Reactive Programming with SwiftUI and Combine Framework Declarative Programming for Apple Development

  • Siamak Ashrafi

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Use a declarative approach to build UIs for iOS and macOS. Start with a review of what declarative programming is by building with SwiftUI. We will review all the basic SwiftUI components needed for a modern iOS app. Once we have a solid understanding of SwiftUI, we will cover reactive programming with the Combine framework. Understanding these components will allow us to incorporate SwiftUI with the Combine framework and make a fully declarative/reactive (MVVM) application.

The goal is not to make you an expert but build a solid foundation of knowledge and instill the confidence to keep exploring these new technologies. With SwiftUI and the Combine framework, you can take a step closer to a Functional Reactive Programming development process.

What You’ll Learn

  • Understand the relevant architectures and underlying components of Swift

  • Work with SwiftUI to build basic UIs

  • Build a full app with SwiftUI and the Combine framework

Who This Video Is For

Developers working on iOS or macOS apps. Familiarity with Swift is beneficial.

This video teaches you to use a declarative approach to build UIs for iOS and macOS. You can step closer to a Functional Reactive Programming process.

About The Author

Siamak Ashrafi

Siamak Ashrafi is the CTO at ZoeWave building physiologically intelligent clothing called ZoeWear. His current work involves combining biotech, mobile, and fashion to build clothing that keeps people healthy while looking great. ZoeWear is built on his experience in the biotech and mobile fields. Biotech as a researcher at RxDigita / TDI working on medical biomarkers researching human physiology and physical biochemistry for early detection of diseases. Mobile as a developer at YLabz building both native iOS & Android apps. And an enthusiastic author, teacher, and speaker helping promote the ecosystem (patents, JavaOne Rock Star & 3x Amazon Code Ninja).


About this video

Siamak Ashrafi
Online ISBN
Total duration
1 hr 15 min
Copyright information
© Siamak Ashafi 2022

Video Transcript


Welcome to declarative reactive programming with SwiftUI and the Combine framework. Surprisingly, this video series is not about SwiftUI or the Combine framework. Would be very difficult to cover all of SwiftUI, including state management, in a one-hour video and nearly impossible to cover both SwiftUI and the Combine framework in a one-hour video.

So if this video is not about SwiftUI or the Combine framework, what’s this video series about? Well, this video series is about using SwiftUI and the Combine framework to understand the concepts of declarative reactive programming using the MVVM architecture to build a real-world example of a shared bike app.

We’re going to cover how SwiftUI is declarative with both examples of the UI and code. We’re also going to cover how the Combine framework is reactive with examples in both the UI and the code. And we’re going to cover how to use a ViewModel to build a declarative reactive MVVM architecture.

Hopefully by the end of the video series, you’ll see how a SwiftUI Combine framework application that is declarative reactive using the MVVM architecture is much better than a UIKit application using the MVC architecture. You’ll see that it’s faster to build the application, and the applications are much more robust.