1 Introduction

In 2019, ISoP introduced a new membership award—Fellowship of the International Society of Pharmacovigilance (FISoP)—for those with at least 5 years membership of the Society. The FISoP award is aimed at those who have demonstrated significant achievement and distinction in the discipline of pharmacovigilance, including publications or similar outputs, and service to ISoP; for example, by involvement in ISoP conferences and/or by leadership of ISoP Chapters and Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

2 Aims of FISoP Award

The first ISoP Fellowship Nominations Sub-Committee (FNSC)—chaired by Dr Mira Harrison-Woolrych (ISoP Secretary General 2019) and including Professor Ian Wong (Vice-President 2019) and Ms Deirdre McCarthy (Advisory Board member 2019)—agreed that there should be two main aims in establishing this award.

  1. 1.

    To formally recognise the contributions of more experienced ISoP members.

  2. 2.

    To add to the senior institutional expertise within the Society.

Both of the above aims are important for retaining members and for building the capacity of ISoP to contribute to international pharmacovigilance. It is hoped that ISoP Fellows will take up leadership roles within ISoP; for example, by drafting position papers when necessary, or by providing expert advice and support to more junior ISoP members, including students.

3 Criteria for FISoP Award

Fellowship applicants will be required to demonstrate the following:

  1. 1.

    At least 5 consecutive years as a full member of the Society, with current ISoP membership fully paid at the date of Fellowship application.

  2. 2.

    Contribution to pharmacovigilance, as demonstrated by their career progression and publication record in peer-reviewed international scientific journals. When evidence of academic publications is not available (e.g. those in the pharmaceutical industry, regulatory or voluntary organisations), similar outputs such as unpublished reports, committee papers and/or involvement in significant working parties/committees will also be considered.

  3. 3.

    Contribution to ISoP, demonstrated by Executive Committee or Advisory Board membership, leadership of ISoP Chapters or SIGs, and/or contribution to ISoP conferences (e.g. Scientific Committee membership, chairing sessions, membership of posters committee, abstract reviewer).

  4. 4.

    Applications must be supported by two senior members of ISoP (preferably those already awarded FISoP, or Executive Committee or Advisory Board members, or a SIG or Chapter Head).

4 First FISoP Awards Presented at ISoP 2019 in Bogota

The inaugural FISoP Awards were presented by Sten Olsson (ISoP President 2016–2019) at the ISoP Annual General Meeting in Bogota, Colombia in October 2019. Eight ISoP members were successful in obtaining Fellowship (Table 1).

Table 1 2019 ISoP Fellows (in alphabetical order by surname)

5 Benefits and Duties of ISoP Fellows

Fellows of ISoP are entitled to

  1. 1.

    Add in public statements, and to their CV and other personal statements, the letters FISoP (Fellow of the International Society of Pharmacovigilance) to their name for as long as they remain ISoP members.

  2. 2.

    Receive a certificate confirming ISoP Fellowship at the ISoP Annual General Meeting (AGM).

  3. 3.

    Have their contributions and profile published in the AGM minutes, website, and in a subsequent print edition of Drug Safety.

ISoP Fellows are also expected to contribute at a high level to our professional society. These duties may include

  • Undertaking leadership roles within ISoP, as agreed by the ISoP Executive Committee, including developing scientific and regional projects in pharmacovigilance worldwide.

  • Promoting collegiality, inclusivity and support of all ISoP members.

  • Supporting the ISoP Executive Committee and Advisory Board by providing expert advice when necessary.

  • Promoting international ISoP work (including training and conferences), encouraging networking and supporting other members of the international pharmacovigilance community.

6 FISoP Applications Invited for 2020 (Deadline 31 May 2020)

Applications are now invited for this year’s FISoP awards. We encourage ISoP members with at least 5 years of membership to consider applying, especially those who have made significant contributions to the society, for example by involvement in Chapters and SIGs. This year, the FNSC is chaired by Deirdre McCarthy (ISoP Secretary General) and will include Sten Olsson (ISoP Immediate Past-President) and Brian Edwards (previous ISoP Advisory Board member).

Application forms and additional details are available at the ISoP website at www.isoponline.org/members/fellowship. In summary, applicants should send the following documents to ISoP (administration@isoponline.org) before 31 May 2020:

  • Application form with a full CV summarising the career path.

  • Statement outlining how the above criteria for Fellowship were met.

  • Recommendation letters from two senior members of ISoP (preferably ISoP Fellows).


Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application before 31 August 2020. Successful applications will be announced at the General Assembly during the 2020 ISoP Annual Meeting in Oman http://www.isop2020oman.org/.

For further information please contact Deirdre McCarthy, Chair of the FNSC, by emailing administration@isoponline.org.