About this book series

Palgrave Studies in Cyberpsychology aims to foster and to chart the scope of research driven by a psychological understanding of the effects of the 'new technology' that is shaping our world after the digital revolution. The series takes an inclusive approach and considers all aspects of human behaviours and experiential states in relation to digital technologies, to the Internet, and to virtual environments. As such, Cyberpsychology reaches out to several neighbouring disciplines, from Human-Computer Interaction to Media and Communication Studies. A core question underpinning the series concerns the actual psychological novelty of new technology. To what extent do we need to expand conventional theories and models to account for cyberpsychological phenomena? At which points is the ubiquitous digitisation of our everyday lives shifting the focus of research questions and research needs? Where do we see implications for our psychological functioning that are likely to outlast shortlived fashions in technology use?
Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Series Editor
  • Jens Binder

Book titles in this series

  1. Understanding Mental Health Apps

    An Applied Psychosocial Perspective

    • Lewis Goodings
    • Darren Ellis
    • Ian Tucker
    • Copyright: 2024

    Available Renditions

    • Hard cover
    • eBook