Since Experimental and Applied Acarology was established in 1985, it has shown a steady increase in the number of submissions and in the percentage rejection. Over the past few years the number of submissions has grown to well over 200 per year, the rejection rate has gone up from 42 % in 2010 to 48 % in 2011 and more than 100 articles per year are published on-line. In order to get this growing number of on-line publications assigned to a journal issue within a reasonable length of time, we much needed a capacity increase—we therefore appreciate the publisher’s decision to extend our annual page budget by ca. 30 %, starting with 2013. With our most recent (2011) impact factor of 1.725 the journal ranks 17th on the list of all 85 journals in the field of Entomology. Although this provides Experimental and Applied Acarology a solid position among journals focusing on arthropods, the challenge is to maintain this outcome and even improve upon it.

An attractive feature of Experimental and Applied Acarology is the space offered for special issues that provide overviews of a variety of topics of particular relevance to Acarology. Fine examples are the two most recent special issues entitled ‘Biology and Control of the Red Palm Mite, Raoiella indica’ (Volume 57, Issue 3–4, July/August 2012)—a species-centered issue dealing with a variety of subjects—and ‘Ecology and Genetics of Acari Invasions’ (Volume 59, Issue 1–2, January/February 2013)—a subject-centered issue dealing with various mite and tick species. These special issues serve an important function in bringing together information that is otherwise scattered over many journals, books and reports (not all of which are easy to access) and in reviewing the current state of knowledge. It is therefore encouraging to see new initiatives for special issues emerging. And we always welcome suggestions for new ideas for special issues!

For the journal to improve, first priority should be given to publish high-quality papers and to reduce the time from submission to first decision. Second priority is to solicit more papers in topical areas that could be better represented in the journal (e.g. mite and tick genomics, experimental evolution). Other measures are to urge authors to provide their original data and the details of statistical treatments in files supplementary to the article and to stimulate authors to supply short illustrative video-films when appropriate. Together with the two Managing Editors, Frans Jongejan for papers on ticks and Jan Bruin for papers on mites, I trust we can achieve these goals.