Correction to: Human Rights Review

The original version of this article unfortunately contained mistakes introduced during the production process. The corrections are given in the following list:

  1. 1.

    In “Guantánamo Bay as Extra-judicial Space” section, third paragraph, line 24, ‘should be "habeas"’ should be deleted. The sentence should be rewritten as:

    This ambiguous legal space enabled the Bush administration to claim that its detainees at Gitmo had no constitutional rights before US courts, including the right to challenge their detention through a hebeas corpus petition (a claim later overturned by the US Supreme Court in the 2004 ruling in Rasul v Bush).

Also, in line 32, the sentence "These next two paras should also be indented." should be deleted.

  1. 2.

    In “Trial Monitoring at Guantánamo Bay” section, second paragraph, line 1, ‘delete "on Human Right Reporting" on Human Rights Reporting’ should be deleted

The original article has been corrected.