Setting Up Apache Server on a Raspberry Pi 3


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Offers closing remarks, including tips to getting around dynamic home IP addresses and the author's contact information.


  • Dynamic DNS
  • ISP
  • Dynamic IP address

About this video

Braxton VanGundy
First online
19 March 2020
Online ISBN
Copyright information
© Braxton VanGundy 2020

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Video Transcript

That concludes this video on how to set up an Apache HTTP server on a Raspberry Pi 3. Now you know how to configure a headless Raspberry Pi 3 Apache server running Raspbian that can be accessed via HTTP from anywhere in the world. As an added bonus, if you had never used Linux before watching this video, you now know how to deploy and administer a basic Linux server.

Before we end, there is something I want to touch on briefly, and that is the process of associating a domain name with your home’s IP address and how to get around dynamic IP addresses assigned by your internet service provider. Most ISPs assign home IP addresses dynamically, meaning that after some amount of time, the IP address that points to your home network will change. This isn’t good for a web server, because now users outside your network won’t be able to use the same IP address to access your HTTP server, and therefore, won’t be able to access anything hosted on that server– for example, your website.

To get around this, you can use a dynamic DNS client to keep track of when your IP address updates and associate the IP address with a memorable domain name. Personally, I prefer DynDNS, which I have been using for three years without issue. However, there are other similar services out there.

That is going to be about it for this video. If you have any questions, you can reach me at I am also on LinkedIn under Braxton VanGundy. And you can find me on YouTube at aacomputersandtechnology.