Python Basics


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This segment concludes the video course with a summary of all we’ve covered.


  • Python basics
  • summary

About this video

Coen de Groot
First online
17 March 2020
Online ISBN
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© Coen de Groot 2020

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Video Transcript

This has been a lot of information. We have covered many different topics. Let’s briefly remind ourselves. You learned about Python, how to install it and write and run some code. We used variables to access objects in memory, such as floats, integer, and strings.

The if statement lets you change the flow of the program. We also looked at the different types of tests, greater than, less than, equals, et cetera. Having worked with single items, we also learned how to use collections, lists, tuples, and dictionaries to store multiple items. And we used the for statement to loop through them.

To help us write larger programs, we covered reading and writing files, and another type of loop, the while loop. To keep our programs manageable and easier to follow, we learned how to break our code up into functions, and how to call functions with positional and keyword arguments. And finally, you saw a few examples of how you might use Python for some specific tasks.

I hope you found this course useful. It contains a lot of information, but I’ve tried to structure it so you can learn it step by step. Go ahead, install Python if you haven’t already done so, and start experimenting with Python. Be careful when you use Python to create files. But otherwise, you can’t break anything. If you make a mistake whilst programming, no one will know, so you are free to try things out, fail, try again until it works. Enjoy.