Correction to: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (2020) 40:737–750

The original version of this article unfortunately contained incorrect part figures of Figs. 1c and 3a.

Hence, the correct figures of Figs. 1 and 3 with its caption is presented here.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Successful establishment of HI and OGD models. a The line chart of the zea-longa score at 0 h, 6 h, 12 h, 24 h and 48 h after HI in the sham and HI groups. Data are analyzed using two-way repeated measures ANOVA and presented as the mean ± SD (**p < 0.01). b MRI exhibited the cerebral infarction on the right side of the brain at 1 month after HI. The red arrow represents the infarct area. c Images showed the morphological changes of PC12, SHSY5Y and neurons under normal and OGD condition at 24 h after OGD, scale bar 50 μm

Fig. 3
figure 3

The role of miR-124 overexpression in PC12, SHSY5Y, and neurons after OGD. a The images of morphological observation of PC12, SHSY5Y and neurons in bright-field condition among normal, OGD, OGD + miR-NC, and OGD + miR-124 groups. b The number of PC12 cells among normal, OGD, OGD + miRNC, and OGD + miR-124 groups at 24 h after OGD. c The number of SHSY5Y cells among normal, OGD, OGD + miR-NC, and OGD + miR-124 groups at 24 h post-OGD. d The number of survived neurons among normal, OGD, OGD + miR-NC, and OGD + miR-124 groups at 24 h post-OGD. Data are analyzed using one-way ANOVA and presented as the mean ± SD (**p < 0.01). Scale bar 50 μm

The original article has been corrected.