We are excited to announce a new initiative in the Journal of Nuclear Cardiology called ‘case presentation corner.’ Our goal is to publish cases that represent utilization of nuclear cardiac imaging in patient management and dilemmas. These should be real-life cases that our readers might encounter during their clinical practices. The use of nuclear cardiac imaging (for either appropriate or inappropriate indication) as well as additional cardiac imaging will be emphasized with discussion of the impact (or lack of) on patient management.

We encourage our readers to submit their cases; laboratory data with as many high quality figures (ECGs [rest and stress], X-rays, echocardiograms, MRI, CT, nuclear, invasive coronary angiograms, pathology, etc.). The instructions as to format will soon appear in the Journal (instructions to authors). We shall reserve the right to edit when necessary. Please feel free to include references as well as key teaching points.

Lawrence Phillips, MD, and his committee will coordinate, select and edit the cases for uniformity, style and quality and to avoid publishing cases of a similar nature. Please upload your cases via the Journal’s submission system, Manuscript Central, using the CPC (case presentation corner) article-type bullet.

We believe that this initiative will add an important piece of the puzzle where imaging is integrated into personalized patient care rather than merely into group statistics. Many of you may have participated in live courses in the past either during training or continuing education with a similar theme. This is an excellent way to translate research to everyday practice. We look forward to sharing these cases with you in the Journal and continuing to highlight the importance of cardiac imaging in clinical care. We know all of you have a wealth of interesting cases and so we ask you to share them with us and the community.

We look forward to your support and input.

Ami E Iskandrian, MD, MASNC


Case Presentation Corner Committee

Lawrence Phillips, MD (Chair)

Fadi H Hage, MD (Member)

Rami Doukky, MD (Member)

Michael Zellweger, MD (Member)