1 Correction to: Biomedical Microdevices (2021) 23: 4 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10544-020-00539-8

The original version of this article unfortunately contained some mistakes. There is an error in the hemodialysis buffer composition mentioned in Sect. 2: Materials and methods, Subsection 2.1 Materials (Page No.4, Line No. 22–25). The correct composition is as follows:

Hemodialysis (HD) buffer were prepared with following components (Sodium Chloride – 5.31 g L-1, Calcium Chloride – 0.22 g L-1, Potassium Chloride – 0.15 g L-1, Magnesium chloride – 0.10 g L-1, Sodium acetate – 0.04 g L-1, Citric acid – 0.15 g L-1, Sodium bicarbonate – 1.63 g L-1).

The caption of Fig. 6 is erroneous and the corrected caption is as follows:

Fig. 6. (A) Initial urea concentration in Cis reservoir; Concentration of urea in the Cis and Trans reservoirs after 2 h of dialysis through (B) Plasma treated SNM (C) GLYMO treated SNM (D) One side silanized acid treated SNM (E) Both sides silanized and acid treated SNM performed using

The original article has been corrected.