The Book Review Editor has review copies of the following books. Potential reviewers should contact Carol Colfer to obtain a review copy ( Books not previously listed are in bold-faced type.

Agyeman, Julian and Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger (eds.). Environmental Justice and Sustainability in the Former Society Union. London and Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2009. 281+pp.

Anderson, J. L. Industrializing the Corn Belt: Agriculture, Technology, and Environment, 1945–1972. Dekalb, Illinois: Northern Illinois University Press, 2009. 196+pp.

Clapp, Jennifer and Marc J. Cohen (eds.). The Global Food Crisis: Governance Challenges and Opportunities. Ontario, Canada: Wilfrid Laurier University Press and The Center for International Governance Innovation, 2009. 250+pp.

Deutsch, Tracy. Building a Housewife’s Paradise: Gender, Politics, and American Grocery stores in the Twentieth Century. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press, 2010. 229+pp.

Doring, Martin and Brigitte Nerlich. The Social and Cultural Impact of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in the UK in 2001. Manchester, England and New York: Manchester University Press, 2009. 257+pp.

Dunham, S. Ann. Surviving Against All Odds: Village Industry in Indonesia. Durham, North Carolina and London: Duke University Press, 2009. 298+pp.

Etkin, Nina L. Foods of Association: Biocultural Perspectives on Foods and Beverages that Mediate Sociability. Tucson, Arizona: The University of Arizona Press, 2009. 208+pp.

Harper, Douglas and Patrizia Faccioli. The Italian Way: Food & Social Life. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press, 2009. 296+pp.

Hoffman, V., M. Gerster-Bentaya, A. Christinck, and M. Lemma (eds.). Rural Extension Volume 1: Basic Issues and Concepts. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Margraf Publishers, 2009. 222+pp.

Hoffman, V., A. Christinck, and M. Lemma (eds.). Rural Extension Volume 2: Examples and Background Material. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Margraf Publishers, 2009. 555+pp.

Lang, Tim, David Barling, and Martin Caraher. Food Policy: Integrating Health, Environment, and Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. 306+pp.

Lindgreen, Adam, Martin K. Hingley, and Joelle Vanhamme. The Crisis of Food Brands: Sustaining Safe, Innovative and Competitive Food Supply. Farnham, England: Gower Publishing Limited, 2009. 345+pp.

Lockie, Stewart and David Carpenter (eds.). Agriculture, Biodiversity, and Markets: Livelihoods and Agroecology in Comparative Perspective. London and Washington, D.C.: Earthscan, 2010. 314+pp.

Paarlberg, Robert. Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know . New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. 189+pp.

Peterson, E. Wesley F. A Billion Dollars a Day: The Economic and Politics of Agricultural Subsidies. Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. 252+pp.

Princen, Thomas. Treading Softly: Paths to Ecological Order. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2010. 195+pp.

Redwood, Mark (ed.). Agriculture in Urban Planning: Generating Livelihoods and Food Security. London: Earthscan, 2009. 242+pp.

Shackleton, Charlie M., Margaret W. Pasquini and Axel W. Drescher (eds.), African Indigenous Vegetables in Urban Agriculture. London: Earthscan, 2009. 284+pp.

Sznajder, Michal, Lucyna Prezezborska, and Frank Scrimgeour. Agritourism. Oxfordshire, UK: CABI Publishing, 2009. 282+pp.

Webster, D.G. Adaptive Governance: The Dynamics of Atlantic Fisheries Management. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2009. 347+pp.