
COVID-19 pandemic and its associated lockdown have emphasized the importance of home-based approaches and telemedicine in delivering healthcare worldwide [1, 2•]. There are several available technologies that can be employed to achieve this purpose, including serious gaming, gamification, or exergaming, using virtual reality (VR) [3]. VR may offer an attractive, economic telerehabilitation tool to assess and treat patients remotely, monitor their progress, and hence, customize treatment parameters accordingly [4, 5]. This technology has been used previously in the rehabilitation of different patients’ populations [6••, 7, 8, 9••, 10]. Evidence support its non-inferiority to other treatment protocols, although it may be better in improving patients’ satisfaction and adherence to rehabilitation as well as reduce treatment costs when used remotely [6••, 11]. VR has also been used as an assessment tool using various off-the-shelf and custom-made consoles; however, its psychometric property adequacy has not been established. As VR can simulate real-life scenarios, it may improve office-based assessment by considering various distractors that exist in real life, and hence, patients’ outcome may reflect actual reality. In addition, it may be used to assess the integration between the neurocognitive and musculoskeletal systems, which is an important component in motor control that is claimed to play an important role in recurrence and chronicity of a few orthopedic disorders [12,13,14,15].

Previous systematic reviews evaluated the validity and reliability of VR consoles in assessing gait [16], balance [17•], or as a clinical assessment tool in general orthopedic settings [18]. However, these reviews did not focus on VR interactive features. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the quality of the studies that evaluated the validity and reliability of interactive VR games in assessing the musculoskeletal system.


This study was conducted according to the PRISMA guidelines. The protocol for this systematic review has been registered in the PROSPERO database (CRD42019121944).

Searching Strategy

Seven electronic databases (PubMed, CINAHL, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane, and IEEExplore) were searched using different keywords and Boolean operators (Table 1). Searching was conducted from database inception until August 2019. An updated search was also conducted on the 29th of August 2020. Furthermore, all included article bibliographies were searched and forward snowballing was conducted in Scopus and Web of Science.

Table 1 Keywords and Boolean operators of the used searching strategy

Article Selection and Eligibility

Three independent reviewers (MG, AK, and ARY) screened retrieved studies by title, abstract, and finally by reading through the whole article. Any disagreement was resolved by a consensus through discussion.

Observational or interventional studies were included if they investigated the validity and reliability of interactive VR games in assessing the musculoskeletal function in asymptomatic adults or patients with orthopedic disorders. Studies were excluded if the VR interactive features were not employed, patients had diseases other than orthopedic dysfunction, or if the articles were not in the English language. Furthermore, case reports and series as well as proof-of-concepts, reviews, and conference proceedings were excluded.

Data Extraction

For each eligible study, a standardized form was used to extract the objective, population, VR and reference instruments, and outcome measures as well as validity and reliability results (Table 2).

Table 2 Studies’ characteristics

Quality Assessment

Three independent reviewers (MG, AK, and ARY) assessed studies quality using the “Critical Appraisal Tool”, which is composed of 13 items (five items to assess validity and reliability, four to assess validity only, and four to assess reliability only) [28]. Depending on information sufficiency, each item could be answered as “yes,” “no,” or “not applicable (N/A)”. Quality strength for validity studies was categorized as poor (0–2), fair (3–5), moderate (6–7), or high (8–9) (Table 3) [29]. For both intra- and inter-rater reliability, the maximum possible score was 8 points. If one type of reliability was not assessed, relevant items were rated as N/A and were not included in the total quality score calculation. Moreover, N/A was adapted as an answer for item 6, which inquired about varying the order of participant examination during reliability assessment, as this was not necessary and, hence, was not considered in most of the reviewed studies. Therefore, reliability study quality was scored as percentage rather than a total sum, in order to adjust for the N/A answers. Any quality scoring disagreement was resolved by consensus and discussion. Before the actual quality scoring, all reviewers completed a standardized training on using the tool on four manuscripts that were not included in this review.

Table 3 Quality scores categories. For validity studies, score points and its categories are shown. For reliability studies, score percentages are given. When a non-applicable answer was chosen, calculation was adjusted to exclude the relevant question


Search Results

After duplicate removal, electronic and manual search retrieved 4300 articles. After full screening by title, then abstract, and finally by reading through the full articles, five studies were found eligible for quality assessment. After snowballing duplicate removal and full screening, additional four articles were included. Thus, a total of nine articles were assessed for quality (Fig. 1). These articles were categorized based on the outcome measured into the following: range of motion (ROM) (n = 3) [19,20,21], postural sway and balance (n = 3) [22,23,24], reaction time (n = 1) [25], and velocity and accuracy (n = 2) [26, 27] (Table 2).

Fig. 1
figure 1

A flow diagram showing article selection, screening, and exclusion. VR, virtual reality

The most commonly used VR system was the Nintendo Wii and its accessory (the Wii balance board, WBB) [22,23,24,25]. Four studies used a head-mounted display [19, 20, 26, 27] and one study used a custom-made hardware [21]. All reviewed studies used custom software, except for two studies that used off-the-shelf games [22, 24].

Quality Assessment

The quality of the included studies ranged from fair to high. VR testing procedure was adequately described. Furthermore, the time interval between VR and reference standard testing was sufficient, except for one study [24]. The VR instrument was part of the reference standard in two studies [19, 20]. For reliability, none of the studies blinded the findings among examiners or to prior findings. Only two studies stated examiners’ qualifications [21, 24]. In one study, information were insufficient regarding statistical analysis [24]. Four studies did not provide sufficient information on participant withdrawal [22,23,24,25] (Tables 4 and 5).

Table 4 Detailed quality scores for the eligible validity studies
Table 5 Detailed quality scores for the eligible reliability studies

Range of Motion

Two studies assessed cervical ROM [19, 20] whereas one study measured wrist active ROM [21]. All studies used customized games. The reference standard for cervical ROM was the electromagnetic tracking system, whether as a standalone instrument or combined with virtual environment projected using a head-mounted display [19, 20]. Cervical range was assessed in asymptomatic healthy volunteers only [19] or in a sample of patients with chronic neck pain and asymptomatic controls [20]. For wrist ROM assessment, CameraWrist captured wrist flexion-extension (F-E) movement in 15 patients with distal radial fracture and 15 healthy controls. The universal goniometer was used as a reference standard [21] (Table 2).

In the three studies, customized games were used. For cervical ROM, each participant was instructed to target a fly that appeared at random locations using a spray canister that was controlled by head motion [19, 20]. For wrist ROM, the participant needed to navigate an airplane upward or downward by extending and flexing the wrist, respectively [21].


For cervical ROM, the mean difference between the two instruments was 7.2° (limits of agreement (LoA) = 24.5°) for F-E movement and 16.1° (LoA = 23.7°) for rotation [19]. VR distinguished patients with cervical pain from asymptomatic volunteers, with each degree increase in F-E range (above 133°) associated with reduced odds of having neck pain by 4% on average. For rotation ROM, each degree increase above 146° was associated with an average reduction of chronic neck pain odds by 8% [20] (Table 2).

Wrist ROM measured by VR and goniometer was not significantly different, except for wrist flexion in patients with radial fracture. The two instruments correlated significantly for all measures (r = 0.64–0.76), except for wrist flexion in control participants (r = 0.31) [21] (Table 2).

Cervical ROM studies’ quality [19, 20] was moderate (7/9), whereas that of wrist ROM was high (9/9) [21]. The quality of cervical ROM studies was limited by using the VR head-mounted display as a part of the reference test tool (Table 4).


For inter-rater reliability, cervical range LoAs between the two examiners was 21.2° and 15° for F-E and rotation movements, respectively. For intra-rater reliability, the LoA was 22.6° for F-E and 17° for rotation ranges [19]. Wrist ROM inter-rater reliability was not examined, whereas its intra-rater reliability within the same session was low for flexion (r = 0.49) and high for extension (r = 0.92) movements in healthy individuals [21] (Table 2).

Cervical ROM study [19] quality was moderate (67%), while that for the wrist ROM was high (86%) [21]. The two studies did not employ blindness between testers or to previous recordings by the same tester. The cervical ROM study [19] also did not report the qualification of the raters (Table 5).

Balance and Postural Sway

Three studies assessed balance and postural sway [22,23,24]: one study included 45 participants (n = 22 individuals with a history of a least one lower limb musculoskeletal condition) [22], the second study enrolled 30 elderly [23], while the third study assessed 91 college football players [24] (Table 2).

The three studies assessed WBB psychometric properties compared to force platform [22, 23], star excursion test [22], and balance error scoring system [24]. One study used off-the-shelf Wii Fit games [22], while the second study mentioned the use of Wii training software without giving sufficient details [24]. The third study used a custom software to perform two tests: (1) the stillness test that assesses static balance and (2) the agility test to assess dynamic balance [23] (Table 2).


Overall, VR correlated weakly with reference instruments. For agility test, VR results weakly correlated with that of the force platform (r = −0.23 to −0.29) [23] and walking activity (r = 0.32) [22]. The star excursion test showed significant weak correlation with the single leg twist (r = 0.21) and palm tree (r = 0.29) games [22]. The VR also showed weak correlation with the balance error scoring system (r = 0.35) [24]. One study assessed VR known-groups validity to distinguish between individuals with a history of concussion or lower limb injury and those without, and showed no difference in WBB scores between different groups [24] (Table 2).

Two studies were of moderate quality (7/9), as both lacked adequate information regarding participants’ withdrawal from the study [22, 23], whereas the third study was of a fair quality (5/9) as it did not sufficiently describe the VR test, study withdrawals, statistical analysis methods, and the time interval between the VR and reference testing [24] (Table 4).


All studies assessed the intra-rater reliability within the same session [22,23,24]. In addition, one study assessed the inter-sessions reliability within 1 week [22]. Intra-session reliability ranged between weak and excellent (intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) = 0.39 to 0.96) [22,23,24], whereas inter-session reliability ranged between weak and moderate (ICC = 0.29 to 0.74) [22] (Table 2). Studies’ quality ranged between fair (38%) [24] and moderate (57%) [22, 23]. None of the studies blinded the raters to their previous ratings [22,23,24] and only one study provided information regarding the raters’ competency [24] (Table 5).

Assessment of Reaction Time

Hand and foot reaction time was compared between young adults (n = 25) and elderly (n = 25) using WBB and a custom software (Table 2). In this study, the WBB was placed in front of the participant, either on the floor to step (foot reaction time measurement) or was placed on the top of a table to allow pressure by the fisted hand (hand reaction time). A customized game was used and the participants were asked to step or press on the WBB as soon as a green light appears randomly on the screen [25].


Concurrent validity was not assessed as no reference standard was used. The WBB significantly distinguished between participants from the two age groups, with a mean difference of 170.7 milliseconds (ms) for hand reaction time and 224.3 ms for foot reaction time [25] (Table 2).


Within session, the reliability of WBB in measuring reaction time ranged from moderate to high for the hand (ICC = 0.66–0.96) and foot (ICC = 0.84–0.97) measurements. Inter-session reliability ranged from weak to high for the hand (ICC = 0.47–0.94) and foot (ICC = 0.74–0.95) (Table 2) [25]. The quality of this study was moderate (57%) as the authors did not provide sufficient information about the study withdrawals nor raters’ competency. Moreover, the rater was not blinded for previous own recordings (Table 5).

Assessment of Movement Accuracy and Velocity

Cervical movement velocity and accuracy were assessed in a sample of asymptomatic participants (n = 22) and patients with chronic neck pain (n = 33) [27] as well as in asymptomatic participants only (n = 46) [26]. Both studies used a custom software and a head-mounted display to project the VR game; however, one study used a head display with a built-in tracker [27], while the other study used an external magnetic tracking system [26]. The custom game simulated an airplane that was controlled by the participants’ head movement in four directions (flexion, extension, right, and left rotation) [26, 27]. None of the two studies used other reference tests. The velocity was quantified in terms of peak and mean velocity, number of achieved peak velocity, and time to peak percentage [26, 27]. The accuracy of the cervical motion was assessed in terms of X and Y axes error (difference between the target position and the participants’ head position) [27] (Table 2).


VR distinguished asymptomatic participants and patients with chronic neck pain. All measured velocity and accuracy outcomes were significant predictors for chronic neck pain, except for the accuracy error X (during extension motion), accuracy error Y (for right and left rotation), and time to peak velocity (%) for left rotation. Velocity predictor sensitivity ranged from 0.36 to 1.00, whereas the specificity ranged from 0.45 to 1.00, and the area under the curve (AUC) ranged between 0.60 and 1.00. The sensitivity of the significant accuracy outcomes was 0.37–0.93, whereas the specificity ranged between 0.36 and 1.00, and the AUC ranged from 0.55 to 0.96 [27] (Table 2).


Reliability was assessed only in asymptomatic participants. The velocity inter-rater agreement ranged between weak and high (ICC = 0.39–0.93) [26] (Table 2). This study quality was moderate (75%) [26], as the two examiners were not blinded to each other’s readings. Furthermore, information regarding raters’ qualification was insufficient (Table 5). No intra-rater reliability was established.


This study systematically reviewed and critically appraised the quality of the studies that assessed the psychometric properties of using interactive VR systems to assess the musculoskeletal system. In these studies, VR games or real-time feedback were delivered using off-the-shelf or customized systems. The majority of the studies were of moderate quality and provided evidence of VR adequate concurrent and, in some cases, known-groups validity. Also, VR showed high intra-rater reliability for most of the measured outcomes.

The quality assessment tool used in this review seemed to be the most appropriate to assess the study design and the nature of the VR measurements under investigation. Other tools, such as The Quality assessment Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS) and the Quality Appraisal of Diagnostic Reliability Studies (QAREL) could not be used as they are designed to assess the diagnostic studies that evaluate the ability of a specific test to detect or predict a target condition [28]. In the included studies, the VR was used as an objective tool to assess one clinical outcome that cannot formulate a diagnosis. However, the quality assessment tool used in this review did not consider a few important points. For example, sample selection and recruitment, testing order randomization, and sample size calculation.

The sample selected was convenient in eight reviewed studies [19,20,21,22, 24,25,26,27], and random in one [23]. Although convenient sampling aid in obtaining adequate numbers for proper study power, yet it does not accurately represent the population to whom the results should be generalized [18].

Only one study randomized the testing tool order [23]. Non-randomization of testing order could have resulted in variability due to fatigue or learning effect. None of the studies provided training for the examiners on the VR system which may have resulted in variability affecting reliability measurements. Also, none of the studies had calculated their sample size nor calculated the power of their studies.


Limited evidence supports VR concurrent validity for the assessed outcomes. It should be emphasized that only two studies [20, 21] (out of the nine that investigated concurrent validity) enrolled patients, while the remaining included only asymptomatic participants. The VR concurrent validity was investigated only in five studies against a valid reference standard tool [19,20,21,22,23]. It is worth noting that evidence was of fair to moderate quality regarding WBB validity in measuring balance compared to force platform [22, 23], star excursion test [22], and balance error scoring system [24]. Yet, the balance error scoring system is subjective and invalid in measuring small balance deficits [30]. In addition, although evidence supports VR high validity for the stillness test compared to force platform in assessing standing static balance, yet VR interactive features was not used in this test [23], and hence, its results were not discussed in this review. On the other hand, VR low validity during dynamic agility test could be attributed to the difference between the interactive nature of VR and the static nature of force platform [23].

Adequate known-groups VR validity was established through a simple comparison [21, 24, 25], or by investigating the diagnostic criteria as sensitivity and specificity [20, 27]. As the quality assessment tool used in this review required establishing the validity of the index test against a reference standard tool [28], thus, the quality of two studies [25, 27] was not assessed as they lacked this comparison.


There is limited promising evidence to support VR high inter-rater reliability in assessing neck range and movement velocity in asymptomatic individuals [19, 26]. Furthermore, a moderate quality evidence supported VR high intra-rater reproducibility in measuring cervical and wrist extension range in asymptomatic participants, whereas its reliability in measuring wrist flexion was low [19, 21]. Authors attributed low reliability to the altered wrist mechanics caused by the tenodesis effect. Although, wrist flexion was assessed also using universal goniometer while the hand was not in a gripping position, its reliability was not reported, which may have served as a comparison for the hypothesized tenodesis effect.

VR reliability in assessing dynamic balance is inconsistent [22,23,24]. Wikstrom [22] used multiple Wii Fit games and reported a wide reliability range, which could be attributed to the difficulty of balance task demanded by each game. Furthermore, only dynamic balance was assessed in asymptomatic volunteers and elderly. Moreover, the variation in study quality and the software used impairs reaching a solid conclusion regarding its reliability in assessing this outcome. This agrees with the previously reported balance inconsistent intra-rater reliability in healthy and patients with neurological dysfunctions [17].

All reviewed studies had adequate time interval between testing sessions, with a maximum of 1-week interval that is not expected to influence the results due to changes in subjects’ condition. On the other hand, all studies failed to blind the findings between examiners or the same examiner’s previous findings. Although this could have increased the risk of inflating the reproducibility of the measurements [28], VR objective nature and automatic measurement procedures would be expected to reduce this risk of bias. Furthermore, varying the order of participant testing was fulfilled only in two studies [19, 26] out of eleven. This may have influenced the results as the examiner could recall the measurements of the participant [28]; however, due to the objective nature of VR assessment, testing order would not be expected to play a major role. Thus, in this review, this item was rated as N/A and the score calculation was adjusted.

Strengths and Limitations

This is the first review to evaluate validity and reliability of using interactive VR (games or real-time feedback) in assessing the musculoskeletal system, which may be an important feature to assess motor control during regular clinical assessment. This review included a reasonable number of biomedical databases and employed forward snowballing. Also, evidence strength categorization was done to increase the applicability of results. However, a few limitations exist: first, only articles in the English language were included. Second, a few studies were eligible, with a limited and heterogenous outcome measures, thus no meta-analysis was conducted to reach to solid conclusion. Third, quality assessment tool focused on concurrent validity and reliability, and did not account for other psychometric properties such as known-groups validity, sensitivity, and specificity. However, these properties were discussed in qualitative synthesis. Fourth, most of the reviewed studies included only asymptomatic volunteers; thus, result generalizability needs further validation in different patients’ population. Finally, all included studies used interactive VR, except one study [24] that used Wii training software without providing sufficient information about employing its interactive features. Authors were contacted to obtain detailed information, but no responses were received by the reviewers. To avoid excluding a potential study, this study was included in the review and VR was assumed to be interactive.


Based on the included studies, there is a limited promising evidence that interactive VR using games or real-time feedback is highly valid and reliable in assessing ROM in asymptomatic participants and patients with chronic neck pain and radial fracture. Evidence regarding VR validity in assessing balance and postural sway, reaction time, and movement velocity and accuracy is limited to draw a robust conclusion. Future high-quality studies in different patients’ population are required to reach a rigid conclusion.