Dear Editor,

I would like to comment on the objection of Dr. Dimitrios Tsamis to our study where we used mixed meal tolerance test.

The amount of liquid used during the test meal is 300 mL which was consumed in a time interval of 10 min. The test meal was well tolerated by patients even after laparoscopic great curvature plication. We used mixed meal tolerance test because it is more similar to usual conditions and better tolerated than oGTT.

Gastric bypass was not used in this group of patients. It was shown that sleeve gastrectomy is not so restrictive as bypass and we think that this is valid also for LGCP.

Moreover, the test meal was used also to compare the differences in reactivity of diabetics and nondiabetic subjects after bariatric surgery [1] as well as in the evaluation of the effect of bariatric surgery and caloric restriction [2] and in many other studies.