
1 Introduction

Imagine publishing a puzzle and handing over the solution to a public blockchain, to keep secret for a while and reveal it if no one solves the puzzle within a week. More generally, consider using the blockchain as a secure storage solution, allowing applications and clients to deposit secret data and specify the permissible use of that data. A blockchain providing such secret storage can enable a host of novel applications (Sect. 1.3). For example, the secret can be a signature key, enabling the blockchain to sign on behalf of some client or on behalf of the blockchain itself. Alternatively, the secret can provide a root of trust for key-management and certification solutions, allowing users and programs to enforce policies specifying how their private data can be used. Or the secret can be a decryption key for a fully homomorphic encryption scheme, enabling, in a sense, program-obfuscation-as-a-service via encrypted computation and consensus-enforced conditional decryption.

In this work we investigate the functionality of keeping a secret on a public blockchain. We seek a scalable solution, whose complexity is bounded by a fixed polynomial in the security parameter, regardless of how long the secret must be kept for or how many nodes participate in the blockchain. To achieve scalability, the work of maintaining the secret must be handled by a small committee. At the same time, the solution must remain secure even against a mobile adversary that can corrupt different participants at different times, as long as it corrupts no more than a small fraction of the participants at any given time.Footnote 1 Thus, the small size of the committee presents a challenge for security. An adversary would have enough “corruption budget” to corrupt all of the members of the committee; even if the committee is dynamic, the mobile adversary could corrupt it as soon as its known.

A beautiful approach for addressing the vulnerability of working with small committees is player replaceability, introduced by Chen and Micali [14] in the setting of reaching consensus in the Algorand blockchain. In such systems, committees are selected to do some work (such as agreeing on a block), but each committee member is charged with sending a single message. Most importantly, the member remains completely anonymous until it sends that message. The attacker, not knowing the identities of the selected members, cannot target them for corruption until after they complete their job. For example, the committee can be chosen by having parties self-select by locally solving moderately hard puzzles, or using “cryptographic sortition” [14] based on verifiable random functions (VRFs) [42].

Using this approach for our purpose is far from simple. How can one share a secret among the members of an unknown committee? In some contexts, one can devise solutions using the cryptographic sledgehammer of witness encryption [23], as sketched in [26]: In systems such as proof-of-stake blockchains, the statement “the committee votes to open the secret” can be expressed as an NP-statement, and so one can use witness-encryption relative to that statement. While this approach shows polynomial-time feasibility, we are interested in solutions that can plausibly be used in practice, and therefore explore approaches that do not require obfuscation-like tools. Moreover, it is not clear how to extend this solution to systems such as proof-or-work blockchains, where it is unknown how to encode committee membership as an NP statement (because committee membership depends on statements such as “longest chain” or “first player to present a solution to the puzzle”).

1.1 Using Proactive Secret Sharing

Our solution relies on proactive secret sharing (PSS) techniques [13, 34, 44], using well-coordinated messages and erasures to deal with mobile adversaries. Early work on proactive secret sharing assumed a fixed committee (say of size N), where parties are occasionally corrupted by the adversary and later recover and re-join the honest set. A drawback of these protocols in our context is that they require all the members to participate in every handover protocol, and are therefore not sufficiently scalable. Proactive secret sharing with dynamic committees (DPSS) was addressed in a number of previous works (e.g., [2, 41, 45]).

Crucial to our solution is a new variant of proactive secret-sharing, that we call evolving-committee PSS (ECPSS). This variant is similar to DPSS, but with one important difference: DPSS schemes treat the committee membership as external input to the protocol, and rely on the promise that all these committees have honest majority. In contrast, in ECPSS the committee-selection is part of the construction itself, and it is up to protocol to ensure that the committees that are chosen maintain honest majority.

We show how to implement ECPSS using the approach of player replaceability. Our solution ensures that the committee members remain anonymous, until after they hand over fresh shares to a new committee and erase their own. This requires a method of selecting the members of the next committee and sending messages to them, without the senders knowing who the recipients are. Moreover, communication in our model must be strictly one way, since the adversary learns a node’s identity once it sends a message. Committee members are not even allowed to know the identities of their peers (since some of them may be adversarial), so interactive protocols among the current members are also not allowed. Designing a solution in this challenging context is the main contribution of this work.

1.2 Overview of Our Solution

As common in PSS, the timeline of the system is partitioned into epochs, with a handover protocol at the beginning of each one. In each epoch i, the secret is shared among members of an epoch-i committee, and the committee changes from one epoch to the next, erasing its secret state once it passed the secret to the next committee. The committee in every epoch is small, consisting of \(c_i=O(\lambda )\) members out of the entire universe of N users. This lets us reduce the complexity of the handover protocol from \(\varOmega (N)\) to \(O(c_i)\) broadcast messages. Our proactive solution is based on Shamir’s secret sharing scheme [47], and uses the following components:

  • We use the blockchain itself to provide synchrony, authenticated broadcast, and PKI. See Sect. 2.1.

  • We use cryptographic sortition for choosing random but verifiable committees. See Sect. 2.3.Footnote 2

  • We use two public-key encryption (PKE) schemes, one for long-term keys and the other for ephemeral committee-specific keys. The long-term PKE needs to be anonymous [3]: namely, ciphertexts must not disclose the public keys that were used to generate them. Both anonymity and secrecy for these schemes must hold even under receiver-selected-opening attacks, see Sect. 2.4. (We note that these tools also require erasures.)

  • We use non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proofs for statements about encrypted values lying on a low-degree polynomial (under the ephemeral scheme). The number of encrypted values in each one of these statements is small, essentially the size \(c_i\) of the committees from above.

Our solution uses anonymous public-key encryption to establish a communication mechanism that allow anyone to post a message to an unknown receiver. We refer to this communication mechanism as “target-anonymous channels.” Once target-anonymous channels to the next-epoch committee are established, the current-epoch committee can use them to re-share the secret to the next-epoch committee.

Establishing target-anonymous channels to the next-epoch committee without revealing the committee to the adversary is a difficult problem. We solve it by using special-purpose committees, separate from the ones holding the secret. Namely, we have two types of committees:

  • A holding committee that holds shares of the secret.

  • A nominating committee whose role is to establish the target-anonymous channels, thereby “nominating” the members of the next holding committee.

Crucially, the nominating committee does not hold shares, and hence its members can self-select (because no channels to them need to be established). The self-selection can be accomplished, for example, by using cryptographic sortition. Once self-selected, each nominator chooses one member of the next holding committee, and publishes on the blockchain information that lets the current holding committee send messages to that member, without revealing its identity.

In more detail, after randomly choosing its nominee for the future holding committee, the nominator chooses and posts to the blockchain a new ephemeral public key, along with an encryption of the corresponding ephemeral secret key under the nominee’s long-term public key. We use anonymous encryption to ensure that the ephemeral keys and ciphertexts do not betray the identities (or long-term keys) of the nominees. Note that the ephemeral keys themselves may use a different encryption scheme, that need not be anonymous.

Once the ephemeral keys of the next committee are posted, everyone knows the size of that committee (call it \(c_{i+1}\)). Each member of the current holding committee re-shares its share using a t-of-\(c_{i+1}\) Shamir secret sharing (with \(t\approx c_{i+1}/2\)), uses the j-th ephemeral key to encrypt the j-th share, and broadcasts all these encrypted shares along with a proof that the sharing was done properly.

Members of the next holding committee recover their ephemeral secret keys by decrypting the posted ciphertexts with their long-term keys. Each member then collects all the shares that were encrypted under its ephemeral key and uses them to compute its share of the global secret in the new committee. Note that all these ciphertexts are publicly known, so they can serve also as a commitment to the share, enabling the holding committee members to prove correct re-sharing in the next iteration of the protocol.Footnote 3

An important feature of this solution is that it does not require the nominating committee members to prove anything about how they chose their nominees or how the ephemeral keys were generated. Note that proving the selection would be of limited value, since even if we force corrupted members of the nominating committee to abide by the protocol, they can corrupt their nominees as soon as those are chosen. Moreover, asking the nominating committee to prove anything about their choice while maintaining anonymity would require that they prove size-N statements (i.e. proving that the receiver is one of the N parties in the system).Footnote 4

In contrast, holding-committee members must prove that they re-share their shares properly. But the statements being proven (and their witnesses) are all short: Their size depends only on the committee size, and does not grow with the total number of parties or the history of the blockchain. Hence the NIZK complexity in our solution is just polynomial in the security parameter, even if we were to use the most naive NIZKs.

The lack of proofs by the nominating committee comes at a price, as it allows the adversary to double dip: An adversary controlling an f fraction of the parties will have roughly an f fraction of the nominating committee members (all of which can choose to nominate corrupted parties to the holding committee), and another f fraction of the holding committee members nominated by honest parties. Hence, our solution can only tolerate adversaries that control less than 29% of the total population. (In the appendix of the long version [6] we mention a variant of the protocol that does require proofs and is resilient to a higher percentage of adversarial parties, but in a weaker adversary model.)

We also comment that members of the holding committee must replace the secret key for their long-term keys and erase the old secret key before they post their message in the protocol. Otherwise the adversary can corrupt them (because they will reveal themselves when posting messages) and use the old secret key to decrypt everything that was sent to them (in particular the shares that they received). This means that the term of “long-term keys” is also limited: these keys are used once and then discarded.

Aside: Anonymous PKE and Selective-Opening. In our setting, the anonymous PKE needs to provide security against selective-opening attacks (see discussion in Sect. 2.4). While it is well understood that semantic-security does not imply secrecy against selective-opening, the same is not true of anonymity. In Sect. 5 we show strong evidence that anonymity is preserved under selective-opening attacks. However, we do not fully resolve this question, and it remains an interesting problem for future work.

Aside: Parties vs. Stake or Computing Power. The description so far glossed over the question of what exactly is a party in the context of blockchains. Throughout this manuscript we mostly ignore this issue and think of parties as discrete entities, even though reality may be more complex. In a proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain, parties are weighted by the amount of stake that they hold, with rich parties having more power than poor ones. Hence the sortition-based solution above must also be weighted accordingly, giving the rich more seats on the various committees. Similarly, in proof-of-work (PoW) blockchains, the parties with more computing power should get more seats on the committees. See Sect. 4 for more discussion about using stake to represent parties, and about the effect of parties sending tokens to each other (and hence changing their stake).

1.3 Applications

The solutions in this work can form the basis of many applications, both in blockchain-specific contexts and for traditional uses of threshold cryptography. Perhaps the most natural application is for signing global blockchain state, making it easy to verify without having to inspect the entire blockchain history. This is useful both for fast catch-up (when a new party joins the blockchain) and for a cross-blockchain token bridge (when one blockchain needs to verify statements about the state of another).

The secrets held by committee can more generally be used for “threshold cryptography as a service”: for example, a threshold signature scheme deployed to support certification authorities, or authentication of credentials, or notarization services, etc. Another application is a verifiable randomness beacon, e.g., as used in [1, 30]. Yet another versatile primitive is threshold Oblivious PRF, which can be used to implement a variety of secure storage systems, such as password-authenticated secrets (e.g., custodial services) [36], cloud key management [37], private information retrieval and search on encrypted data [20], oblivious pseudonyms [39], password managers [48], and more.

Even more generally, we can implement generic secure computation, letting the current committee pass to the next one the sum/product of two secrets rather than just passing the individual secrets themselves. (As it happens, our handover protocol is similar in many ways to the information-theoretic multiplication protocol from [24], making it rather easy to extend to secure computation.) A particularly powerful form of MPC-as-a-service is using threshold decryption of homomorphic encryption [10], which would enable applications akin to program obfuscation: Clients can encrypt their programs, anyone could apply these encrypted programs to arbitrary inputs, and the blockchain could decrypt the result (when accompanied by appropriate proofs). More limited in scope but with more practical implementations, threshold decryption of linearly-homomorphic encryption enables varied applications such as private set intersection [21], asset management and fraud prevention [29], and many more.

1.4 Related Work

Secret sharing was introduced in the works of Shamir [47] and Blakley [7]. The proactive setting stems from the mobile adversary model of Ostrovsky and Yung [44] followed by works of Canetti-Herzberg and Herzberg et al. in the static-committee setting [13, 33, 34]. The dynamic setting where the set of shareholders changes over time was contemplated in several works, such as [2, 17, 18, 46]. We refer the reader to Maram et al. [41] for a detailed comparison of these works (in particular, see their Sect. 8 and Table 4).

Several works also deal with dynamic shareholder sets in the context of blockchain. The Ekiden design [15] provides privacy in smart contracts using a trusted execution environment (TEE). They also use threshold PRFs to derive periodic contract-specific symmetric keys for encrypting smart-contracts. Their scheme is described using a static committee but they suggest the use of proactive secret sharing and rotating committees for increased security. Calypso [38] uses blockchain and threshold encryption to build an auditable access control system for the management of keys and confidential data, and contemplates the possibility of shareholder committees changing periodically. Helix [1] selects per-block committees who agree on the next block in the chain using a PBFT protocol, and use threshold decryption with a fixed static committee to recover the transactions only after the block is finalized (and also to implement a verifiable source of randomness). Dfinity [30] also uses threshold cryptography (signatures in their case) and dynamic shareholder committees for implementing a randomness beacon, but the shared secret changes with each new committee.

Closest to our work are the works of Maram et al. (CHURP) [41] and Goyal et al. [27] that build proactive secret sharing over dynamic groups in a blockchain environment. The crucial difference between these works and ours is that they assume a bound of t corrupted committee members, without regard to how to ensure that such a bound holds. In fact their techniques are inapplicable in our setting, as they crucially build on active participation of the receiving committee in the handover protocol. As a result, in the mobile adversary model that we consider, their protocol is either non-scalable (requiring participation of all the stakeholders) or insecure (if using small committees). In contrast, our main goal is to maintain absolute secrecy of the new committee members during handover, to enable the use of small committees.

A concurrent independent work of Choudhuri et al. [16] deals with MPC in a “fluid” model where parties come and go and cannot be counted on to maintain state from one step to the next. This model share some commonalities with ours, but the solutions are very different. In particular their solution only provides security with abort, which is not enough for our purposes (as we need assurance of reconstruction). Their solution uses DPSS, where the composition of the committees is treated as input (under the promise that they are mostly honest), whereas a crucial part of our solution is choosing the committees.

Finally, our techniques are somewhat reminiscent of the protocol of Garay et al. [22] for MPC with sublinear communication (and indeed the resilience constant \(1-\sqrt{0.5}\) from Sect. 3.2 appears in their work as well).

2 Background and Definitions

2.1 Synchrony, Broadcast, PKI, and Adversary

We use the blockchain as a synchronization mechanism, an authenticated broadcast channel, and a PKI. For synchrony, we assume that all parties know what is the current block number on the blockchain. For communication, any party can broadcast a message to the blockchain at round i, and be assured that everyone will receive it no later than round \(i+\delta \) (where \(\delta \) is a known bound). Moreover, a party that received a message on the blockchain in round i is assured of its sender, and can also trust that all other parties received the same message at the same round.

This (authenticated) broadcast channel is the only communication mechanism in our model, and it is fully public. This means that anyone (including the adversary) can see who posts messages on it. We stress that we do not assume or use sender-anonymous channels, such channels may make the problem of keeping a secret on the blockchain much easier, but establishing them is notoriously hard, (if not impossible).

The same broadcast channel is also used for PKI, each party in our system periodically broadcasts a public key on the authenticated broadcast channel, hence letting everyone else know about that key.

Finally, we consider a mobile adversary that sees the messages on the broadcast channel and can corrupt any sender of any message at will. The power of the adversary is measured by its “corruption budget,” which is defined as follows: The lifetime of the system is partitioned into epochs, and we assume that the PKI system have each party broadcasts a new key at least once per epoch. After corrupting a party, the adversary may decide to leave that party alone. If that happens then this party will broadcast a new key in the next epoch, and then it will no longer be under the adversary’s control. In other words, the adversary controls a party from the time that it decides to corrupt it, until that party—after being left alone—broadcasts a new key (and have that key appears on the broadcast channel). The adversary’s “corruption budget” is the largest percentage of parties that it controls at any point during the lifetime of the system. Our solutions in this work ensure security only against attackers whose corruption budget stays below some fraction \(f^*\) of the overall population. Specifically our main solution in Sect. 3 has \(f^*=1-\sqrt{0.5}\approx 0.29\). (We sketch in the appendix of the long version [6] a variant with resilience \(\frac{3-\sqrt{5}}{2} \approx 0.38\), but under a weaker adversary model.)

Importantly, our model assumes that parties can security erase their state, this requirement is inherent in all proactive protocols.

2.2 Evolving-Committee Proactive Secret Sharing

A t-of-n secret-sharing scheme [7, 47] consists of sharing and reconstruction procedures, where a secret \(\sigma \) is shared among n parties, in a way that lets any t (or more) of them reconstruct the secret from their shares. In its simplest form, we only require the following secrecy and reconstruction properties against efficient adversaries that corrupt up to \(t-1\) parties:

Definition 1

(Secret Sharing). A t-of-n secret-sharing scheme must provide the following two properties.

  • Semantic security: An efficient adversary chooses two secrets \(\sigma _0,\sigma _1\), then the sharing procedure is run and the adversary can see the shares held by all that parties that it corrupts. The adversary must have at most a negligible advantage in guessing if the value shared was \(\sigma _0\) or \(\sigma _1\).

  • Reconstruction: After receiving their shares from an honest dealer, the reconstruction protocol run by \(\ge t\) honest parties will output the correct secret \(\sigma \) (except for negligible probability).

In this work we use Shamir secret sharing [47], where the secret \(\sigma \) is shared among the n parties by choosing a random degree-\((t-1)\) polynomial F whose free term is \(\sigma \) (over some field \(\mathcal {F}\) of size at least \(n+1\)), associating publicly with each party i a distinct point \(\alpha _i\in \mathcal {F}\), then giving that party the value \(\sigma _i=F(\alpha _i)\). Thereafter, collection of t parties or more can interpolate and recover the free term of F.

Robust secret sharing. In addition to the basic secrecy and reconstruction properties above, many applications of secret-sharing requires also robust reconstruction, namely that reconstruction succeeds in outputting the right secret whenever there are t or more correct shares, even if it is given some additional corrupted shares.

Definition 2

A t-of-n secret-sharing scheme has robust reconstruction if polynomial-time adversaries can only win the following game with negligible probability (in n):

  • The adversary specifies a secret \(\sigma \), which is shared among the share holders;

  • Later the adversary specifies a reconstruction set R of parties, consisting of at least t honest parties (and as many corrupted parties as it wants). The reconstruction procedure is run on the shares of the honest parties in R, as well as shares chosen by the adversary for the corrupted parties in R.

The adversary wins if the reconstruction procedure fails to output the original secret \(\sigma \).

Proactive secret sharing (PSS). A PSS scheme [13, 34, 44] is a method of maintaining a shared secret in the presence of a mobile adversary. The adversary model is that of Ostrovsky and Yung [44], with parties that are occasionally corrupted by the adversary and can later recover and re-join the honest set. PSS includes share-refresh protocol, which is run periodically in such a way that shares from different periods cannot be combined to recover the secret.

A PSS scheme provides the same secrecy and (robust) reconstruction properties from Definitions 1 and 2, and the power of the adversary is measured by the number of parties that it can corrupt between two runs of the share-refresh protocol. Typically, the requirement is that over an epoch from the beginning of one refresh operation until the end of the next one, the adversary controls at most \(t-1\) of the n parties.

Dynamic PSS (DPSS). DPSS is a proactive scheme where the set of n secret holders may change from one epoch to the next. The share-refresh protocol is replaced by a share-handover protocol run between two (possibly overlapping) sets of n parties each, allowing the old set of holders to transfer the secret to the new set. DPSS still provides the same secrecy and (robust) reconstruction properties from Definitions 1 and 2 against a mobile adversary, this time under the assumption that the adversary controls at most \(t-1\) of the n parties in each set.

Evolving-Committee PSS (ECPSS). Prior work on DPSS ignored the question of how these committee are formed. In all prior work the composition of the committee was treated as external input, and the restriction of \(\le t-1\) corrupted parties in each committee was a promise. In this work we take the next step, incorporating the committee-selection into the protocol itself, and proving that at most \(t-1\) parties are corrupted whp (in our adversary model). We call this augmented notion Evolving-Committee PSS (ECPSS),

Definition 3

An evolving-committee proactive secret sharing scheme (with parameters \(t\le n < N\)) consists of the following procedures:

  • Trusted Setup (optional). Provide initial state for a universe of N parties;

  • Sharing. Shares a secret \(2\sigma \) among an initial holding committee of size n;

  • Committee-selection. Select the next n-party holding committee, this protocol runs among all N parties;

  • Handover. An n-party protocol, takes the output of committee-selection and the current shares, and re-shares them among the next holding committee;

  • Reconstruction. Takes t or more shares from the current holding committee and reconstructs the secret \(\sigma \) (or outputs \(\perp \) on failure.)

An ECPSS protocol is scalable if the messages sent during committee-selection and handover are bounded in total size by some fixed \(\mathsf {poly}(n,\lambda )\), regardless of N.

A run of the ECPSS scheme consists of initial (setup and) sharing, followed by periodic runs of committee-selection and handover, and concludes with reconstruction. Note that some variations are possible, for example nt may vary from one committee to the next and even N could change over time.

In terms of security, we require that ECPSS provides the same secrecy and (robust) reconstruction properties from Definitions 1 and 2, within whatever adversary model that is considered. The main difference with DPSS is that ECPSS no longer enjoys the DPSS “promise” of mostly-honest committees, instead we have to prove that committees can keep a secret (i.e. that they are mostly honest) within the given adversary model. In our case, this is a traditional mobile-adversary model that only assumes some limit on the adversary’s corruption power in the overall universe (as in Sect. 2.1 above).

An important feature of scalable ECPSS is that most parties neither send messages during committee-selection nor take part in the handover protocol. In our mobile-adversary model, this begs the question of how can such “passive” parties recover from compromise. Our EPSS must therefore rely on some external mechanism to let passive parties recover, a mechanism which is not part of the ECPSS protocol itself. In our setting we rely on the PKI component from Sect. 2.1 above, where each party broadcasts a new public key at least once per epoch, letting it recover from an exposure of its old secret key. When proving ECPSS security, however, we need not worry about this mechanism, we simply assume that such mechanism exists, and consider a party “magically recovered” if it is left alone by the adversary for a full epoch.

Finally, while it is convenient to consider the same epochs for both the ECPSS protocol and the underlying adversary model (and indeed we assume so in Sect. 3), it is not really required. The refresh protocol can run more often than the PKI-induced epochs. In our context such frequent secret-refresh may be required, indeed the secret must be refreshed every time that it is used by a higher-level application, since any use lets the adversary learn who was holding the secret. Such frequent refresh operations make it even more important to use efficient protocols, and in particular motivate our insistence on scalability.

2.3 Verifiable Random Functions and Cryptographic Sortition

A verifiable random function (VRF) [42] is a pseudorandom function that enables the key holder to prove (input, output) pairs. We refer the reader to [42] for the formal definition.Footnote 5 Constructions of VRFs are known under various number theoretic assumptions (such as RSA, DDH, or hardness in paring groups), with or without the random-oracle heuristic.

VRFs can be used to implement cryptographic sortition, which is essentially a verifiable lottery [14] that the parties can use to self-select themselves to committees. Each party has a VRF key pair, the parties all know each other’s public keys, and there is a publicly known input value that they all agree on. Each party computes the VRF on the public input using its secret key, thereby obtaining a random value that it can use to determine whether or not it was selected to the committee. Moreover the party can prove its self-selection to everyone by exhibiting the random value with the VRF proof.

In many settings (including ours) the adversary has some influence over the public input. In such settings, the VRF implementation sketched above falls short of implementing a “perfect” lottery, since the adversary can try many inputs until it finds one that it likes. We therefore consider a sortition functionality with initial phase where the adversary can reset the lottery, each time getting the lottery choices corresponding to the parties that it controls. Eventually the adversary decides that it is happy with its choices, and then the lottery functionality is activated for everyone. This functionality is described in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The cryptographic sortition functionality.

2.4 Selective-Opening Security of Public-Key Encryption

Our solution relies crucially on implementing “target-anonymous” secure channels by broadcasting encrypted messages. In the mobile-adversary model, this means that the adversary gets to see public keys and encrypted messages, then decide on the nodes that it wants to corrupt, exposing their secret keys. This attack is known as the receiver selective-opening attack (cf. [4, 5, 11, 19, 32]), and it poses many challenges. In particular, it is known that secrecy under receiver selective-opening attack does not follow from semantic security [4, 5, 25, 35], and implementing schemes that provably maintain secrecy in this setting is challenging. In our setting, we need schemes that provide both secrecy and anonymity in this model, and these two aspects seem to behave very differently. We begin with the secrecy aspect, which was researched more in the literature and is better understood.

Secrecy Under Selective Opening Attacks. We follow Hazay et al.’s definitions of indistinguishability-based receiver-selective-opening security (RIND-SO) [32], which build on [4, 19]. In the RIND-SO security game, the adversary sees a vector of ciphertexts, encrypting messages that are drawn from some distribution \(\mathcal {D}\). It obtains the opening of a selected subset of them (by obtaining secret keys), then receives from the challenger either the actual remaining plaintexts, or fake remaining plaintexts that are drawn afresh from \(\mathcal {D}\) conditioned on the opened plaintexts. (This game requires that \(\mathcal {D}\) be efficiently resamplable [9], namely it should be feasible to draw from \(\mathcal {D}\) conditioned on the opened plaintexts.) RIND-SO security require that the adversary only has negligible advantage in telling these cases apart, see [32] for a formal definition.

While not following from standard semantic security (even for semi-adaptive adversaries), selective-opening security can be obtained from exponentially CPA-secure encryption via complexity leveraging. Encryption schemes with selective-opening security can also be built from receiver-non-committing encryption (RNCE) [11], but Nielsen [43] showed that an RNCE scheme must have secret-key at least as long as the total size of plaintexts that are encrypted to it. However, Hazay et al. [32] showed that RIND-SO security can be obtained from a weaker “tweaked” notion of RNCE, and that a construction due to Canetti et al. [12] achieves the desired notion under the Decision-Composite-residuosity (DCR) assumption.

Anonymity Under Selective Opening Attacks. Bellare et al. defined in [3] anonymity for static adversaries via indistinguishability between two keys, but in our setting we need anonymity also against selective opening. We are not aware of previous work that examined anonymity in this setting, and even defining what it means takes some care. In our setting it makes sense to require that the adversary’s decision to open a key (i.e. corrupt its holder) is not significantly impacted by whether or not that key was used to encrypt a ciphertext. We consider adversary that can see public keys and ciphertexts and can open some fraction f of the public keys and learn the corresponding secret keys. We require that the adversary cannot learn the secret keys of much more than an f fraction of the keys that are actually used to encrypt the ciphertexts. This is defined via the following game between the adversary and a challenger, with parameters \(\epsilon , m,t,n\) such that \(\epsilon >0\) is a constant and \(\lambda \le m,t \le n(1-\epsilon )\):

  1. 1.

    The challenger runs the key generation n times to get \(( \mathsf {pk}_i, \mathsf {sk}_i)\leftarrow \mathsf {Gen}(1^{\lambda },\$)\) for \(i=1,\ldots ,n\), and sends \( \mathsf {pk}_1,\ldots , \mathsf {pk}_n\) to the adversary;

  2. 2.

    The adversary chooses m plaintext messages \(x_1,\ldots ,x_m\);

  3. 3.

    The challenger chooses m distinct random indexes \(A=\{i_1,\ldots ,i_m\}\subset [n]\), uses \( \mathsf {pk}_{i_j}\) to encrypt \(x_j\), and sends to the adversary the ciphertexts \(\mathsf {ct}_j\leftarrow \mathsf {Enc}_{ \mathsf {pk}_{i_j}}(x_j)\) (\(j=1,\ldots ,m\)).

  4. 4.

    The adversary adaptively chooses indexes \(k_1,k_2,\ldots ,k_t\) one at a times, and for each \(k_j\) it receives from the challenger the secret key \( \mathsf {sk}_{k_j}\).

The adversary wins this game if it opens more than \(t/n + \epsilon \) fraction of the ciphertext-encrypting keys indexed by A.

Definition 4

(Adaptive Anonymous PKE). A PKE scheme \(\mathcal {E}=(\mathsf {Gen},\mathsf {Enc},\mathsf {Dec})\) is anonymous against selective-opening, if for every constant \(\epsilon >0\) and \(\lambda \le m,t \le n(1-\epsilon )\), no feasible adversary can win the above game with non-negligible probability (in \(\lambda \)).

In the long version [6] we recall the static-adversary definition of Bellare et al. [3] and discuss its relations to our selective-opening notion. We show some evidence that our notion is implied by the definition from [3], hence we make the following conjecture:

Conjecture 1

An anonymous PKE against static adversaries is also selective-opening anonymous as per Definition 4.

2.5 Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs

We use the standard definition of NIZK [8] using a common reference string.

2.6 Instantiating the Building Blocks for Our Solution

As we sketched in the introduction, our solution uses two PKE schemes, external one for the long-term keys and internal one for the ephemeral keys. Denote these schemes by \(\mathcal {E}_1\) (external) and \(\mathcal {E}_2\) (internal), and denote their combination by \(\mathcal {E}_3=\mathcal {E}_1\circ \mathcal {E}_2\). Namely, \(\mathcal {E}_3\) uses long-term keys from \(\mathcal {E}_1\), and encrypts a message by choosing an ephemeral key pair for \(\mathcal {E}_2\), encrypting the ephemeral secret key by the long-term public key, and encrypting the message by the ephemeral public key. The properties of these schemes that we need are:

  • \(\mathcal {E}_1\) is anonymous under selective-opening, as per Definition 4.

  • The combination \(\mathcal {E}_3=\mathcal {E}_1\circ \mathcal {E}_2\) is RIND-SO secure as in [32].

In addition we would like the internal scheme \(\mathcal {E}_2\) to be “secret-sharing friendly”, in the sense that it allow efficient NIZK proofs that multiple values encrypted under multiple keys lie on a low-degree polynomial.Footnote 6 Below we sketch some plausible instantiations.

Achieving Anonymity for \(\mathcal {E}_1\). Since our solution does not require proving anything about the external scheme, we can use random-oracle-based instantiations, which makes it easier to deal with selective opening attacks. Moreover, under our Conjecture 1 it is enough to ensure static anonymity against static adversaries to get also anonymity under selective-opening. It is well known that most DL-based schemes and most LWE-based schemes are statically anonymous, and there are many variations of factoring-based schemes that are also anonymous.

Achieving Secrecy for \(\mathcal {E}_3\). To get RIND-SO security for \(\mathcal {E}_3\) we need both \(\mathcal {E}_1\) and \(\mathcal {E}_2\) to provide secrecy under selective opening. For \(\mathcal {E}_1\) we may use random-oracle-based hybrid constructions, but for \(\mathcal {E}_2\) we need efficient NIZK proofs and hence prefer not to use random oracles.

  • DCR-based instantiation. To get RIND-SO security for \(\mathcal {E}_2\), we can use the “tweaked” receiver-noncommitting encryption from [32]. This method can be instantiated based on the decision-composite-residuosity (DCR) assumption. We begin with the DCR-based RNCE scheme of Canetti et al. [12], and apply the usual anonymization methods for factoring-based scheme to make it also anonymous (e.g., add a random multiple of n, see [31]).

    This instantiation is also reasonably sharing-friendly, we can have a secret holder provide a Pedersen commitment to its secret, and prove that the encrypted shares are consistent with the commitment. A detailed description of such a scheme including the necessary zero-knowledge proofs can be found in [40, Sec. 6.2.4], and can be made non-interactive using the Fiat-Shamir heuristic.

  • DDH-based instantiation. A variation of the above can also be instantiated under DDH. In this variant, we roughly replace Shamir secret sharing with a Shamir-in-the-exponent sharing (hence the secret is a random group element \(g^s\)). This means that the share holders can recover \(g^s\), but not s itself. This supports applications that recover an individual secret but may not suffice for more complex threshold functions. We can then use the DDH-based RCNE scheme from [12], and since we do not expect to recover s itself then we do not have the limitation from [12] of only encrypting short messages. This DDH-based scheme can be easily made anonymous, and also allow simple NIZK proofs via the Fiat-Shamir heuristic.

    (We note that this approach does not work for the external \(\mathcal {E}_1\), since there we need to recover the actual plaintext.)

    It is likely that one could also exhibit plausible instantiations based on LWE, but we have not worked out the details of such instantiations.

3 Our Evolving-Committee PSS Scheme

Below let N denote the total number of parties in the system, and let Ct be two parameters denoting the expected size of the holding committee and the threshold, to be determined later (roughly \(t\approx C/2=O(\lambda )\)). In the description below we assume that these parameters are fixed, but it is easy to adjust the protocol to a more dynamic setting.

We assume the model from Sect. 2.1, including the availability of a broadcast channel (with all parties having access to the entire broadcast history). We also assume access to one instance of the sortition functionality per epoch, a CRS known to all (fir the NIZK), and the PKI. For PKI we assume that every party has a “long-term”Footnote 7 public key for an anonymous PKE.

3.1 The Construction

Initial Setup and Sharing. For setup, we assume that all parties are given access to a common reference string for the NIZK, as well as the broadcast channel and the PKI. We also assume that the dealer is honest, and for simplicity we assume that sharing is run during initial setup.

  1. 1.

    On secret \(\sigma \), the dealer chooses a random degree-\((t-1)\) polynomial \(F_0\) with \(F_0(0)=\sigma \).

  2. 2.

    The dealer also choose a random size-C committee \(\mathcal {C}_0\subset [N]\), associates with each party j in the first committee \(\mathcal {C}_0\) an evaluation point \(\alpha _j\), and give that party \(\alpha _j\) and the share \(F_0(\alpha _j)\). (To save a bit on notations, we identify each index j with a point \(\alpha _j\) in the secret-sharing field and write \(F_i(j)\) rather than \(F_i(\alpha _j)\).)

  3. 3.

    Finally, the dealer also broadcast the \(\alpha \)’s and commitments to all the shares, and give each party in \(\mathcal {C}_0\) the decommitment string for its share.

We remark that an alternative sharing procedure can instead just use the same mechanism as the handover protocol below (with the honest dealer playing all the roles in the protocol).

Thereafter, we assume that at the end of every epoch i we have an \(c_i\)-member holding committee \(\mathcal {C}_i\) holding a Shamir sharing of the global secret \(\sigma \), and it needs to pass that secret to the next holding committee \(\mathcal {C}_{i+1}\). We also assume that the broadcast channel includes commitments to all the shares, and that each party in \(\mathcal {C}_i\) can open the commitment of its share.

Committee-Selection. Run by every party in the system \(p\in [N]\):

  1. 1.

    Use the sortition functionality with HEAD probability C/N to draw a verifiable bit \(b_p\). If \(b_p=0\) go to step 5. (We say that a party with \(b_p=1\) has a seat on the nominating committee, and note that the expected number of seats is C.)

  2. 2.

    Choose at random a nominee \(q\in [N]\) and get from the PKI its “long-term” public key \( \mathsf {pk}_q\) for the anonymous PKE \(\mathcal {E}_1\).

  3. 3.

    Generates a new ephemeral key pair \(( \mathsf {esk}, \mathsf {epk})\leftarrow \mathcal {E}_2.\mathsf {Keygen}(\$)\), and use \( \mathsf {pk}_q\) to encrypt the ephemeral secret key, \(\mathsf {ct}\leftarrow \mathcal {E}_1.\mathsf {Enc}_{ \mathsf {pk}_{q}}( \mathsf {esk})\).

  4. 4.

    Erase \( \mathsf {esk}\), set your sortition state to public, and broadcast \(( \mathsf {epk},\mathsf {ct})\).

  5. 5.

    Watch the broadcast channel, let \(( \mathsf {epk}_1,\mathsf {ct}_1),\ldots ,( \mathsf {epk}_{c_{i+1}},\mathsf {ct}_{c_{i+1}})\) be those broadcast pairs that were sent by parties with public sortition bits \(b_{p'}=1\), ordered lexicographically by the public key values \( \mathsf {epk}_{\star }\). (Note that all honest parties have a consistent view of this list and in particular agree on the value \(c_{i+1}\).)

  6. 6.

    For each such pair \(( \mathsf {epk}_j,\mathsf {ct}_j)\), try to decrypt \(\mathsf {ct}\) with your long-term secret key \( \mathsf {sk}_p\) and see if the result is the secret key \( \mathsf {esk}_j\) corresponding to \( \mathsf {epk}_j\). If so then store \( \mathsf {esk}_j\) locally, it represents the j’th seat on the holding committee \(\mathcal {C}_{i+1}\).

We note that each \(( \mathsf {epk},\mathsf {ct})\) establishes a “target-anonymous communication channel” to some party q. We also note that as part of the implementation of sortition, setting the sortition state to public would involve broadcasting the sortition proof together with \(( \mathsf {epk},\mathsf {ct})\).

The Handover Protocol. We use a technique similar to [24] to re-share the secret among the seats on the holding committee \(\mathcal {C}_{i+1}\).

Previous-epoch holding committee members. By induction, the shares held by \(\mathcal {C}_{i}\) define a degree-\((t-1)\) polynomial \(F_i\) with \(F_i(0)=\sigma \), where each seat j holds a share \(\sigma _j=F_i(j)\). Let \(I=\{1,2,\ldots ,c_{i+1}\}\) be the non-zero evaluation points used for a t-of-\(c_{i+1}\) Shamir secret-sharing scheme. A party q holding seat j does the following:

  1. 1.

    Choose a random degree-\((t-1)\) polynomial \(G_j\) with \(G_j(0)=\sigma _j\).

  2. 2.

    For each \(k\in I\) Set \(\sigma _{j,k} = G_j(k)\) and use the k’th ephemeral public key to encrypt it, setting \(\mathsf {ct}_{j,k}=\mathsf {Enc}_{ \mathsf {epk}_k}(\sigma _{j,k})\).

  3. 3.

    Let \(\mathsf {com}_j\) be the commitment from the previous round to the share \(\sigma _j\). Generates a NIZK proof for the statement that \((\mathsf {com}_j, \mathsf {ct}_{j,1}, \ldots , \mathsf {ct}_{j,c_{i+1}})\) are commitment/encryptions of values on a degree-\((t-1)\) polynomial w.r.t evaluation points \((0,1,\dots ,c_{i+1})\) (and public keys \( \mathsf {epk}_1,\ldots , \mathsf {epk}_{c_{i+1}}\)) respectively.Footnote 8 Denote this proof by \(\pi _j\).

  4. 4.

    Choose a new long-term key-pair, \(( \mathsf {sk}'_q, \mathsf {pk}'_q)\leftarrow \mathcal {E}_1.\mathsf {Keygen}(\$)\), and erase the previous \( \mathsf {sk}_q\) as well as all the protocol secrets (including all shares and ephemeral secret keys).

  5. 5.

    Broadcast a message that includes \( \mathsf {pk}'_q\) (for the PKI) and \(\big (\mathsf {ct}_{j,1},\ldots ,\mathsf {ct}_{j,c_{i+1}}, \pi _j\big )\).

Next-epoch holding committee members. Let \(({{\mathbf {\mathsf{{ct}}}}}_1,\pi _1),\ldots ,({\mathbf {\mathsf{{ct}}}}_{c_i},\pi _{c_i})\) be the messages boradcast by prior-epoch committee members that include valid NIZK proofs, ordered lexicographically. Note again that all honest parties will agree on these messages and their respective prior-epoch evaluation points \(j_1,\ldots ,j_{c_i}\). Let \(\lambda _{j_1}, \ldots , \lambda _{j_t}\) be the Lagrange coefficients for the first t points \(j_1,\ldots ,j_t\). Namely \(F(0)=\sum _{k=1}^{t} \lambda _{j_k} \cdot F(j_k)\) holds for every polynomial F of degree \((t-1)\).

Each party p with seat k on the holding committee \(\mathcal {C}_{i+1}\) does the following:

  1. 1.

    Choose the first t ciphertext vectors \({\mathbf {\mathsf{{ct}}}}_1,\ldots ,{\mathbf {\mathsf{{ct}}}}_t\), and extract the k’th ciphertext from each \(\mathsf {ct}_{1,k},\ldots ,\mathsf {ct}_{t,k}\).

  2. 2.

    Use the ephemeral secret key \( \mathsf {esk}_k\) to decrypt them to get the values \(\sigma _{j_1,k}=G_{j_1}(k)\) through \(\sigma _{j_t,k}=G_{j_t}(k)\).

  3. 3.

    Compute the share of the global secret corresponding to seat k as

    $$ \sum _{j \in \{j_1, \dots , j_t\}} \lambda _j \cdot \sigma _{j,k}. $$

Moreover, the ciphertexts \(\mathsf {ct}_{j_1,k},\ldots ,\mathsf {ct}_{j_t,k}\) are kept and used as the commitment value to this share (with the decommitment information being the ephemeral secret key \( \mathsf {esk}_k\)).

Handover Correctness. To see that the values computed by the holding committee members in the handover protocols are indeed shares of the global secret, let us define the polynomial

$$ F_{i+1} = \sum _{j \in \{j_1, \dots , j_t\}} \lambda _j \cdot G_j, $$

where \(G_j\) is the polynomial chosen by the (holder of) the j’th seat on the holding-committee of period i. Since the \(G_j\)’s all have degree-\((t-1)\), then so is \(F_{i+1}\), and moreover we have

$$ F_{i+1}(0) = \sum _{j \in \{j_1, \dots , j_t\}} \lambda _j \cdot G_j(0) = \sum _{j \in \{j_1, \dots , j_t\}} \lambda _j \cdot F_i(j) = F_i(0) = \sigma . $$

On the other hand, for each seat k on the holding committee of period \((i+1)\), we have

$$ \sum _{j \in \{j_1, \dots , j_t\}} \lambda _j \cdot \sigma _{j,k} = \sum _{j \in \{j_1, \dots , j_t\}} \lambda _j \cdot G_j(k) = F_{i+1}(k). $$

Reconstruction. We use Shamir reconstruction, after checking validity relative to the commitments in the broadcast channel. Specifically, each party in the reconstruction set R provides its evaluation point and share of the global secret, as well as an NP-witness showing that this share is consistent with the relevant ciphertexts from the broadcast channel.Footnote 9 The procedure takes the first t evaluation points that have valid proofs, and uses interpolation to recover the secret from the corresponding shares.

3.2 The Parameters C And t

Below we analyze the parameters of our scheme vs. the fraction of corrupted parties that it can withstand. Jumping ahead, our scheme can withstand a fraction f of corrupted parties strictly below \(f^*=1-\sqrt{0.5}\approx 0.29\), the committee-size parameter needs to be \(C=\varOmega \big (\frac{\lambda }{f(1-f)(f^*-f)^2}\big )\), and the threshold can be set as \(t\approx C/2\). The process that we analyze is not very different from the one in [22, Thm 3] (and indeed we can tolerate the same fraction \(f^*=1-\sqrt{0.5}\) as there). The main difference is that in our case the adversary can reset the sortition choice many times, which gives it some additional power but does not change the asymptotic behavior.

Our analysis uses tail bounds for the binomial distribution, so we begin by stating some properties of these bounds in the regime of interest. Let \(p\in (0,1)\) and let kn be integers with \(pn< k \le n\), Our analysis is concerned with a setting where \(p=o(1)\) (in the scheme we have \(p=C/N\)), and we use following Chernoff bounds:

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr \left[ \text{ Bin }(n,p)> pn(1+\epsilon )\right]< & {} \exp (-n p \epsilon ^2/(2+\epsilon )), ~\text{ and } \nonumber \\ \Pr \left[ \text{ Bin }(n,p)< pn(1-\epsilon )\right]< & {} \exp (-n p \epsilon ^2/2). \end{aligned}$$

In this analysis we ignore computational issues and assume that the adversary selects the keys to open without any information about membership in the nominating- and holding-committees. Our computational assumptions in Sect. 3.3 ensure that poly-time adversaries cannot do much better even if they do see the various keys and ciphertexts. In this information-theoretic analysis we can make the following simplifying assumptions:

  • The adversary is computationally unbounded, but still can only reset the sortition functionality from Fig. 1 a bounded number of times, and it is subject to a budget of corrupting at most fN parties.

  • Corrupted members of the nominating committee choose only corrupted members for the holding committee, and

  • The adversary corrupts all the fN parties at the beginning of the handover protocol and these remain unchanged throughout.

To see why we can make the last assumption (in this information-theoretic setting), observe that any change in the number of corrupted seats that happens because the adversary make later choice of whom to corrupt implies in particular that the adversary gained information about the not-yet-corrupted members of the holding committee.

If we let c denote the number of seats on the holding committee, \(\phi \) denote the number of corrupted seats, and t denote the threshold, then we need \(\phi <t\) (for secrecy) and \(c-\phi \ge t\) (for liveness). We show below how to set the parameter C (that determines the expected committee size) and the threshold t so as to get secrecy and liveness with high probability.

Recalling that our model of sortition from Sect. 2.3 allows the adversary to reset its choice many times, the process that we want to analyze is as follows:

  1. 1.

    The adversary corrupts \(f\cdot N\) parties;

  2. 2.

    The adversary resets the sortition functionality a polynomial number of times, until it is happy that enough of its corrupted parties are selected to the nominating committee;

  3. 3.

    With the sortition so chosen, the honest (and corrupt) parties are selected to the nominating committee;

  4. 4.

    Each member of the nominating committee selects a holding-committee member, with the honest ones selecting at random (and corrupted members always selecting other corrupted members).

Let \(k_1,k_2,k_3\) be three security parameters for the analysis, as follows. We will assume the adversary can reset the sortition functionality in the process above at most \(2^{k_1}\) times.Footnote 10 We want to ensure secrecy except with probability \(2^{-k_2}\) and liveness except with probability \(2^{-k_3}\). We will use parameters \(\epsilon _1,\epsilon _2,\epsilon _3\), whose values we will fix later.

Let \(B_1=fC(1+\epsilon _1)\); \(B_1\) represents the maximum tolerable number of corrupted members in the nominating committee (note that the expected number is fC). Let \(B_2=f(1-f)C(1+\epsilon _2)\); \(B_2\) represents the number of additional corrupted members in the holding committee (note that the expected number is \(f(1-f)C\)). We will set the threshold at \(t=B_1+B_2+1\). Thus, \(\epsilon _1\) and \(\epsilon _2\) control the probability that secrecy fails. The parameter \(\epsilon _3\), discussed below, will control the probability that liveness fails. We will now discuss how to set \(C,\epsilon _1,\epsilon _2,\epsilon _3\) to satisfy the following two conditions:

  • Secrecy: \(\Pr [\phi \ge t] \le 2^{-k_2}\);

  • Liveness: \(\Pr [c-\phi <t] \le 2^{-k_3}\).

The Parameter \(\epsilon _1\). As described above, the adversary corrupts fN parties, and then resets the sortition functionality at most \(2^{k_1}\) times to try to get as many of these parties selected to the nominating committee as it can. The number of corrupted parties in the nominating committee for each of these \(2^{k_1}\) tries is a binomial random variable Bin\((n=fN, p=\frac{C}{N})\). We can set the parameters C and \(\epsilon _1\) so as to ensure that

$$ \Pr \left[ \text{ Bin }(fN, \frac{C}{N})>B_1\right] < 2^{-k_1-k_2-1}, $$

in which case the union bound implies that

$$ \Pr \left[ \exists ~\text{ try } \text{ with } \text{ more } \text{ than }~B_1~\text{ corrupted } \text{ parties } \text{ selected }\right] < 2^{-k_2-1}. $$

Using Eq. 1, a sufficient condition for ensuring the bound above is to set \(\epsilon _1\) and C large enough so as to get \(\exp \left( -fN\cdot \frac{C}{N}\cdot \frac{{\epsilon _1}^2}{2+\epsilon _1}\right) <2^{-k_1-k_2-1}\), or equivalently

$$\begin{aligned} C > \frac{(k_1+k_2+1)(2+\epsilon _1)\ln 2}{f{\epsilon _1}^2}. \end{aligned}$$

The Parameter \(\epsilon _2\). We next bound the number of additional corrupted parties in the holding committee due to Step 4 above. Here we have a total of \((1-f)N\) honest parties, each one is selected to the nominating committee with probability C/N and then each selected honest party chooses a corrupted party to the holding committee with probability f. Hence the number of additional corrupted party is a binomial random variable with \(n=(1-f)N\) and \(p=fC/N\) (and, unlike in the analysis of \(\epsilon _1\), this time the adversary gets only one attempt—there is no resetting, because the adversary cannot predict how sortition will select honest parties). The expected number of additional corrupted parties is therefore \(f(1-f)C\), and we get a high-probability bound on it by setting C and \(\epsilon _2\) so as to get

$$ \Pr \left[ \text{ Bin }((1-f)N, \frac{fC}{N})> B_2 \right] < 2^{-k_2-1}. $$

Here too, we get a sufficient condition by applying Eq. 1. For this we need to set \(\epsilon _2\) and C large enough to get \(\exp \left( -(1-f)N\cdot \frac{fC}{N})\cdot \frac{{\epsilon _2}^2}{2+\epsilon _2}\right) <2^{-k_2-1}\), or equivalently

$$\begin{aligned} C > \frac{(k_2+1)(2+\epsilon _2) \ln 2}{f(1-f){\epsilon _2}^2}. \end{aligned}$$

The Parameter \(\epsilon _3\) and the liveness condition. The conditions from Eqs. (2) and (3) ensure the secrecy condition except with probability \(2^{-k_2}\). It remains to set \(\epsilon _3\) and C to ensure liveness. Recall that the liveness condition holds as long as the number of honest members \((c-\phi )\) on the holding committee is at least t. Honest members come to the holding committee as follows: an honest party (out of \((1-f)N\) total) gets chosen to the nominating committee (with probability C/N), and then chooses an honest party (with probability \(1-f\)) to the holding committee. Thus, the number of honest members is a binomial random variable with \(n=(1-f)N\) and \(p=(1-f)C/N\). (Again, the adversary gets only one attempt, because the adversary cannot predict how sortition will select honest parties, so resetting doesn’t help.) Since the expected value of this random variable is \((1-f)^2C\), it is sufficient to ensure that \(t\le (1-f)^2C(1-\epsilon _3)\) for some \(\epsilon _3>0\) such that

$$ \Pr [\text{ Bin }((1-f)N,(1-f)C/N)<(1-f)^2C(1-\epsilon _3)] < 2^{-k_3}. $$

By Eq. 1, this holds when \(\exp \big (-(1-f)N \cdot (1-f)C/N \cdot {\epsilon _3}^2/2\big ) < 2^{-k3}\), i.e.,

$$\begin{aligned} C > \frac{2k_3\ln 2}{(\epsilon _3(1-f))^2}. \end{aligned}$$

Recalling that our threshold was set to

$$\begin{aligned} t ~=~ B_1+B_2+1= & {} fC(1+\epsilon _1)+f(1-f)C(1+\epsilon _2)+1\\= & {} C \cdot \big ((2+\epsilon _1+\epsilon _2)f-(1+\epsilon _2)f^2\big ) + 1, \nonumber \end{aligned}$$

the condition \(t\le (1-f)^2C(1-\epsilon _3)\) is equivalent to:

$$\begin{aligned} \epsilon _3 \le \frac{1-(4+\epsilon _1+\epsilon _2)f +(2+\epsilon _2)f^2-\frac{1}{C}}{(1-f)^2}. \end{aligned}$$

Putting it all together. Given the fraction f of corrupted parties and the security parameters \(k_1,k_2,k_3\), we need to find some positive values for the other parameters \(C,\epsilon _1,\epsilon _2,\epsilon _3,t\) that satisfy the bounds in Eqs. (2) to (6).

Clearly such positive values that satisfy Eq. (6) only exist when \(1-4f+2f^2\) is bounded away from zero, which means that f must be strictly smaller than \(f^*=1-\sqrt{0.5}\approx 0.29\). When f is bounded below \(f^*\), we can satisfy Eq. (6) by setting the \(\epsilon \)’s to \((f^*-f)/c\) for some moderate constant c, and then by Eqs. (2) to (4) we get \(C=\varTheta ((k_1+k_2+k_3)/f(1-f)(f^*-f)^2)\).

For example, the following table lists values of C and t that work for security parameters \(k_1=64\) and \(k_2=k_3=128\) and different values of f (along with the \(\epsilon \)’s that were used to obtain these C and t values).






















\(\epsilon _1\)







\(\epsilon _2\)







\(\epsilon _3\)







3.3 Analysis

Complexity. It is easy to see that the communication complexity of all the protocols in our construction (sharing, committee-selection, handover, and reconstruction) is some fixed polynomial in the security parameter, regardless of the number of epochs or the total number or parties N. Indeed there are only some \(c=O(\lambda )\) parties in every committee, and each of them sends a single message including at most encryption nd proofs about size-O(c) vectors.

Regarding computation, the only parts of the protocol that involve O(N) objects are random selection of keys from a size-N public table (provided by the PKI). Every other operation involves at most size-O(c) objects. Hence in a RAM model also the computation performed by each party depends only logarithmically on N.

Security. Below we denote by \(\mathcal {E}_3=\mathcal {E}_1\circ \mathcal {E}_2\) the combination of the PKE schemes \(\mathcal {E}_1,\mathcal {E}_2\) as in our scheme: \(\mathcal {E}_3\) uses the keys from \(\mathcal {E}_1\) and encrypts a message by choosing a fresh key pair for \(\mathcal {E}_2\), encrypting the \(\mathcal {E}_2\) secret key by the \(\mathcal {E}_1\) public key, and encrypting the message by the \(\mathcal {E}_2\) public key.

Theorem 1

Let \(f< 1-\sqrt{0.5}\) be a constant, and consider the parameters \(C=C(\lambda ),t=t(\lambda )\) satisfying Eqs. 2 through 6.

Let \(\mathcal {E}_1,\mathcal {E}_2\) be two public-key encryption schemes, \(\mathcal {E}_1\) is anonymous as per Definition 4 and the combination \(\mathcal {E}_3=\mathcal {E}_1 \circ \mathcal {E}_2\) is RIND-SO secure. Also let \(\Pi \) be a NIZK argument system and assume the sortition functionality from Fig. 1.

Then the construction in Sect. 3.1 with parameters Ct is a scalable ECPSS scheme satisfying secrecy and robust reconstruction (Definitions 1 and 2), in a model with erasures and the broadcast channel and PKI from Sect. 2.1, against polynomial-time mobile adversaries with corruption budget bounded by \(f\cdot N\).

Proof Sketch. Below we only sketch the secrecy argument, which includes in particular a proof that the committees are mostly-honest. The robust-reconstruction argument is similar (but simpler).

Consider an adversary that specifies two secrets \(\sigma _0,\sigma _1\) and then interacts with our ECPSS scheme, and we need to argue that it only has a negligible advantage in guessing which of \(\sigma _0,\sigma _1\) was shared. As usual, the proof involves a game between the adversary and a challenger, and a sequence of hybrids that are proven indistinguishable via reductions to the secrecy of the various components. Below we tag each of these hybrids with the security property that is used to prove their indistinguishability from the previous hybrid in the sequence.

  • \(H_0\) (The real protocol). This is a game where the challenger plays the role of all the honest parties, and in particular knows the global secret and all the shares.

  • \(H_1\) (NIZK Soundness). In the next hybrid, the challenger aborts if at any point the honest parties accept a proof from the adversary even though the encrypted quantities in question do not lie on a degree-t polynomial. The challenger can detect this because it knows all the shares and it sees everything that the honest parties see. It follows from the NIZK soundness that the challenger only aborts with negligible probability.

  • \(H_2\) (Zero-knowledge). Next the challenger uses the NIZK simulator to generate the honest-party proofs. Since it is zero-knowledge, the adversary cannot detect the difference.

  • \(H_3\) (Anonymous PKE). In this hybrid the challenger aborts if the holding committee contains t or more corrupted seats, or fewer than t honest seats. We use the anonymity property of the long-term PKE to argue that this happens only with a negligible probability.

    For this argument, first note that the set of corrupter nominators depends only on the sortition “ideal functionality,” hence the bound \(B_1\) from Sect. 3.2 holds for it. Next let S be the set of holding-committee members that were nominated by honest nominators. (More specifically, nominators that were honest at the time they broadcast their nomination message.) In Sect. 3.2 we bounded whp the number of corrupted members from S by the bound \(B_2\) in an information-theoretic model, but now the adversary’s view contains information about the set S (since the ephemeral keys are encrypted under their long-term public keys). Nonetheless, due to the anonymity of the PKE scheme \(\mathcal {E}_1\), with overwhelming probability the adversary only corrupts \(B_2(1+o(1))\) members of this set.

  • \(H_4\) (PKE secrecy). In this hybrid honest parties switch to encrypting a randomly chosen secret \(\sigma _{\$}\) rather than the right one \(\sigma _b\). We argue that the adversary cannot distinguish these hybrids by reduction to the hiding property of the combined PKE scheme \(\mathcal {E}_1 \circ \mathcal {E}_2\). Note that in this hybrid we already know that the adversary corrupts less than t members of each holding committees, so we can re-sample the shares of the honest parties conditioned on those of the corrupted ones.

Finally we can undo the changes in these hybrids, arriving at a game where the adversary gets \(\sigma _{1-b}\) rather than \(\sigma _b\).

4 Parties vs. Stake

In this paper we described the protocol in terms of individual parties, and the adversary’s power in terms of corruption a fixed fraction of these parties. Our main application domain, however, is public proof-of-stake blockchains where the adversary’s corruption budget is measured in stake. In this world every actual party holds some number of tokens, and the corruption budget of the adversary is expressed in tokens rather than in parties.

The easiest way of defining the adversary model and protocol actions in this world is to have a party with x tokens play the role of x parties in the protocol, and leave everything else as-is. If the party-to-stake mapping was static, then the stake-based adversary model would have been a weakening of the standard adversary, and hence every protocol that was secure in the party model against some f-fraction of corrupted parties would remains secure also in the stake model against f-fraction of corrupted stake. To see that, note that if a party owns x tokens and the adversary corrupts it, then the adversary is forced to corrupt all the x tokens at once, reducing its ability to corrupt different parties.

The thing that makes the stake model harder is that the stake assignment is not static, parties can move the stake among them dynamically. (This can be formulated using a UC-like environment that provides parties with tokens and move those tokens between them.) In this environment, it is not a priory clear that the proactive model makes sense at all: This model stipulates that corrupted parties can recover and join the ranks of honest parties. But when the adversary corrupts a party holding some stake, can’t it just “take the money and run”? That is, can’t the adversary simply transfer all the stake of a corrupted party into the adversary’s own coffers, thereafter forever controlling it?

Making sense of party’s recovery in the stake model hinges on the distinction between keys that control tokens (called spending/withdrawal keys) and keys that are used in the consensus (called participation/validation keys): PoS blockchain usually assume that stake-controlling keys are kept highly secure (e.g., offline, in a hardware device, or using some secret-sharing mechanism), and are only accessed infrequently. The cryptographic keys used for the protocol, on the other hand, must be accessed frequently and kept online. This model therefore assumes that the token-controlling keys are (almost) never compromised, but the consensus keys are easier to corrupt. In that model a corrupted party is one whose protocol key was compromised, but it can later recover by (cleaning up the node and) using the token-controlling key to choose and broadcast a new protocol key. It is instructive to consider the type of corruptions we are likely to confront in a PoS blockchain and their characteristics.

  • Mostly static adversarial base. There may be a set of token keys that are held by the adversary, and hence their consensus keys remain adversarial throughout. While that set (and the stake that it holds) is not completely static, it changes rather slowly.

  • Somewhat dynamic node corruptions. A second type of adversarial parties represent nodes where the stake key is held by honest participants but the consensus keys are subject to compromise due to security breaches. These tend to be more dynamic from the first set, but corruptions still require significant effort on the part of the attacker. It may be reasonable to assume that corruption of new nodes usually takes significant time.

  • Fully dynamic fail-stop. A third set of “adversarial” nodes are fail-stop nodes, that are just knocked off due to denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. It seems reasonable to assume that the adversary can mount a DoS attack almost instantaneously and keep it going for a while.

Hence realistic protocols in PoS blockchains must be resilient to very dynamic DoS attacks, but can perhaps assume a mobile-but-slow-moving adversary when it comes to malicious corruptions. The next section sketches a protocol that can tolerate higher corrupted fraction in the face of such slow-moving adversary.

5 Static vs. Adaptive Anonymous PKE

Recall the definition of Bellare et al. for anonymous PKE against static adversaries:

Definition 5

(Anonymity [3]). A PKE scheme \(\mathcal {E}=(\mathsf {Gen},\mathsf {Enc},\mathsf {Dec})\) is anonymous if polynomial-time adversaries have at most a negligible advantage in the following game with a challenger:

  1. 1.

    The challenger runs the key generation twice to get \(( \mathsf {pk}_i, \mathsf {sk}_i)\leftarrow \mathsf {Gen}(1^{\lambda },\$)\) for \(i=0,1\), and sends \( \mathsf {pk}_0, \mathsf {pk}_1\) to the adversary.

  2. 2.

    The adversary responds with a plaintext message m.Footnote 11

  3. 3.

    The challenger chooses a secret bit b, encrypts m relative to \( \mathsf {pk}_b\) to get \(\mathsf {ct}\leftarrow \mathsf {Enc}_{ \mathsf {pk}_b}(m)\), and sends \(\mathsf {ct}\) to the adversary.

  4. 4.

    The adversary outputs a guess \(b'\) for the bit b.

The advantage of the adversary is \(2\cdot |\Pr [b=b']-\frac{1}{2}|\).

We would like to prove Conjecture 1, that every PKE that satisfies Definition 5 also satisfies Definition 4. While we were not able to prove this conjecture, below we prove a special case of it for restricted class of adversaries that “open” all the keys at once. That is, given the n public keys and m ciphertexts \((\lambda \le m < n)\), the adversary outputs a set D of \(\ell =f\cdot n\) keys that it wants to open, and it gets all the secret keys for it at once. Note that this “semi-adaptive” adversary already exhibits all the problems with selective opening in the context of secrecy. In particular the examples showing that semantic security does not imply security under selective opening, apply also to these restricted adversaries.

Lemma 1

Fix a constant \(\epsilon >0\). If there is an efficient semi-adaptive adversary that opens at most \(\ell =fn\) keys but is able to open \(t^*=(1+\epsilon )f m\) keys in A with a noticeable probability \(\alpha =\alpha (\lambda )\), then the PKE in use does not satisfy Definition 5.


Fix an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\), denote by A the set of public keys under which messages were encrypted and by D the set of keys that \(\mathcal {A}\) opens, and let \(p_i\) be the probability of \(|D\cap A|=i\) for that adversary (for all \(i=0,1,\ldots ,m\)). The premise of the lemma is that \(\sum _{i\ge t^*} p_i = \alpha = 1/\mathsf {poly}(m)\).

We describe a reduction that uses this adversary in the anonymous-PKE game from Definition 5. The reduction has a parameter \(\tau \le m-1\), and it gets two keys \( \mathsf {pk}_0, \mathsf {pk}_1\) and a ciphertext \(\mathsf {ct}\) encrypted under one of them. It chooses \(n-2\) more keys, selects a random subset \(A'\subset [n]\) of size \(m-1\), and encrypts messages under the keys in \(A'\). The reduction then gives the adversary the n keys and m ciphertexts (in random order), and gets from the adversary the set D of \(\ell \) keys to open. If \(|A' \cap D|\ge \tau \) and in addition \( \mathsf {pk}_1\) is opened but \( \mathsf {pk}_0\) is not, then the reduction outputs 1. Otherwise the reduction outputs 0.

Let x denote the key under which the message is encrypted and y denote the other key. The crux of the proof is showing that when the probability distribution \((p_0,p_1,\ldots ,p_m)\) is far from an (\(n,m,\ell )\)-hypergeometric distribution, there must exist some \(\tau \) for which

$$ \delta _\tau {\mathop {=}\limits ^{\mathrm {def}}}\Pr [\text{ reduction}_{\tau } \text{ outputs } \text{1 } | x= \mathsf {pk}_1] - \Pr [\text{ reduction}_{\tau } \text{ outputs } \text{1 } | x= \mathsf {pk}_0] $$

is non-negligible (in m). Recall that the (\(n,m,\ell )\)-hypergeometric distribution is \((p^*_0,p^*_1,\ldots ,p^*_m)\) such that \(p^*_i {\mathop {=}\limits ^{\mathrm {def}}}{i\atopwithdelims ()m}{{\ell -i}\atopwithdelims (){n-m}}/{n \atopwithdelims ()\ell }.\)

Observe that when \(x= \mathsf {pk}_1\), the reduction with \(\tau \) outputs 1 if \(|D \cap A| \ge \tau +1\) (i.e., \(\ge \tau \) for \(A'\) and one more for \( \mathsf {pk}_1\)), and in addition \(x= \mathsf {pk}_1\in D\) and \(y= \mathsf {pk}_0\notin D\). Hence

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [\text{ reduction}_{\tau } \text{ outputs } \text{1 } | x= \mathsf {pk}_1] =\sum _{i=\tau +1}^m p_i\cdot \frac{i}{m} \cdot \big (1-\frac{\ell -i}{n-m}\big ). \end{aligned}$$

On the other hand when \(x= \mathsf {pk}_0\), the reduction with \(\tau \) outputs 1 if \(|D \cap A| \ge \tau \), and in addition \(y= \mathsf {pk}_1\in D\) and \(x= \mathsf {pk}_0\notin D\). Hence

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [\text{ reduction}_{\tau } \text{ outputs } \text{1 } | x= \mathsf {pk}_0] =\sum _{i=\tau }^m p_i\cdot \big (1-\frac{i}{m}\big ) \cdot \frac{\ell -i}{n-m}. \end{aligned}$$

Let us denote \(u_i = \frac{i}{m} \cdot (1-\frac{\ell -i}{n-m})\) and \(v_i=(1-\frac{i}{m})\cdot \frac{\ell -i}{n-m}\). From Eqs. 7 and 8 we have

$$\begin{aligned} \delta _{\tau } ~=~ - p_\tau v_\tau + \sum _{i=\tau +1}^m p_i(u_i-v_i) ~=~ \left( - p_\tau \big (1-\frac{\tau }{m}\big ) + \sum _{i=\tau +1}^m p_i\big (\frac{i}{m}-\frac{\ell }{n}\big )\right) \cdot \frac{m}{n-m}, \end{aligned}$$

where the last equality follows because

$$\begin{aligned} u_i-v_i= & {} \frac{i}{m}\cdot \frac{n-m-\ell +i}{n-m} - \frac{m-i}{m}\cdot \frac{\ell -i}{n-m} ~=~ \big (\frac{i}{m} - \frac{\ell }{n}\big ) \cdot \frac{m}{n-m}. \end{aligned}$$

Equation 9 yields a set of linear equations for expressing \(\varvec{\delta }=(\delta _0,\delta _1,\ldots ,\delta _{m-1})\) in terms of \(\varvec{p}=(p_0,p_1,\ldots p_m)\). Let B be the \(m\times (m+1)\) matrix representing these equations, namely \( \varvec{\delta } = \varvec{p} \cdot B. \) While it is not hard to show that the (\(n,m,\ell )\)-hypergeometric distribution is the only one yielding \(\varvec{p}^*B=\varvec{0}\), we still need to show that whenever \(\varvec{p}\) is noticeably far from \(\varvec{p}^*\) then \(\delta \) is noticeably away from zero. To that end, we look again at Eq. 9 and give a name to the sum at the right-hand side. For every \(\tau \) we denote:

$$ \gamma _\tau {\mathop {=}\limits ^{\mathrm {def}}}\sum _{i=\tau }^m p_i\big (\frac{i}{m}-\frac{\ell }{n}\big ) =\sum _{i=\tau }^m p_i\big (\frac{i}{m}-f\big ) ~\text{ and } \text{ similarly }~ \gamma ^*_\tau {\mathop {=}\limits ^{\mathrm {def}}}\sum _{i=\tau }^m p^*_i\big (\frac{i}{m}-f\big ). $$

Equation 9 can now be written as \(\delta _{\tau }=\frac{m}{n-m}(\gamma _{\tau +1}-p_\tau (1-\frac{\tau }{m}))\), and of course by definition we have \(\gamma _{\tau }=p_{\tau }(\frac{\tau }{m}-f)+\gamma _{\tau +1}\). We similarly have \(\gamma ^*_{\tau }=p^*_{\tau }(\frac{\tau }{m}-f)+\gamma ^*_{\tau +1}\), but here \(\gamma ^*_{\tau +1}-p^*_\tau (1-\frac{\tau }{m})=0\). Note also that for \(\tau \ge fm\) the term \(\frac{\tau }{m}-f\) is non-negative. We next use the following two facts:

  • By Chernoff bound, \(\gamma ^*_{t^*} < \sum _{i\ge t^*} p^*_i\) is exponentially small in \(\epsilon f \cdot m=\varTheta (m)\).

  • By our assumption on the adversary \(\gamma _{t^*}\) is non-negligible since

    $$ \gamma _{t^*} = \sum _{i\ge t^*} p_i\big (\frac{i}{m}-f\big ) \ge \sum _{i\ge t^*} p_i\big (\frac{t^*}{m}-f\big ) = \epsilon f \sum _{i\ge t^*} p_i = \epsilon f \alpha . $$

This means that \(\gamma _{t^*}\) is exponentially (in m) larger than \(\gamma ^*_{t^*}\), i.e. there exists some constant \(\eta >0\) such that \(\gamma _{t^*}\ge (1+\eta )^m\gamma ^*_{t^*}\).

By the Claim 5 below, we either have \(p_{t^*-1}\ge (1+\eta )^m(1-\frac{\eta }{2})p^*_{t^*-1}\), or else \(\delta _{t^*-1}>\frac{\eta m}{2(n-m)} \gamma _{t^*}\), which is non-negligible (in m). In the former case (of large \(p_{t^*-1}\)) we get

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{t^*-1}= & {} p_{t^*-1}(\frac{t^*-1}{m}-f)+\gamma _{t^*} \ge (1+\eta )^m(1-\frac{\eta }{2})p^*_{t^*-1} (\underbrace{\frac{t^*-1}{m}-f}_{> 0}) +(1+\eta )^{m}\gamma ^*_{t^*}\\[-2ex]> & {} (1+\eta )^{m}(1-\frac{\eta }{2})(p^*_{t^*-1}(\frac{t^*-1}{m}-f)+\gamma ^*_{t^*}) ~=~ (1+\eta )^{m}(1-\frac{\eta }{2})\gamma ^*_{t^*-1}. \end{aligned}$$

In that case we can apply Claim 5 again to conclude that either \(p_{t^*-2}>(1+\eta )^m(1-\frac{\eta }{2})^2p^*_{t^*-2}\) or else \(\delta _{t^*-2}\) is non-negligible. Repeating this process, we show by induction that either at least one of \(\delta _{t^*-1}, \delta _{t^*-2}, \ldots ,\delta _{fm}\) is non-negligible (in m), or else we have

$$ \forall i\in [fm,t^*-1],\ p_i>(1+\eta )^m(1-\frac{\eta }{2})^{t^*-i}. $$

But the last case cannot happen, since it means that the \(p_i\)’s sum up to more than one. That is so because the hypergeometric distribution has probability at least 1/4 of exceeding the expected value [28],Footnote 12 i.e., \(\sum _{i\ge fm} p^*_i\ge 1/4\), and so

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{i=0}^m p_i\ge & {} \sum _{i=fm}^{t^*-1} p_i + \sum _{i=t^*}^m p_i ~\ge ~ \sum _{i=fm}^{t^*} (1+\eta )^m (1-\eta /2)^{t^*-i} p^*_i ~+~ (1+\eta )^m\sum _{i=t^*}^m p^*_i \\> & {} (1+\eta )^m(1-\eta /2)^m \sum _{i\ge fm} p^*_i ~>~ \big (1+\eta /4\big )^m \cdot \frac{1}{4} > 1. \end{aligned}$$

        \(\square \)


For any \(\tau \ge fm\), denote the ratio \(R_{\tau +1}{\mathop {=}\limits ^{\mathrm {def}}}\gamma _{\tau +1}/\gamma ^*_{\tau +1}\) and let \(\eta >0\) be an arbitrary constant. Then either \(p_\tau >R_{\tau +1}(1-\frac{\eta }{2}) p^*_\tau \), or else \(\delta _\tau \ge \frac{\eta m}{2(n-m)} \gamma _{\tau +1}\).

Proof Recall that for the hypergeometric distribution we have \(\gamma ^*_{\tau +1}=p^*_\tau (1-\frac{\tau }{m})\), and by definition of \(R_{\tau +1}\)’s we have \(\gamma _{\tau +1} = R_{\tau +1} \gamma ^*_{\tau +1}\). Assume that \(p_{\tau }\le R_{\tau +1}(1-\frac{\eta }{2}) p^*_{\tau }\), and we need to show that \(\delta _{\tau }\ge \frac{\eta m}{2(n-m)} \gamma _{\tau +1}\). By Eq. 9 we have

$$\begin{aligned}&\delta _{\tau }\cdot \frac{n-m}{m} ~=~ \gamma _{\tau +1}-p_\tau (1-\frac{\tau }{m}) ~\ge ~ R_{\tau +1}\gamma ^*_{\tau +1}- R_{\tau +1}(1-\frac{\eta }{2})p^*_{\tau }(1-\frac{\tau }{m})\\&=~ R_{\tau +1}\big ( \underbrace{\gamma ^*_{\tau +1}-p^*_{\tau }(1-\frac{\tau }{m})}_{=0} \big ) + \frac{\eta }{2} \cdot R_{\tau +1} \cdot p^*_\tau (1-\frac{\tau }{m}) ~= \frac{\eta }{2}\cdot R_{\tau +1}\gamma ^*_{\tau +1} ~= \frac{\eta }{2}\cdot \gamma _{\tau +1}. \end{aligned}$$

Hence \(\delta _{\tau }\ge \frac{\eta m}{2(n-m)}\gamma _{\tau +1}\), as needed.