Erratum to: Biotechnol Lett DOI 10.1007/s10529-014-1552-z

Unfortunately in the original publication “microlitre” has been typeset as “millilitre” in below sentence appearing under the heading “Comparison of M.TneDI activities in BL21(DE3)/pDH21#3 and XL1-Blue MRF′/pJC340”.

Five microlitre BL21(DE3)/pDH21#3 extract completely protected pUC19 DNA from the restriction of R.TneDI, in contrast to the same amount of the XL1-BlueMRF′/pJC340 extract. When 2.5 μl of the extracts were used, BL21(DE3)/pDH21#3 still provided a nearly complete protection to the substrate DNA, whereas the DNA in the XL1-Blue MRF′/pJC340 sample suffered an extensive break-down to a level equivalent to using just 0.625 μl of the BL21(DE3)/pDH21#3 extract.

In the original publication under the heading “Natural transformation of Thermogata sp. strain RQ2”, in line “The transformation of Thermogata sp. strain RQ2 …” Han et al. has been repeated twice but it should be cited only as “Han et al. 2014”.