Correction to: Med Oncol (2011) 28:878–887–9524-1

The author would like to correct the errors in the publication of the original article. The corrected details are given below.

Page 885: the picture of “Fig. 4c” is updated to replace the incorrect picture.

Fig. 4
figure 1

a Reducing migration abilities of LNCaP cells by lentivirus-mediated RNAi. The migration activity of LNCaP-s2 cells was obviously reduced by approximately 64.6% compared with LNCaP-n cells. bf Reducing invasion abilities of LNCaP cells by lentivirusmediated RNAi. b–e The LNCaP-n, LNCaP-c, LNCaPNC and LNCaP-s2 cells that invaded through the Matrigelcoated inserts were counted and photographed under a light microscope, respectively (× 400). f The invasion activity of LNCaP-s2 cells was obviously reduced by approximately 72.9% compared with LNCaP-n cells. Experiments were performed in triplicate (n = 3), compared with LNCaP-n cells, *P < 0.05

Page 886: the whole picture of “Fig. 5” is updated due to the misusing of the raw “Fig. 4”.

Page 886: The figure legend of “Fig. 5” should update according the new “Fig. 5”.

Fig. 5
figure 2

The migration activity of DU-145-s2 cells was obviously reduced by approximately 66.8% compared with DU-145-n cells” should be changed to: “The migration activity of DU-145-s2 cells was obviously reduced by approximately 61.4% compared with DU-145-n cells”. “f The invasion activity of DU-145-s2 cells was obviously reduced by approximately 71.6% compared with DU-145-n cells.” should be changed to: “f The invasion activity of DU-145-s2 cells was obviously reduced by approximately 56.5% compared with DU-145-n cells