Correction to: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (2022) 279:4769–4778

Regrettably, item 3 of the Musica e Qualità della Vita (MUSQUAV)—‘differenze di dinamica (cioè se la musica è ad alto o a basso volume)’—failed to accurately convey the intended meaning of the corresponding item in the original Music Related Quality of Life (MuRQoL), which is ‘differences in musical tone (i.e., how high or low the music is)’. Consequently, we revised item 3 in both the frequency and importance sessions to ‘differenze nel tono musicale (cioè quanto è acuta o grave la musica)?’. This change aligns with the original intent of the questionnaire. Additionally, we conducted the Exploratory Factor Analysis afresh, incorporating this correctly translated item. The survey was conducted on the original study sample in October 2023; complete responses from 52 subjects were retrieved. The revised Table 3 and supplementary materials are herein reported. Since its Italian translation, the MUSQUAV questionnaire has also been referred to as MuRQoL-It in official congresses and professional contexts. To the best of our knowledge, both acronyms—MUSQUAV and MuRQoL-It—are valid and appropriate for referring to the Italian version of the MuRQoL questionnaire.

Table 3 KMO measure of sampling Adequacy and Exploratory Factor Analysis for the two sessions of the MUSQUAV questionnaire