About this book series
This series offers titles that challenge the dominant models of psychological science and their applications in order to foster social transformation toward equity and justice. With this common aim, various forms of critical and liberation psychology have emerged over the last few decades, drawing on neo-Marxism, poststructuralism, critical hermeneutics, feminist psychoanalysis, queer studies, and postcolonial thought. Critiques grounded in these perspectives reveal the ideological functions of mainstream theories and the therapeutic, organizational, and educational practices that flow from them. Titles in this series explore these links between theory and practice and argue for progressive alternatives. Critical Theory and Practice in Psychology and the Human Sciences publishes bold and innovative monographs that advance critical psychology and propose socially transformative practices. The series welcomes submissions from a range of theoretical perspectives and disciplinary orientations, including clinical psychology and counseling, social work, community psychology, organizational development, and activism.
- Electronic ISSN
- 2946-3564
- Print ISSN
- 2946-3556
- Series Editor
- Tod Sloan
Book titles in this series
Psychoanalyzing the Left and Right after Donald Trump
Conservatism, Liberalism, and Neoliberal Populisms
- Authors:
- Robert Samuels
- Copyright: 2016
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- Soft cover
- eBook
Psychology from the Standpoint of the Subject
Selected Writings of Klaus Holzkamp
- Authors:
- Andrew Boreham
- Klaus Holzkamp
- Tod Sloan
- Copyright: 2013
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- Soft cover
- eBook
The Emergence of Somatic Psychology and Bodymind Therapy
- Authors:
- B. Barratt
- Copyright: 2010
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- Soft cover
- eBook
The Subjectivity Of Participation
Articulating Social Work Practice with Youth in Copenhagen
- Authors:
- M. Nissen
- Copyright: 2012
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- Soft cover
- eBook
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