The editorial board has changed its composition at the beginning of the year 2017. Stefan Minner has stepped down from his position of Editor-in-Chief as well as Department Editor for Operations and Management. We are grateful to Stefan for sharing generously his organizational talent and intellectual leadership for the past couple of years to the benefit of the authors and the readership of Business Research.

It is my pleasure to welcome Thomas Spengler, who is taking over the responsibilities in the Department for Operations and Management. His support will guarantee the continuation of highest quality editorial support for Business Research.

So with the new editorial team, we follow the previous departmental structure: Joachim Gassen (Accounting), Thomas Gehrig (Finance), Thomas Hutzschenreuter (Management), Marc Fischer (Marketing), and Thomas Spengler (Operations and Information Systems). The aims and scope of the journal as a general business administration outlet is to publish high-quality manuscripts in all sub-disciplines of Business Administration, including methodological and policy making support about Business Research.

Unfortunately, it is also my sad duty to communicate the death of my predecessor as a Department Editor in Finance (2011–2014), my colleague and friend Engelbert Dockner (1958–2017), who left us far too early at the height of an established and accomplished career. His thoughtful advice and judgement continues benefitting the readership of Business Research.

Business Research is committed to fast review and publication of accepted articles. To speed up the review process, each submission is first evaluated by a department editor and only those manuscripts with merit and with relevance to Business Research will be sent to typically two reviewers of international standing.

The editorial team is looking forward to many innovative, high-quality submissions to disseminate new knowledge and insights about business research theory and practice to the scientific community. Even though this might not be directly obvious from our current departmental structure, we particularly want to stimulate research and invite submissions at the interface of multiple functional areas within Business Administration. Proposals for special issues on emerging topics and new research frontiers are very welcome.

On behalf of the Editorial Board

Thomas Gehrig
