Fluid Exchange During Pars Plana Vitrectomy Surgery

  • Ahmed Sallam

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The video will provide information on different methods for fluid exchange during pars plana vitrectomy surgery. This includes including air/ silicone oil (SO) exchange, perfluorocarbon liquid (PFCL)/air exchange, and direct PFCL/ SO exchange. Though the latter exchange technique has important advantages in cases of giant retinal tears and after performing relaxing retinectomies, the technique is under taught and many surgeons are not comfortable employing it. The learner will have a good understanding of the benefits and the risks of each method of SO exchange. In particular, they will learn how to perform direct PFCL/SO exchange in a safe fashion. This video will be an ideal resource for vitreoretinal fellows and vitreoretinal surgeons alike, particularly as the techniques taught are cutting-edge and not expected to change in the future.


The video provides information on different methods for fluid exchange during pars plana vitrectomy surgery. Perfluorocarbon liquid injection and air/perfluorocarbon liquid exchange are addressed in depth and viewers will learn how to perform direct PFCL/SO exchange in a safe fashion.

About the Author

Ahmed Sallam

Ahmed A. Sallam, M.D., Ph.D. FRCOphth , is an Associate Professor at the Jones Eye Institute. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). USA. He specializes in the management of uveitis and vitreoretinal disorders.

Active in educational speaking, training and research, Dr. Sallam authored more than 70 peer-reviewed articles, presented at premier ophthalmology conferences and meetings, and has been an investigator on numerous uveitis and retinal studies. He is the co-author of the Practical Manual of Diabetic Retinopathy Management book.

Dr. Sallam has a special interest in medical education and surgical simulation. He has been an educator and a trainer for residents and fellows in both Europe and US.


About this video

Ahmed Sallam
Online ISBN
Total duration
27 min
Springer, Cham
Copyright information
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

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Video Transcript


My name is Ahmed Sallam. I’m from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. I specialize in retinal diseases and uveitis.

This presentation is on fluid exchange during peristaltic vitrectomy surgery. This is an overview of the presentation. First we’ll discuss fluid area exchange in both attached and detached retina. Second, we’ll discuss perfluorocarbon liquid-air exchange in case of retinal detachment, including giant retinal tears.

Next will be air-silicone oil exchange. We’ll also discuss techniques for direct perfluorocarbon-liquid silicone oil exchange. And we’ll finish off by discussing silicone oil removal techniques.