1 Erratum to: Am J Cardiovasc Drugs DOI 10.1007/s40256-017-0216-5

Section 6.3, para 5, lines 15–17 which previously read:

The mean percent changes in LDL-C, TG and apo B levels from baseline were −21, −14 and −23%, respectively, in the rhSA-treated group.

Should read:

The mean percent changes in LDL-C, TG and apo B levels compared with placebo were −21, −14 and −23%, respectively, in the rhSA-treated group.

Section 6.3, para 6, lines 1–3 which previously read:

Adverse events were mild and similar in the treated and placebo groups, and included headache (10%), pyrexia (7%), diarrhea (6%), runny nose (4%) and nausea (3%).

Should read:

Adverse events were mild and similar in the treated and placebo groups, and included headache (n = 10), pyrexia (n = 7), diarrhea (n = 6), runny nose (n = 4) and nausea (n = 3).