbers of submissions, and qualified researchers who could be added to our list of reviewers should contact the editors.

Of most note is that LTA has been accepted in SCOPUS Indexing, an indication of the quality of the journal. Coverage will start soon.