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Transfermessung von Coaching

Transfer measurement of a coaching program

  • Praxisberichte
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Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Coaching wirkt – das ist nichts Neues. Dennoch fehlt es noch immer an Studien, die einen Wirknachweis bringen. Diese Studie zeigt in einem quasi-experimentellen Untersuchungsdesign mit Messwiederholung, wie sich Coaching positiv auf die Seelische Gesundheit bei jungen Arbeitslosen auswirkt. Das Programm wurde summativ mit dem Vier-Ebenen-Modell von Kirkpatrick evaluiert. Die Teilnehmer konnten im Vergleich zu den beiden Kontrollgruppen bedeutsame Verbesserungen der psychischen Gesundheit, vor allem eine Senkung der Depressivität nachweisen. Die Integrationsquote in Arbeitsverhältnisse oder Ausbildung lag bei 56,2 % – im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Programmen mit einer Quote von 20–30 %.


The objective of the study was to identify coaching activities to successfully prepare long-term unemployed youngsters for the labor market and to find new workplaces. For this purpose the pilot project “ Bridges to work” was developed. The project has been evaluated with a summative evaluation following Kirkpatrick’s 4-Level-Model. In a two-wave panel study with a quasi-experimental research design the coaching program was compared to the conventional program and a group of young unemployed with no intervention. Most of the participants of the “Bridges”-project experienced positive changes in their person variables as the precondition for taking on self-responsibility for their life’s. In addition, they experienced a remarkable improvement of their emotional health. In total, 484 young unemployed participated in the coaching program and the rate of integration in a job or a job training was 56,2 % – a notable result compared to traditional programs with a rate of 20–30 %.

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Schmidt, M., Bildat, L. Transfermessung von Coaching. Organisationsberat Superv Coach 19, 473–486 (2012).

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