In this volume we are trying something new: a synthesis of the key findings of the IUSSI symposium ‘Protecting pollinators and our food supply: Understanding and managing threats to pollinator health’, held at the IUSSI conference in San Diego. We do not necessarily restrict such syntheses to IUSSI conferences, so contact me if you are involved in a conference that might be suitable. Of course it does have to have a social insect focus.

Also, in this issue the IUSSI accounts.

Happy reading.

International Union for the Study of Social Insects

Report of Secretary-General Madeleine Beekman

Financial report covering the period January 1–December 2, 2022

The accounts have been approved by the Financial Subcommittee.

This is my last financial report as Secrectary General.

figure a

Respectfully submitted,

figure b

Madeleine Beekman, Secretary-General.