Introduction to Regular Expressions API in C# 11 Using The Newly Improved Expressions APIs

  • Tarun Telang

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Learn everything you need to understand and work with regular expressions in C# and how to apply them to your projects effectively.

Regular expressions provide an extremely powerful method for pattern matching with strings. They are very useful for parsing information like dates, phone numbers, or zip codes from important text files such as code files, log files, spreadsheets, or documents. This video will teach learners about how to perform pattern matching with regular expressions using the latest C# version 11. It starts by introducing the topic of regular expressions and their use cases. We will then move on and look at the C# API for regular expressions. This video discusses everyday use cases of regular expressions, e.g., data validation, information extraction, pattern matching, and search and replace. Finally, we will wrap up the course by looking at some advanced topics such as performance optimization and troubleshooting.

After going through the video, you will be able to use regular expressions in C# 11 for various practical applications such as data validation, text processing, and more.

What Will You Learn

  • The basics of using regular expressions

  • How to use the different options of a C# API

  • Formatting Regular Expression’s Output

  • Understanding the different C# APIs available for working with regular expressions

Who Is This Video For

Software and application developers.

Learn everything you need to understand and work with regular expressions in C# and how to apply them to your projects effectively.

About The Author

Tarun Telang

Tarun Telang is a hands-on technologist with extensive experience in the design and implementation of multi-tiered, highly scalable software applications. He has been part of several well-known companies such as Microsoft, Oracle, Polycom, and SAP. He has over 17 years of expertise in architecting and developing business applications.

He has presented technical lectures at several developer conferences, including SAP TechEd and the Great Indian Developer Summit. For more than 15 years, he has been presenting at conferences about software technology and actively publishing technical papers and blogs to assist everyone in better grasping the fundamentals of software technology.


About this video

Tarun Telang
Online ISBN
Total duration
1 hr 13 min
Copyright information
© Tarun Telang 2023

Video Transcript


Welcome to this video series, introduction to regular expressions API in C# 11, using the newly improved regular expressions API. Regular expressions are a powerful tool for text manipulation and pattern matching. They are an essential tool that every programmer should know. This video series is designed to help you master the regular expressions API in C# 11.

I’m super excited to present this course about using the newly improved regular expressions API using the latest .NET 7 framework. So if you are interested in working with data or optimizing your code using regular expressions, then you should watch this video series. I’m confident that you will find the material covered in the video series to be both engaging and insightful. Let us begin our learning journey.

Course introduction, regular expressions specify a search pattern that you can use for pattern matching in text or strings. It is crucial for writing parsers and validating data, such as input from a file or users. In this video series, our primary focus would be on using regular expressions in the C# programming language.

However, you can apply the concepts learned to other programming languages like JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Java, Visual Basic, Perl, and PHP. Learning regular expressions is an excellent way to improve your programming skills. After completing this video series, you can create powerful regular expressions for any complex pattern you need to match.

My name is Tarun Telang. I’m the instructor for this course. I’m a hands-on technologist with experience designing and implementing multi-tier, highly scalable software applications. I have over 18 years of expertise in architecting and developing business applications. I have been part of several well-known companies, such as Microsoft, Oracle, BlackBerry, and SAP.

I’m passionate about computer programming, especially in data analysis and machine learning, and have been teaching others how to use these powerful technologies effectively. With my expertise as a developer and instructor, I hope to help you gain a deep understanding of using regular expressions in C# 11 and how to apply them in your projects. For more than 15 years, I have been presenting at conferences about software technology and actively publishing books, papers, and blogs to assist everyone in better grasping the fundamentals of software technology.