Stainless Steel Crowns in Pediatric Dentistry

Crown Selection

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This segment explains the crowns available for selection and the trial and error involved in selecting the correct crown size.


  • Crown Selection
  • Trial and error
  • Crown Sizes
  • Stainless steel Crowns
  • Undersized Crown
  • Preformed Metal Crowns

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest

About this video

Ashwin Rao
Shweta Tiwari
First online
04 March 2020
Online ISBN
Springer, Cham
Copyright information
© The Author(s) 2020

Video Transcript

Stainless steel crowns for all primary posterior teeth are available from sizes 2 to 7. The crown size is selected by trial and error.

Note here that size 2 is too small and does not go beyond the occlusive third of the buccal surface.

The smallest crown, size 3 in this case, that will sit completely onto the prepared tooth selected. Also note that during trying, the crown should be locked onto the lingual surface and rolled over to the occlusal into the buccal surface.