Erratum to: Eur J Nutr (2008) 47:266–272 DOI 10.1007/s00394-008-0721-z

An error occurred in the article by Rossi et al. “Health promoting substances and heavy metal content in tomatoes grown with different farming techniques” published in the August 2008 issue of European Journal of Nutrition. On page 267 “Methods” section, “Samples” subsection the following phrase was omitted from the fertilizing technique of organic tomatoes “The same field where organic tomatoes were grown was previously cropped to Italian ryegrass, and this crop was fertilized with 100 t ha−1 of organic cattle slurry”.

This should have read “The same field where organic tomatoes were grown was previously cropped to Italian ryegrass, and this crop was fertilized with 100 t ha−1 of organic cattle slurry. Organic tomatoes were fertilized with 30 t ha−1 of manure”.