Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 27 January 2020

The original version of this Article contained errors.

The spelling of the author ‘Knut Rudi’ was incorrectly given as ‘Rudi Knut’.

As a result, in the Author Contributions,

“C.-A.R., S.B.-G., A.-Ș.A., E.S., A.B., I.L., R.K. and C.C. carried out the experimental work.”

now reads:

“C.-A.R., S.B.-G., A.-Ș.A., E.S., A.B., I.L., K.R. and C.C. carried out the experimental work.”

In addition, there was an error in Affiliation 6, which was incorrectly given as ‘Norwegian University of Life Sciences, 3 Universitet Student, 1430, Aas, Norway.’ The correct affiliation is listed below:

‘Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway.’

These errors have now been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the Article.