Erratum to: Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology

DOI 10.1007/s10802-014-9867-8

In the original published version of this article the spacing for the heading and data points for Figure 2 was incorrect, making the Figure difficult to interpret. A revision of Figure 2 is presented here:

Fig. 2
figure a

Childhood externalizing symptoms as predictors of adult depressive disorders. Boxes reflect weights of individual predictors. Effect sizes were combined within cohorts; combined effect sizes are in bold and represented by diamonds. NCDS National Child Development Study, CNUS Community in Northeast US, FBM Finnish Boy to Man, GSM Great Smoky Mountains, SSDP Seattle Social Development Project, ZHLS Zuid-Holland Longitudinal Study, CCLS Columbia County Longitudinal Study, CHDS Christchurch Health and Development Study, aggr. aggression, CI confidence interval, CP conduct problems, OD oppositional defiant symptoms