Historical Urban Political Ecology What, How and Why?

  • Jenia Mukherjee

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This video introduces historical urban political ecology (HUPE) as an integrated, cross-fertilized approach, combining environmental history and political ecology to capture multi-layered processes in the making of urban nature. It explains the potentials of HUPE as a comprehensive framework not only to identify complex urban challenges within the Anthropocene but also to offer opportunities to optimized towards just and resilient urban transitions. This video is a valuable teaching tool across several disciplines, including urban studies, sociology, anthropology and history. It also caters to the needs of urban practitioners and activists dedicated to formulating (more) sustainable and inclusive urban environmental solutions.


A valuable teaching tool for urban practitioners. This video presents contemporary research on urbanisation in India and other parts of the world.

About The Author

Jenia Mukherjee

Jenia Mukherjee is Assistant Professor at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. Her research interests include urban sustainability, environmental history, political ecology and development studies. In 2013, she was awarded the World Social Science Fellowship on Sustainable Urbanization by the International Social Science Council. She has published papers and chapters in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes and conducted international projects on urban environmental issues.


About this video

Jenia Mukherjee
Online ISBN
Total duration
1 hr 10 min
Springer, Singapore
Copyright information
© Producer, under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022

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Video Transcript


Hello, everyone. This is the introductory segment for the presentation entitled “Historical Urban Political Ecology– What, why and how?” So in this segment, I will discuss the overview and familiarize you with the flow and structure of the entire presentation.

To begin with, what is HUPE? Is it an epistemological framework, a methodogical intervention, an axiological approach, or an integration of all of this to help us reimagine ontologies such as the urban, the environment, and their interconnections? So if we know what HUPE is or what the framework is all about, then how do we deploy it or implement it in our own empirical context?

So for example, I formulated HUPE and applied it to unravel the story of blue infrastructures of Kolkata. And in this particular chunk of the presentation, through this Kolkata case study, I will be discussing how the HUPE framework can be deployed by researchers and scholars, within their own specific empirical context of application. So finally, this presentation will end with a discussion on why I think that HUPE is an enabling framework for urban ecological research. And when I discuss this, I will also be discussing its overall relevance and potentials of replicability at scales.