1 Erratum to: Sports Med (2015) 45:1645–1669 DOI 10.1007/s40279-015-0384-x

Page 1648, column 2, Sect. 2.4, paragraph 2, lines 8–15: The following sentence, which previously read:

To verify the effectiveness of STU and STS for measures of muscle strength, power and balance, we computed within-subject standardized mean differences as SMDw = (mean pre-test value − mean post-test value)/standard deviation pre-test value, and between-subject standardized mean differences as SMDb = (mean post-test value in intervention group − mean post-test value in control group)/pooled variance [27].

should read:

To verify the effectiveness of STU and STS for measures of muscle strength, power and balance, we computed within-subject standardized mean differences as SMDw = (mean pre-test value − mean post-test value)/standard deviation pre-test value, and between-subject standardized mean differences as SMDb = (mean post-test value in intervention group − mean post-test value in control group)/pooled standard deviation [27].