Correction to: Mol Neurobiol (2015) 52:741–756

The original version of this article unfortunately contained errors in Fig. 4a. Representative image of b-actin of brain region were copied incorrectly during the preparation of the figures.

The corrected Figure is given below.

Fig. 4
figure 1

a Representative western blots for synaptosomal proteins isolated from brain regions of prenatally exposed offsprings with anti-GABAA (cerebellum) or CHRM2 (hippocampus) or DA-D2 (corpus striatum) or 5-HT2A (frontal cortex). Lane 1 contains synaptosomal proteins (50 μg) from cerebellum or hippocampus or corpus striatum or frontal cortex of offsprings raised on control rat mothers. Lanes 2–4 contain synaptosomal proteins (50 μg) from cerebellum or hippocampus or corpus striatum or frontal cortex of offsprings exposed prenatally to 1.25, 2.5 and 5 mg/kg of cypermethrin

The replacement of figure will not affect the outcome of study.