1 Erratum to: METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A DOI: 10.1007/s11661-017-4053-6

In the Results and Discussion section of the original article there were several errors missed by the publisher as listed below. The original article was corrected.

In the first paragraph, third sentence, the corrected sentence is as follows:

Furthermore, a collection of data values in steps of 50 K is given in Table II.

In Section C, Enthalpy, in the fourth paragraph, 13th line, 2.9 pct is corrected as +2.9 pct.

In Section F, Surface Tension, the third sentence is corrected as follows:

Due to the low radiance in the visible spectrum of aluminum at low temperatures, data could be obtained just as close as 1014 K ± 21 K to the melting point.