Excel Essentials for Working with Columns, Cells, Worksheets, the Toolbar, and More Covering Excel 2019 and Microsoft 365

  • David Slager
  • Annette Slager

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Excel is a powerful and versatile spreadsheet program that has the versatility to be used for both business and personal needs, providing amazing capabilities that you can use to make any type of data more streamlined, visual, and productive.

In this introductory video you will discover how to add and remove, and change the order of items on the Quick Access Toolbar.

What You Will Learn

  • How to change the location of the Quick Access Toolbar

  • Become skilled at changing the column width and row heights to adjust for the length or height of data in your cells

  • Test out how to create formulas to perform calculations on the data you have entered in the worksheet cells

  • Use and customize the Quick Access Toolbar

You will practice creating, removing, renaming, moving, and copying worksheets. Find out how to hide them and then bring them back, change their order and how to make easily to identify the worksheets by changing their tab color.

You will learn how to select multiple cells so that you can then apply formatting, computations, etc. to multiple cells at one time. By dragging across multiple cells in your worksheet, learn how you can make Excel work like a calculator so that it can perform calculations such as sum, average, count, minimum, maximum, etc. You can select these options and more from the status bar. You will also learn how you can turn on and off various Excel features from the status bar.

This video is for anyone who is new to Excel and wants to learn about its features. It is also useful to those who want to continue building their Excel skills, or for those who want to get up to speed on the latest changes in the new versions of Excel.

This introductory video on Excel is for anyone who wants to get up to speed on the many useful features and shortcuts of Excel.

About The Author

David Slager

David Slager has been a computer programmer for four decades, with a focus on Excel. He also was head of the computer department of a college for many years. He is currently a software manager. David has worked with spreadsheets since their introduction. As a consultant, he developed major e-learning training projects for agriculture and steel businesses and designed a simulation program that trained feed market managers to use analytics to improve their market position. He enjoys working with analytics and solving problems and has taught learners of all ages and levels. David holds an MS in Education, specializing in Instructional Media Development, a BA in Organizational Management, and an associate’s degree in Accounting, as well as many certifications.

Annette Slager

Annette Slager has been involved in data management and employee training in the non-profit and higher education sectors. She has been responsible for coordinating donor stewardship events and processes, and in overseeing information entered into the donor/alumni data system. She has transitioned systems from manual accounting and processing to shared databases, and created learning manuals and training for employees. Annette has a bachelor’s degree in English Literature and a post-baccalaureate certificate in Technical Writing.


About this video

David Slager
Annette Slager
Online ISBN
Total duration
1 hr 3 min
Copyright information
© David Slager 2021

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Video Transcript


Welcome to the video Excel Essentials for Working with Columns, Cells, Worksheets, the Toolbar, and More.

Hello. My name is David Slager.

My name is Annette Slager. We are your trainers for these videos.

The Quick Access Toolbar is a shortcut tool for storing the commands you use most often and want quick access to. You will learn how to customize the Quick Access Toolbar by adding commands from the ribbon and from the Quick Access Toolbar Options window. You will learn how to change the order of the commands and how to remove them.

You will learn various ways of changing the column width and row heights to adjust for the amount and size of text.

We will look at how to create some simple formulas.

You will learn how to create and delete worksheets, rename them, change their order, hide and unhide them, color their tabs, and copy them.

You will learn various ways to select multiple cells so that you can apply formatting and other functions to those cells.

AutoCalculate lets you apply a math functions, such as summing and averaging, to rows and columns.

You can use Excel as a calculator by selecting ranges or multiple cells, then review the results of all types of math functions applied to those cells on the status bar.

The AutoFill feature allows you to fill cells automatically with data that follows a pattern or is based on data in other cells. It can also be used to create duplicate cells, enter a series of values, and create a custom list.