Retraction Note: Intensive Care Med (2007) 33:880–893

The Editor-in-Chief has retracted this article. After the publication of the article, concerns were raised about image overlaps (see below). The authors were unable to provide raw images and documental proof of ethical approval.

  1. 1.

    Partial image overlap between ß-actin controls of Figures 6b and 8a, and 6b and 8b.

  2. 2.

    Partial image overlap between ß-actin controls of Figures 8a and 8b.

  3. 3.

    Partial image overlap between Figures 7a and 7c.

Therefore, the Editor-in-Chief has no longer confidence in the data of this article.

Salvatore Cuzzocrea and Emanuela Esposito do not agree with this retraction. Christoph Thiemermann has not explicitly stated whether he agrees to this retraction notice. Emanuela Mazzon, Rosanna Di Paola, Maha Abdelrahman, and Concetta Crisafulli have not responded to any correspondence from the editor/publisher about this retraction. The Publisher was unable to find the alternate email ID of the co-author, Placido Bramanti. The Co-author, Carmelo Muià is deceased.