Correction to: Virus Genes

The original version of this article unfortunately contained error in figure captions. The captions of Fig. 1 and 2 are interchanged mistakenly and published incorrectly.

Now, Figs. 1 and 2 are presented with their correct captions.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Phylogenetic analysis tree of phage V5 with other Vibrio phages in the NCBI database. Tree branches have been coloured as per bootstrap value. Nodes` bootstrap values have also been indicated. Phage V5 from the present study has been highlighted with blue colour outline. Branch tip labels show phage name_accession number_country code (last two digits). More details about Vibrio phages can be accessed from supplementary Table 1

Fig. 2
figure 2

Circular genome map of phage V5. Complete phage genome has been shown by the black circle with the unit in kilobase (kb). Predicted ORFs have been shown in blue colour. The gene labels have been coloured as per functional categories: phage DNA replication (blue), phage structural and packaging (green), genome integration (purple), toxin (red) and hypotheticals (black). The innermost circle shows the positive and negative GC skew in blue and orange colour, respectively

The original article has been corrected.