About this book series

The Literary Urban Studies Series has a thematic focus on literary mediations and representations of urban conditions. Its specific interest is in developing interdisciplinary methodological approaches to the study of literary cities. Echoing the Russian formalist interest in literaturnost or literariness, Literary Urban Studies will emphasize the “citiness” of its study object—the elements that are specific to the city and the urban condition—and an awareness of what this brings to the source material and what it implies in terms of methodological avenues of inquiry. The series’ focus allows for the inclusion of perspectives from related fields such as urban history, urban planning, and cultural geography. The series sets no restrictions on period, genre, medium, language, or region of the source material. Interdisciplinary in approach and global in range, the series actively commissions and solicits works that can speak to an international and cross-disciplinary audience.

Editorial board:

Ulrike Zitzlsperger, University of Exeter, UK; Peta Mitchell, University of Queensland, Australia; Marc Brosseau, University of Ottawa, Canada; Andrew Thacker, De Montfort University, UK; Patrice Nganang, Stony Brook University, USA; Bart Keunen, University of Ghent, Belgium. 
Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Series Editor
  • Lieven Ameel,
  • Patricia GarcĂ­a,
  • Eric Prieto,
  • Markku Salmela

Book titles in this series

  1. Navigating Urban Soundscapes

    Dublin and Los Angeles in Fiction

    • Annika Eisenberg
    • Copyright: 2023

    Available Renditions

    • Hard cover
    • Soft cover
    • eBook