The Editor-in-Chief has retracted this article. After publication, two of the panels in Figure 1C were found to overlap with figures in another published article [1], specifically: Figure 1C left panel overlaps with Figure 2A of [1]. Figure 1C middle panel overlaps with Figure 6 of [1]. The Editor-in-Chief therefore no longer has confidence in the integrity of the data in this article. The authors have agreed to this retraction but not to the wording of this retraction notice. [1] Manno D, Serra A, Buccolieri A, Panzarini E, Carata E, Tenuzzo B, Izzo D, Vergallo C, Rossi M, Dini L (2013) Silver and carbon nanoparticles toxicity in sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus embryos. BioNanoMat 14(3–4):229–238.