
Pragmatic RCTs have been proposed to merge the advantages of using real-world data and following routine care (maximizing external validity) with the scientific rigor of RCTs (maximizing internal validity) [1]. Their main purpose is to inform decision-making in routine care, which requires high applicability and generalizability. Non-pragmatic, so-called explanatory, trials aim primarily at explaining the underlying mechanisms of treatment effects than to directly inform health care decisions. Pragmatic trials, their design, and their assessment are getting increasing attention with the creation of tools and initiatives such as the GetReal Trial Tool by the GetReal Initiative [2, 3]), a living textbook of pragmatic clinical trials by the National Institutes of Health [4], and the PRagmatic–Explanatory Continuum Indicator Summary 2 (PRECIS-2) to measure the pragmatism of a trial [5]. However, many trials labeled as “pragmatic” have features that are not compatible with routine care (e.g., the use of placebo control or double blinding), and the label “pragmatic” does not guarantee pragmatism and applicability of results [6, 7]. Many trials have several pragmatic features, but few have all or even most of them, and so it remains crucial to have a more in-depth understanding of these factors to better determine the impact of pragmatism on the estimation of treatment effects and evidence-based decisions.

Part of the emphasis on “real-world evidence” is the underlying assumption that studies with high generalizability and applicability would provide different treatment effect estimates than other studies. There is often the assumption that trials with non-pragmatic features that are typically done under artificial “ideal” and controlled settings with highly selected patients show stronger treatment effects on the desired endpoints [8, 9]. It is often argued this may result from better adherence [8], but we recently showed that adherence-adjusted effects are often similar to other effects [10]. It is also possible that including fewer patients with comorbidities leads to smaller differences with regard to adverse effects and harms. However, some empirical evaluations indicate that the overall degree of pragmatism can influence treatment effects estimates in meta-analyses [11, 12] and may also increase between-study heterogeneity [11, 13], which can limit the usefulness of meta-analyses for health technology assessments (and reimbursement decisions) [14] or clinical guidelines (and clinical decisions) [15]. Overall, the impact of features of pragmatism, generalizability, and applicability on treatment effects is unknown, and there is no large-scale systematic empirical evidence on this issue.

Here, we describe the rationale and design of the PragMeta database. The PragMeta database is a non-commercial, open data platform and infrastructure which contains information on randomized trials with various degrees of pragmatic features and it is designed to facilitate research on the pragmatism of randomized trials. These research projects may analyze the characteristics of pragmatic trials, assess their pragmatism, and/or empirically evaluate the meta-epidemiology of trial characteristics related to pragmatism, generalizability, applicability, and their impact on treatment effect estimates.


In this methodological outline, we focus on the data infrastructure, processes, and general methods that are applied to feed the PragMeta database. PragMeta is managed using Directus, a free and open-source collaborative app to set up databases [16] that has been applied in other meta-research projects also lead by us [17, 18]. A data scientist (PD) developed the data infrastructure and website (

Eligibility criteria

PragMeta contains trials that are randomized (excluding trials described as “quasi-randomized” or “controlled before and after design”) and fulfill one of the following conditions: ratings from established tools used to determine pragmatism available (e.g., overall or per domain PRECIS-2 score) or presence of a key determinant of pragmatism (e.g., self-labeled as “pragmatic”).

There are no restrictions on publication type and year.

Data sources and organizational structure of PragMeta


The trials in PragMeta come from various sources, provided in a modular fashion. Modules are constructed around a specific research question and may have trial data that are provided via linkage and import of existing trials not identified and collected for the purpose of PragMeta or actively identified and collected for PragMeta (details on both types are provided in the following chapter).

The modules fall into two major categories with possible overlap: (a) collections of randomized trials that all share a specific design feature or other characteristic related to pragmatism and (b) collections of systematically identified randomized trials that may share a common design feature or a common clinical question and have information available on features related to pragmatism. Examples for (a) may be a collection of randomized trials that are self-labeled as “pragmatic” or that use routinely collected health data and examples for (b) may be a collection of randomized trials in a systematic review that were assessed with a tool such as PRECIS-2 for pragmatism or randomized trials in a disease/population.

First modules to actively collect data for PragMeta are underway and the description of specific underlying methods is published on Open Science Framework (OSF) [19]. These modules (as of April 2023) are shown in Table 1. All present modules, except PragSurgery, have been designed by the PragMeta team and are influenced by the clinical topics and research interest of our team. Additional modules may be initiated by the PragMeta team and/or collaborators in the future.

Table 1 Title and topic of ongoing modules that feed the PragMeta database (as of April 2023)


For modules that refer to category (b), systematically identified trials that share a common clinical question form a cluster; hence, such a module is fed by multiple clusters. While not all the trials in a cluster may share a specific design feature or other characteristic related to pragmatism (e.g., are labeled as “pragmatic”), they all assess effects in the same population, intervention, comparator, and outcome, but with different aspects of pragmatism (from none to all) or differences in other features related to pragmatism. Such trials may be very non-pragmatic and are included in PragMeta to determine the relationship of features of pragmatism, generalizability, and applicability with intervention effects or other characteristics.

Linkage and import of existing datasets of trials

Existing datasets of randomized trials with common features or assessing the same clinical question which report the ratings of pragmatism using PRECIS-2 or another tool per trial (see category b above) can be systematically imported into the PragMeta database. Currently, we have systematically identified all systematic reviews and meta-analyses that have cited and assessed the PRECIS-2 (see Table 1 module PragEpi). We are also importing datasets non-systematically identified and/or provided by collaborators and research partners.

Active data collection: Index trial approach

To identify clusters of trials reflecting a broad spectrum of aspects of pragmatism, an “index trial approach” can be used. This approach allows an efficient collection of relevant trials with various degrees of pragmatism on the same clinical question. Since most trials conducted thus far are not pragmatic, this approach increases the chance that identified collections of trials answering the same research questions include at least one pragmatic trial and therefore reflect a broader spectrum of aspects of pragmatism. Index trials are such trials, presenting one or more features that indicate potential pragmatism (e.g., are labeled as “pragmatic”). They are used as starting point to obtain multiple other trials presenting variable aspects of pragmatism and addressing the same topics. Such trials are referred to as corresponding trials. It is assumed that trials that are all included in the same meta-analysis of a clinical systematic review address the same topic. This approach is efficient as it relies on available systematic searches from clinical systematic reviews (e.g., Cochrane reviews), ensuring a comprehensive set of multiple studies on the same research question.

Identification of index trials

A sample of index trials can be obtained by searches in literature databases using a search component focusing on pragmatic trials. Either a simplified search to identify RCTs self-labeled as “pragmatic” in title and/or abstracts (i.e., “(pragmatic$ or naturalistic) and trial).ab,ti.”) or a more complex search string designed for, e.g., Ovid MEDLINE may be used [23]. Depending on the module of interest, other relevant components may be added to the search strategy.

Identification of corresponding trials

To identify corresponding trials, automatic citation-based searches are used (e.g., with the iCiteR package for R [24]) to search for systematic reviews (e.g., Cochrane reviews) citing the index trial of interest. The focus is on Cochrane reviews due to their high methodological standards, and transparent and standardized reporting [25], but using other original systematic reviews is possible.

Once relevant citing systematic reviews are identified, it needs to be determined if the index trial is actually included with other trials on the same clinical question. For Cochrane reviews, this can be assumed if the index trial is meta-analytically combined with other trials, the procedure would then be as follows: (1) check if the index trials are listed in the section “References to studies included in this review” and if it is included in a meta-analysis. If multiple meta-analyses within a Cochrane review or across multiple reviews include the index trial, the selection of the eligible meta-analysis may be guided by the following hierarchy of rules:

  1. a)

    Meta-analysis reporting the outcome of interest of our module (if not defined, next level or if more than one, go to level d)

  2. b)

    Meta-analysis reporting the primary outcome of our index RCT (if not available or more than one, next level)

  3. c)

    Meta-analysis reporting the primary outcome as identified by the Cochrane review in which it is included (if does not include the identified index RCTs or more than one, next level)

  4. d)

    Meta-analysis reporting the largest number of RCTs (if more than one, next level)

  5. e)

    Meta-analysis reporting the largest total sample size

This process may be adapted for types of evidence synthesis other than Cochrane reviews.

Data entry

PragMeta data may come from data import or active extraction as described above. The database feeding procedure is organized in six hierarchical collections: systematic reviews, meta-analyses (included in the systematic reviews), trials (included in the meta-analyses or individual), comparisons (in the trials), effects (of the comparisons), pragmatism assessments. Thus, to an entry of a superordinated collection (e.g., systematic reviews or meta-analyses), one or more entries of a subordinated collection (e.g., trials) may be assigned. For example, a systematic review may contain several meta-analyses, or a meta-analysis contains several trials, and, specifically, a trial may be assigned to multiple systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses.

The data source for extractions at the systematic reviews, meta-analyses, comparisons, and effects level is the systematic review (e.g., Cochrane review); for extractions at the trials and pragmatism assessments level, the data source is the original trial report.

An overview of core variables per collection is given in Table 2. How the collections are related is shown in Fig. 1. A comprehensive list of variables and explanations can be found in the procedure document on OSF [19].

Table 2 Core variables per collection
Fig. 1
figure 1

Structure of the PragMeta database used for data collection and hierarchical management of collections (figure design inspired by Ladanie et al. [26]). n, number; PRECIS-2, PRagmatic–Explanatory Continuum Indicator Summary 2

The level of data entry may vary between specific modules and imported existing datasets, and thus missing data may occur. For imported existing datasets, datasets are matched to our database infrastructure, but no additional data quality controls are carried out. For modules conducted by us, one reviewer enters/extracts and assesses the included trials. This procedure is complemented through entry/extraction and assessment by a second reviewer (independently in duplicate or not, depending on the module). The backend infrastructure of the database enables to indicate the entry/extraction status as well as the possibility to keep track of verifications within each of the six collections. PRECIS-2 assessments done by the PragMeta team are performed by one reviewer or by two independent reviewers (depending on the module). The infrastructure of the database allows to compare multiple PRECIS-2 assessments and to designate a consented version that is shown on the PragMeta website. Furthermore, as indicators of data quality, the data source, and who extracted the data and/or rated pragmatism using PRECIS-2 or another tool (e.g., PragMeta team, publication team of the original dataset, trial investigators) is always recorded. The frequency for updating the search, screening, and data entry may vary between specific modules.

The PragMeta database is publicly available and can be downloaded. For contributions and collaborations including active data entry and data import, we invite research groups to contact us.

Data on pragmatism

The information collected in PragMeta about pragmatism, for now, includes the assessment of PRECIS-2 which comprises 9 domains addressing features of a RCT that might impact the pragmatic-explanatory continuum (Table 2). Each domain receives a score based on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = very explanatory; 3 = equally pragmatic and explanatory; and 5 = very pragmatic; or no information). We also collect specific trial characteristics or determinants, not captured by PRECIS-2, that may be applicable to more pragmatic or explanatory approaches. Such determinants include, for example, (i) the use of routine collected data and how they are used (e.g., to recruit and/or to collect outcome data), (ii) how is informed consent collected, (iii) use of blinding (e.g., double-blind), (iv) type of control (e.g., placebo or standard of care), and (vi) type of outcome (e.g., patient-reported or surrogate outcome). PragMeta can be expanded by further variables, reflecting for example further determinants of pragmatism identified in due course.

Data sharing

PragMeta is an open data platform. The cleaned datasets are continuously provided online and can be downloaded in various formats.


The PragMeta database serves as a collection of trials that are used for multiple and diverse research projects on the generalizability, applicability, and pragmatism of clinical trials; including, but not limited to, meta-epidemiological studies on the comparison of treatment estimates between trials with different levels of pragmatic and explanatory features. PragMeta is, to our knowledge, the first freely available, large-scale, collaborative database with information on pragmatism, other design features, and treatment effects.

Overall, with the PragMeta database, we aim at providing a platform and an infrastructure for meta-research on pragmatic trials, and we invite other research groups to contribute to and/or use the PragMeta database. By following this collaborative idea to generate a large sample of pragmatic trials that assess health interventions, we aim to better understand the determinants, characteristics, and impact of pragmatic trial design features.

PragMeta aims to better understand and to quantify the relationship of trial pragmatism and treatment effects and to determine which trial features are key drivers for differences between treatment effects in more artificial research settings versus more practical real-world settings and hopefully result into a more standardized methodological framework that can be used by researchers, clinicians, and regulators and to better generate, use, and apply clinical research results.