figure a

Lee E. Brown

figure b

Jakob L. Vingren

figure c

Steven J. Fleck

This special issue of the “Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise” is devoted to scientific inquiry related to Strength and Conditioning practices. Each article is an invited manuscript and authored by top researchers in the Strength and Conditioning community.

There are two articles detailing performance related benefits with supplementation: caffeine for explosive force and curcumin for muscle recovery. A parallel article explores the application of heavy strength training for athletes in energy deficiency. These are supported by an article on statistical best practices for longitudinal monitoring of individual athletes. Two review articles explore cellular changes due to muscle hypertrophy and endurance exercise. 

Three special population associated articles explore aspects of strength and power or resistance training. One examines predictability of gait speed in young and old people via squat strength whereas another reviews resistance training as a prevention of pediatric dynapenia. The third retrospectively looks at the relationship between absolute and relative strength and power in police officers.

Finally, two original investigations explore resistance training program design considerations on changes in muscle strength, endurance, quantity and architecture whereas the other examines post activation potentiation of the weightlifting clean exercise.

We believe that these 11 articles are indicative of the breadth and depth of this field and are representative of some of the most important topics currently affecting the practice of Strength and Conditioning today. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we did.

Lee E. Brown, Jakob L. Vingren, Steven J. Fleck

Guest Editors